Delaware Reformed Church

“We are meant to Thrive!"

Reverend Gary Hegstad

June 25, 2017



Call to Worship

Praise & Worship Joshua’s House “Victory in Jesus” Hymn #473

“I Love You Lord” Hymn #80

Opening Prayer

Children’s Story

Hymn “Jesus Paid It All” Hymn #210

Congregational Prayer

Scripture Romans 6:1-11

Message “Dead to Sin, Alive to God”

The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper

Hymn of Prayer The Lord's Prayer

Worship in Tithes & Offering

Doxology & Offertory Prayer

Hymn “He Lives” Hymn #220


Closing Song “We Are the Reason” Hymn #209

Welcome to Delaware. We’re glad you are here!

If you are a visitor please fill out a visitor card and place it in the offering.

Birth-4 Nursery is available throughout the service. Serving today is Jani & Marilyn.

Today we have the privilege of celebrating the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Everyone who has made a public profession of one's faith in Jesus the Christ, and who are a member in good standing in a Christian church, are encouraged to partake of this sacrament.

There will be a movie for the kids during fellowship time today. Children are invited to the opening exercise room as soon as they finish their snack.

This Week:

Thursday: Softball 8:00pm

The Community Worship Service in the Lennox park is NEXT Sunday, July 2nd at 10:30am. (There will no service at our church that day.) Delaware is one of three churches planning this service. We are asked to furnish 10 desserts or pies that DO NOT NEED TO BE KEPT COOL. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board. We also need helpers to serve the chicken dinner at noon. Please talk with Barb if you are able to help. Thanks!

Fellowship Lunch: Take the opportunity to pick your Sunday to serve Fellowship Lunch! A sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board.

Leadership Summit 2017: Make plans to attend the Leadership Summit, August 10-11th at Central Baptist Church in Sioux Falls. Sign up now on the bulletin board! If you would like to learn more, visit

Offering Report
General Fund / Building Fund
Offering Received / 6/18/2017 / $2,037.60 / $335.00
Budgeted Average Weekly Offering / $2,884.62 / $748.08
Difference / -$847.02 / -$413.08
Fiscal Year-To-Date Summary
Received Offerings / $66,167.96 / $6,770.00
Budgeted Offerings / $72,115.38 / $18,701.92
Difference / -$5,947.42 / -$11,931.92

Women's Ministry Service Project: This is the last Sunday for the Alpha Center but if you have something you forgot today the cradle will be in the foyer one more week. July and August service project will be school supplies for Children’s Home Society. Watch for a list next week.

Children's Ministry Offerings: 4 Journey Campers will be going to "Unashamed" at Inspiration Hills! We are just $90 away from sending camper #5! Keep up the good work, and thanks for giving underprivileged children the opportunity to learn about "the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes." Romans 1:16

Prayer Concerns:

-Rhonda Wiebers, Gladys Wiebers’ granddaughter, battling breast cancer that has spread to her spine, hips and lungs – just started a new treatment

-Hadley Vogel of Mitchell, a 12 month old infant with cancer

-Torin Bosmann as he battles liver cancer

-Brent DeKok, son of Pastor Don and Sue DeKok, continues radiation

-Eric Buckneberg, Centerville, received encouraging reports following his chemo

-Darrell Vande Vegte's wife of Rock Valley, as she battles cancer

-Michele Boomgarden, of Davis, as she battles cancer

-Heather Giefer, continues her battle with cancer and treatment side affects

-Our nation

Our sympathy is extended to Randy and Jani Gibbons and their family upon the death of Randy's mother Shirley Gibbons last Monday morning.

Verlyn and Joann Muller will celebrate their 50thwedding anniversary on June 25thfrom 10:30 to 12:30 with an open house coffee at Second Reformed Church.

Fellowship lunch for Sunday, July 9th is to be determined. Praise and Worship is the Highway 18 Praise Band. Children’s Sermon is Pastor Gary. Nursery is Jen & Mike. Usher is Gailyn Hagena. Projector is Matt Kruid.