The City Council of the City of Rainbow City, Alabama, met in regular session at City Hall at 5:00 p.m., and upon roll call by the City Clerk, Barbara T. Wester, the following members answered present: Mayor: Terry John Calhoun; Council members: Anita Bedwell, Bobby McCartney, Tim Ramsey, Larry Keenum, and Rick Hill. The same constituting a quorum of the City Council, the following business was transacted. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Calhoun. Invocation was given by Larry Keenum. Mayor Calhoun led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

1.  Mayor Calhoun presented the minutes of February 27, 2017 for review, and asked if there were any corrections, additions, or deletions. There being none, Anita Bedwell made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Larry Keenum seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

2.  Mayor Calhoun said the Clerk opened bids for the surplus items in the Street Department at pre-council:

A.  Michael Pylant bid $500.00 for a brake lay. Howard Gilbert bid $550.00 for the brake lay. Rick Hill made a motion to award the bid to Howard Gilbert. Tim Ramsey seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

B.  Craig Vaughn-Snead Hydraulic bid $1,000.00 for the Valve body plus five (5) hydraulic cylinders. Howard Gilbert bid $51.00. Larry Keenum made a bid to award the bid to Craig Vaugh. Bobby McCartney seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

C.  Craig Vaugh Bid $3,500.00 for the Red International tractor. Howard Gilbert bid $3333.33. Tim Ramsey made a motion to award the bid to Craig Vaughn. Rick Hill seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

D.  Craig Vaugh bid $50.00 for the yellow mini roller. No other bid was received. Anita Bedwell made a motion to award the bid to him. Bobby McCartney seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

E.  Howard Gilbert bid $125.00 for the four 255/70 16 tires and wheels, and $45.00 for the three new bush hog blades. There were no other bids. Anita Bedwell made a motion to award the bid to him. Bobby McCartney seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

F.  There was no bid received for the Mac Tools A/C machine serial #3806-030-796-010, and the box of hand held radios and batteries (15). Mayor Calhoun said these items can be destroyed.

3.  Mayor Calhoun said Randa Tolbert; library employee’s last day to work will be March 16. The librarian requests hiring Cheryl Hainer to fill the part-time position, and begin to work March 20. Her starting pay will be $8.25 per hour. Rick Hill made a motion to this effect. Tim Ramsey seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

4.  Mayor Calhoun presented the following monthly departmental reports: Fire Department, Community Center, Police, Library, Court, and Building. He asked if anyone had questions. There being none, he asked that the minutes show the reports were presented.

5.  Mayor Calhoun presented a request from Phi Mu of Jacksonville State University for a “Hole Sponsor” at their annual golf tournament to benefit Children’s Miracle Network. The cost is $125.00. Rick Hill made a motion to give the money. Tim Ramsey seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

6.  Mayor Calhoun presented a request from the Humane Society Pet Rescue and Adoption Center’s 7th Annual Silent and Live Auction Fundraiser. The cost of a table is $500.00. The date is March 16, 2017 at 5:30 p.m., at Gadsden Convention Center. Tim Ramsey made a motion to purchase the table. Rick Hill seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

7.  Rick Hill made a motion to take bids on a 1999 Chevrolet Blazer, serial no. 5247 that has been listed on govdeals for several weeks, and no bidders. Bids will be opened at the next council meeting at 4:30 p.m. Anita Bedwell seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, Anita Bedwell made a motion to adjourn.

Time adjourned: 5:10 p.m.


Barbara T. Wester, City Clerk/Treasurer


Terry John Calhoun, Mayor