SUMMONS to the Annual Meeting of EARBY TOWN COUNCIL to be held on Tuesday30thMay 2017 at 7.30pm in The Parish Rooms, Victoria Road, EARBY



The Chairman, Cllr. C Tennant, welcomes all to the meeting.

2.Attendance, Apologies and Non-Attendance

To record accept or otherwise, attendance, apologies for absence and non-attendance.

Attending Cllrs:

Apologies from:

Absent Cllrs:

3.Declarations of Interest/s

Members are reminded of the legal requirements concerning the declaration of interests.

A Member must declare a pecuniary interest which he/she has in any item on the agenda.

A Member with a pecuniary interest in any item may not participate in any discussion of the matter at the meeting and must not participate in any vote taken on the matter at the meeting.

In addition, it is suggested that a Member with a pecuniary interest leave the room where the meeting is held while any discussion or voting takes place.

4.Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and other Committee Membership matters

  • The Chairman proposes that these matters be considered and voted on at this time.
  • The Chairman of the Council, unless he/she has resigned or becomes disqualified, shall continue in office and preside at the annual meeting until his successor is elected at the next annual meeting of the Council.
  • The Vice-Chairman of the Council, if any, unless he/she resigns or becomes disqualified, shall hold office until immediately after the election of the Chairman of the Council at the next annual meeting of the Council.
  • In an election year, if the current Chairman of the Council has not been re-elected as a member of the Council, he shall preside at the meeting until a successor Chairman of the Council has been elected. The current Chairman of the Council shall not have an original vote in respect of the election of the new Chairman of the Council but must give a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes.
  • In an election year, if the current Chairman of the Council has been re-elected as a member of the Council, he shall preside at the meeting until a new Chairman of the Council has been elected. He may exercise an original vote in respect of the election of the new Chairman of the Council and must give a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes.

Not applicable as a none-election year.

Election of Chairman

Proposals for office of Chairman.

Election of Vice-Chairman

Proposals for office of Vice-Chairman.

  1. Following the election of the Chairman of the Council and Vice-Chairman of the Council at the annual meeting of the Council, the order of business shall be as follows.
  • In an election year, delivery by councillors of their declarations of acceptance of office.

Not applicable as a none-election year.

  • Confirmation of the accuracy of the minutes of the last meeting of the Council.

To accept and approve as an accurate representation the minutes of the previous council meeting held on 24th April 2017, including the Annual Parish Meeting.

  • Review of delegation arrangements to committees, sub-committees, employees and other local authorities.These to include full council and all committees including the make-up and membership of each committee.
  • Review of the terms of references for committees.
  • Receipt of nominations to existing committees. The clerk has circulated all councillors with a list of committees and requested councillors to express an interest in any they wished to join.
  • Appointment of any new committees, confirmation of the terms of reference, the number of members (including, if appropriate, substitute councillors) and receipt of nominations to them.
  • Review and adoption of appropriate standing orders and financial regulations.
  • Review of arrangements, including any charters, with other local authorities and review of contributions made to expenditure incurred by other local authorities.
  • Review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back. WCAC co-optee here.
  • In a year of elections, if a Council’s period of eligibility to exercise the power of well-being expired the day before the annual meeting, to review and make arrangements to reaffirm eligibility.
  • Not applicable as a none-election year.
  • Review of inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment.
  • Review and confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks.

The clerk has the relevant documents as per the recent renewal.

  • Review of the Council’s and/or employees’ memberships of other bodies.
  • Review of the Council’s complaints procedure and financial risk assessment.
  • Review of the Councils health & safety & equal opportunities policies.
  • Review of the Council’s procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998.

The clerk is the delegated officer for this.

None have been made in the preceding twelve months.

  • Establishing or reviewing the Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media
  • Review of Social Media Policy:
  • Setting the dates, times and place of ordinary meetings of the full Council for the year ahead.

All meetings to be at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms on the dates indicated below. (All Mondays).

Suggested Dates



31st July

21st August (28thBank Holiday)

25th September


27th November


08thJanuary – December Meeting, mainly finance and planning (2nd Bank Holiday)

29th January


26th March

30th April – Parish Meeting Prior to Ordinary meeting of Council

21stMay – Annual Meeting (28th Bank Holiday)

  1. Public.

Members of the public present to be offered the opportunity to address councilon any relevant subject. Usual maximum time allotted 15 minutes.

Issues are invited.

  1. Police business.

To report on issues of concern and forward selected ones to the West Craven Police Team.

