The below information is required when submitting your grant application.
Event DetailsName of Event:
Venue Address:
Venue Contact Name:
Venue Phone number:
Venue Type
Venue Capacity:
Number of Paid Staff:
Number of volunteers:
Date of Event:
Time of Event:
Required setup time:
Required pack-up time:
Event Manager:
Phone number:
Expected number of participants:
(Includes performers, stallholders, food vendors etc)
Expected number of attendees:
Approval and Permits Required:
(e.g. event approvals, liquor licences, council permits)
Access Requirements (including emergency vehicles)
List of Amenities Provided
(e.g. toilets, canteen, seating, shade, marquees)
Event Volunteer Management
List the names of volunteers, their contacts, their roles and whom they will need to report during and after the event
Name / Contact Details / Roles / Reports to / Responsible forDATE:
If your grant application is successful, you will need to consider the below sections in your final event management plan. Some sections may not be relevant to your event depending on the size, location (indoor/outdoor) and type of event. Please omit the sections that are not relevant.
Section 1- Event Title, Dates, Duration and Location
- Program Overview - Aims and Objectives/Purpose
- Event Timelines
- Key Stakeholders – Contact List
- Staff and Volunteers
- Councillor Involvement
- Budget & Money Handling
- Layout & Site Map
- Venue Details
- Program/Running sheet
- Ticketing
- Sustainable Event Plan
- Toilets
- Water
- Power
- Marketing Strategy
- Audience
- Accessibility
- Signage
- Transport and Car Parking
- Managing Contractors
- Insurance
- Security
- Weather
- Evaluation Process
- Permits (if applicable)
-Holding an event on a Sporting Reserve and Open Space
-Using Temporary Structures (Occupancy)/Place of Public Entertainment Permit
-Fireworks and Pyrotechnics Displays
-Liquor License Permit
-Provision of Food and/or Temporary Food Event Permit
-Australasian Performing Rights Association Permits (APRA)
-Roadside Promotional Boards Permit
-Temporary Banning of Dogs, Alcohol and other items
Section 2
The second section to complete will be a basic Emergency Response Plan. If you are holding your event in an established indoor facility then this document may already exist. You will still need to make sure that the existing document is relevant to your event and the program you are providing. If it does not exist you will need to document the following:
- Emergency Response Plan
-Emergency Contacts/Wardens
-Emergency locations/Evacuation Routes and Point/Emergency Vehicle Access
-(include map)
-First Aid
-Prevention Arrangements
-Emergency Response Guide
Section 3The third section to complete is the Risk Management Plan. A template for your risk management plan is available upon request.