The Charlotte Area Chapter Newsletter
Volume 8 Issue 3 November 2002
2002 Sigma Xi Forum & Annual Meeting Review
By Hilary Davidson, Charlotte Chapter President
On November 15-17, 2002, I attended the Sigma Xi 2002 forum and annual Assembly of Delegates in Galveston, Texas. The Forum was on “The Changing Face of Science,” meaning the increasing number of women and the potential for increasing proportion of minority scientists. This demographic phenomenon is widely regarded as crucial to the future of the scientific enterprise because of the diminishing number of native white males entering the science workforce. Dr. Rita Colwell, Director of the National Science Foundation, was among the distinguished speakers.
The Assembly provided an opportunity to conduct Sigma Xi business, network, provide input to the strategic direction of the organization, and have fun with fellow members. The following are very brief program highlights and key meeting outcomes:
Under the leadership of Pat Sculley, Executive Director of Sigma Xi, a strategic plan has been drafted. The plan, including a mission, vision, goals and objectives, is posted on the Sigma Xi web site ( under member services, members only section – you must enter your last name and member number to view the draft objectives and goals.) Please take the time to review this information and provide comments to me at by 12/2/02. Your comments will be taken into account and submitted through the Southeast Regional Director, Jack Sommer, to Sigma Xi head quarters. Although the plan is a “living document” which will evolve, there is a need to set the working model in motion at the beginning of 2003.
Chapter dues for FY2004 will be $54.00.
Francisco J. Ayala, of the University of California, Irvine was elected as the Sigma Xi President-Elect. He will follow Peter Raven as President in 2004.
A variety of interesting workshops were conducted. One of these workshops was of particular interest to me. It was entitled “Science and the News Media”, and was led by NPR science correspondent, Richard Harris. Mr. Harris pointed out
that when addressing the public, it is important to concisely deliver your key messages, without an overwhelming amount of detail. He provided the following perspective on what journalists, politicians, and scientists want: journalists want novelty, fame and a simple view of the world; Politicians want to get re-elected and to react to crisis; and scientists want to revel in the details, push the boundaries, and embrace ambiguity. For ways to communicate science issues of concern, he suggested writing an op-ed piece for newspapers and writing letters (not e-mail) to congressmen.
The student research conference, poster session and awards were held to encourage young researchers. The outpouring of outstanding poster presentations was marvelous and the event highlighted how some of the top posters presented at our annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research could have stood up to the competition.
The Proctor Prize Lecture was delivered by Benoit Mandelbrot, discoverer of the Mandelbrot Set fractal, and developer of fractal geometry. The Prize is the highest awarded by Sigma Xi and the lecture lived up to the speakers high reputation.
Awards were given for “chapters of excellence”, “programs of excellence”, and “diversity”. I am very pleased to note that our Charlotte Chapter was one of the eleven chapters worldwide to receive an excellence award for our recent initiatives in spearheading the Charlotte Area Science Network and other annual programs. Congratulations everyone!
At a later date, the official minutes of the Sigma Xi annual meeting will be posted on the Sigma Xi web site. In the interim, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or South East Regional Director, Jack Sommer (who also attended the forum and annual meeting).
Hilary Davidson
Charlotte Area Science Network
The officers of the Charlotte Chapter of Sigma Xi have played an integral role in building the newly established Charlotte Area Science Network (CASN).
The mission of this network is to foster community, education and industry partnerships to promote science for life in the Charlotte area. Together with other CASN members including participants from Discovery Place, American Chemical Society, UNCC, Duke Energy, Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools and School Board, American Industrial Hygiene Association, Science Service and the Arts & Science Council, the following goals have been established:
1. Market science as fun and integral to life
2. Elevate the science knowledge level of:
a) the general public
b) the media
c) specific influentials
3. Develop Science Champions
4. Build Science Networks
5. Support the schools
6. Position Discovery Place as the hub for public appreciation of science in Charlotte
7. Leverage science events, competitions, and resources
To focus on achieving the goals, the following three task groups have been established. As members of the Charlotte Chapter of Sigma Xi, you are invited to become involved in any or all of them by contacting Hilary Davidson at .
1. Support the schools (science and technology related support for primary & secondary schools in the Charlotte area)
2. Build science networks (identify and involve businesses and other organizations with an interest in supporting science and technology education initiatives in the Charlotte area)
3. Educate the public (to elevate science knowledge levels in the Charlotte area)
Recent events supported by the Charlotte Chapter of Sigma Xi and the Area Science Network Members include:
· 12/8-9/01 Once Upon a Christmas Cheery in the Lab of Shakhashiri, a fun and educational chemical demonstration event at Discovery Place
· 4/10/02 Global Alliance for Disaster Reduction
· 4/25/02 Celebration of Undergraduate Research
· 4/27/02 Health & Human Body Day at Discovery Place
· 4/30/02 Supported a NSF grant for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools
· 10/1–10/4/02 Jane Goodall Week at Discovery Place.