Issues are invited.

  1. Planning items.

Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O


PROPOSAL: Permitted Development Notification: Proposed change of use from office B1(a) to 18 self-contained apartments over three floors.

AT: South Block Wardle Storey Offices School Lane, Earby.

FOR: Calico


Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 24thMay 2017

Town and Country Planning Act 1990


PROPOSAL: Demolition of link bridge, layout of parking spaces, erection of bin store and external alterations to building.

AT: South Block Wardle Storey Offices School Lane, Earby.

FOR: Calico


Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 18thMay 2017

Delegated List

The latest list has been circulatedby the clerk to all councillorsvia email.

Council will discuss items pertinent to Earby and the clerk to be notified should a councillor wish to highlight a decision for such discussion.

If none the list will be deemed to be accepted.

  1. Finance and payments.

At this point in proceedings the Chairman Cllr C Tennant will present the 2016/17 financial year end spending figures for all Council Committees and those for the Capital Programmes. These will be shown as compared to budget amounts allocated and will be excluding VAT which Council reclaims at six monthly intervals in each financial year – 1st April to 31st March.

Proposed: Council to receive, discuss and approve the above to the 31st March 2017.

To consider approve or otherwise the following: -

(a)That Council engage the services of Mewies Solicitors to draw up a new commercial lease for Earby Youth Hostel based on the discussions and advise received at a meeting with them on Friday 12th May. That Council accept and sign their terms of business as set out in their letter to Council dated 17th May 2017 and authorises the payment of the fee (£560 to £700+VAT) from the 2017/18 Youth Hostel budget.

(b)That Council accept the quotation and specification received from Malcolm Baines Electrical Ltd, for the correction of the faults indentified following the recent test and inspection of the electrical installation at Earby Youth Hostel (9-13 Birch Hall Lane), and that it instructs them to carry out these works as soon as possible and authorises the payment of the fee(£520+VAT) from the 2017/18 Youth Hostel budget.

(c)That Council accept the quotation and specification received from Bounce Back Safety Surfaces Ltd, for the correction of the faults indentified in the safety surfacing at the Birley playground following a recent inspection by Keith Higson (Pendle BC Senior Officer Parks), and that it instructs them to carry out these works as soon as possible and authorises the payment of the fee (£1284+VAT) from the 2017/18 Playgrounds & Bus shelters budget. It is believed that these repairs have become necessary due to vandalism over the weekend.

(d)That the £1,000 Council agreed to transfer to the Skipton Building Society at the 28th November 2016 meeting, for the future provision/replacement of the JCB Utility Vehicle, be rescinded due to there not been a surplus in this Committees budget, and that it be reallocated to the provision/replacement of Bus Shelters agreed at the 30th January 2017 meeting; and that there be no need to issue a cheque, since the decision of the 30th January meeting mentioned above, has not been carried out by the Clerk.

(e)That the £500 that Council agreedto transfer to the Skipton Building Society at the 4th April 2016 meeting (UVC - replacement vehicle provision), now be transferred and the cheque be issued at this meeting; this because the Clerk had not acted on this resolution.

(f)That Earby Town Councils working balance be raised to £5000, commencing1st April 2017.

(g)Sough Park: That the information contained in the emails recently circulated to all Councillors by the Chairman Cllr C Tennantis considered, and Council now decide if it wishes to make a contribution towards the maintenance and upkeep deficit at Sough Park in 2017/18; as identified by Pendle Borough Council (PBC) in its previous communications to Town Council. The total deficit amount been requested by PBC is £4282.50. Earby Town Council has made a contingency provision within its 2017/18 budget of £3,340.00, which equates to 78% of the total amount based on a percentage ratio of the registered voters in the respective Parishes of Earby and Kelbrook & Sough.

(h)Earby Cricket Club (ECC) – Match Ball Sponsorship request for the 2017 season. ECC balance sheet has been requested by the chairman as is normal procedure and this is expected to be hand for the meeting. This been the case, Councillors are asked to consider this request for Match Ball Sponsorship for the 2017 at £25 per ball, dated April 3rd 2017.

(i)Hill Top Recreation Grounds & Bailey Street Playing Fields: That Council consider the “Draft” Grounds Maintenance Agreements for these two sites, which have been circulated to all Cllrs by the Chairman, along with the proposed “Initial Maintenance Charge” figures if received; and decide how to proceed.

(j)That Council note the receipt of the 2017/18 precept (£131,600.00) to its bank account.