· 10/12/02 – 10/15/02 Association of Science and Technology Centers Conference with a theme of Access the Future.
· 11/9/02 Inventors Day at Discovery Place.
· Global Institute for Energy and Environmental Systems/Duke Energy seminar on Energy and the Environment featuring speaker Paul Portney, President, Resources for the Future.
Upcoming events supported by the Charlotte Chapter of Sigma Xi and the Charlotte Area Science Network include:
· February 23-25, 2003 North Carolinas Juniors Symposium in Humanities and Science is being sponsored by the UNC Charlotte Center for Math Science & Technology Education*, the Charlotte Chapter of Sigma Xi, the Charlotte Area Science Network, and others. Volunteers are needed to judge presentations, and ideas are needed for tour opportunities. Please contact *Alisa Wycliff at 704-687-4838 if you would like to be involved, or have tour ideas.
· March 2003 Science Olympiad at J.C. Smith University
· April 2003 Sigma Xi Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Science Educator Awards
· 2004 potential regional research conference
There is opportunity for other organizations and individuals to participate in the Charlotte Area Science Network. Many Sigma Xi members are employed by, or active in other organizations that could also bring value to this network. If you would be interested in becoming involved in any of the task groups, activities, or in learning more about the Charlotte Area Science Network, please contact Hilary Davidson at .
2003 Sigma Xi Celebration of Undergraduate Research & Outstanding Educator Awards
In April 2003, the Charlotte Chapter of Sigma Xi in partnership with the Charlotte Science Network will host the annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Outstanding Educator Awards Ceremony.
Last year, twenty-two undergraduate researchers along with their research mentors from science, mathematics, and engineering departments in the Charlotte Area Educational Consortium were honored at this event. In addition, the Chapter presented “Outstanding Science Educator Awards” to three area K-12 science teachers chosen for their contributions to raising the quality of science instruction in area schools.
The 2002 Award recipients are listed below, and some photos of the event can be found at our chapter web site found in the Chapter programs section of the Sigma Xi website:
To plan for the April 2003 event, volunteers are needed!! If you would be willing to spend a few hours helping plan the event, please contact Linda Simpson at 704-687-4063 or .
Sigma Xi Southeast Regional Director News
Chapter presidents from across the South East Region attended the meetings in Galveston. Three one-hour meetings of the region yielded three Task Forces to develop activities of chapters in the region. One task force is organizing the responses from the region with respect to the Sigma Xi Strategic Plan [see above]. A second task force is gathering ideas for a proposal to the region concerning collaborative alliances with overseas chapters of the Society. A third task force is thinking through the concept of a Regional Research Conference aimed at joining faculty and students in multidisciplinary presentations of ideas around a common theme.
Already, the Charlotte Chapter, in conjunction with the Charlotte Area Science Network and other Sigma Xi chapters is planning to host the first Regional Research Conference in the Fall 2004. Those interested in this project, please contact Jack Sommer, Southeast Regional Director of Sigma Xi.
The Southeast region stretches from the northern border of North Carolina across to the Mississippi River and south to the Texas border. Jack began his term of office in July 2002 and will serve through June 2005. He invites any chapter members to email him with ideas and questions at .
Charlotte Chapter Membership
Do you have colleagues or coworkers who have shown noteworthy achievements in a field of pure or applied research? Honor their efforts by nominating them for membership in Sigma Xi. Increasing our membership will increase the amount of local support funds that we receive from Sigma Xi that in turn will enable us to support more programs. Nomination forms are available from the Chapter President or Sigma Xi Headquarters (
New Student Membership Initiative: Do you have students who have shown aptitude and interest in research? Consider nominating them for associate membership in the Society. Many Sigma Xi members were first elected as students. To encourage members to nominate students, the chapter has set aside funds to pay for the initiation of a limited number of student members. If you have a graduate or outstanding undergraduate that you’d like to nominate, submit your nominations soon as funds are limited for this project.
Has your Membership Lapsed?
You may be reinstated without having to pay back dues, by checking out the membership information at:
Charlotte Chapter List Serve
A listserve, or member e-mail distribution list, has been established for the Charlotte Chapter! If you have comments on this newsletter, have news for other chapter members, or wish to have dialogue among chapter members, you can send a note to the following address: .
2002-03 Officers: Charlotte Chapter of Sigma Xi
President: Hilary Davidson
Duke Energy Corporation
P.O.Box 1006 ECI-12ZA
Charlotte, NC 28202
Treasurer & Secretary:
Linda M. Simpson
UNC Charlotte, Department of Biology
9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
Past President: John Buckley, PE
Attorney at Law
8902 Horsecroft Court
Waxhaw, NC 28173
Southeast Regional Director:
Dr. Jack Sommer
Political Economic Research Institute
19532 Weavers Circle
Cornelius, NC 28031