(k)That Council note the receipt of the RHI Periodic Payment (£902.17) to its bank account.

Bills presented for payment:

Cheque / Payee / Details / Amount £ + VAT / Budget & VAT
D/D / Xln business services / Telephone/Internet / 47.33 / AD 7.89
D/D / Bridge Bus. Solutions / PAYE Agency – Month 02 / 10.00 / AD Nil
S/O / K. Thompson / May Payment / 266.33 / PT Nil
S. Cumpstey / May Payment / 101.30 / PR Nil
HMRC / PAYE - Tax & NI Month 02 / 9.20 / AD Nil
Pendle Boro Council / Repair to Slide-Rushton Ave / 165.60 / PB 27.60
Pendle Boro Council / Business Rate – 2016/17 / 2468.40 / FO Nil
Pendle Boro Council / Business Rate – 2017/18 / 2014.21 / FO Nil
Malcolm Brown - Joiner / Fit New Door & Casing F/O / 184.36 / FO Nil
Keybury Security Ltd / New Battery – Door Entry / 24.00 / PR 4.00
Keybury Security Ltd / New PIR in Clerks Office / 56.40 / PR 9.40
Dewhurst Dec Supplies / Aluminium Primer-Repay MH / 17.75 / PT Nil
Malcolm Baines Ltd / P.A.T. 31 No. Items / 104.40 / PR 17.40
CBA Ltd / 6 x Live Fence Posts / 23.98 / UV 4.00
CBA Ltd / 1 x Pack 6 White C/F Towels / 22.80 / PR 3.80
CBA Ltd / 3 x “Pelican” 5Lt Drum Pump / 8.10 / PT 1.35
JLM Ltd / Repair Mains Water Leak / 1352.40 / PR 225.40
JLM Ltd / Flag Wall Top & New Drain / 630.00 / PR 105.00
BOSS Ltd / Office Supplies & Stationery / 160.27 / AD 22.21
BT Ltd / Final Invoice & Early Exit Fee / 274.09 / FO 4.51
Yorkshire Water / Water, Sewage etc Colne Rd / 23.56 / PT Nil
Yorkshire Water / Water School Lane Allotment / 24.72 / AL Nil
Yorkshire Water / Water Rostle Top Allotments / 59.44 / AL Nil
Yorkshire Water / Water, Sewage etc P/Rooms / 82.73 / PR Nil
Yorkshire Water / Water, Sewage etc F/Office / 1743.52 / FO Nil
Barnoldswick B/Rooms / Balance on Y/H C/H & DHW / 3933.00 / YH 655.50
Barnoldswick B/Rooms / Route/Connect Main Waters / 270.00 / PR 45.00
Earby 1st Sea Scouts / Re Issue (Hi-Vis Vests) 16/17 / 60.00 / DO Nil
Zurich Municipal Ltd / Add Premium – Business Use / 143.30 / AD Nil
Skipton Build Society / Provision New Vehicle 16/17 / 500.00 / UV Nil
Walker Foster Solicitors / Legal Fees – Youth Hostel / 624.00 / YH 104.00
V Cocker – Repay / Plants for bridge School Lane / 14.70 / EN Nil
M Horsfield – Repay / Extendable Watering Rose / 12.48 / UV Nil
Yorkshire Water / Water, Sewage etc F/Office / 1172.79 / FO Nil
  1. Youth Hostel.

Standing Item:

That Council discuss and consider the “notes” of the meeting with Mewies Solicitors which have been circulated to all Cllrs by the Chairman and agree what the final detailed terms of the new lease are to be. Whilst considering the above matter Cllrs are asked to consider the recent comments of the prospective business partner, which have also been circulated by email to all Councillors, and what if any delegated consents may be required to progress the preparation and drafting of the new lease.

  1. Correspondence

To receive for information purposes items received since the last meeting that have not already been dealt with by the clerk or appear on the agenda.

These are to be found on the “press desk” and are listed below.

  • Pendle BC - Transfer of Play Areas & MUGA - Legal documents (To be placed in safe)
  • Pendle BC - Transfer of Bailey St F/Ball Pitch - Legal documents (To be placed in safe)
  • Pendle BC – Up date on transfer of North Holme Play Area (Circulated, to Note)
  • Pendle BC – Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for 2017 (For information)

Date & Time of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Monday 26th June 2017 at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms.

DATED: 24th May 2017Chairman: C.P Tennant

C.P Tennant