Rotary Foundation Alumni Lists
A residing alumni list contains information on alumni currently living or residing in a particular district. A sponsoring alumni list contains information on alumni sponsored by a particular district, regardless of where the alumnus is currently living. Both are Excel spreadsheets which can be sorted and customized according to your preferences. To sort your information, choose the Data menu, click Sort, and select the appropriate field(s). The data is based on Rotary Foundation records; we ask that all Rotary clubs and districts assist with keeping accurate information by providing regular updates to . In particular, please note any alumni who are indicated as “lost.”
The following chart explains fields of key interest found in the spreadsheet:
Column / Heading / DescriptionG / DRes / Residing district: where the alumnus/alumna currently lives or resides
J / MarStat / Marital status: married, divorced, etc., this field is usually blank
L / Comment / Notes about special awards, interests, or activities
M / Distinguished / Indicates if the alumnus/alumna has achieved career or humanitarian distinction on an international basis
S / ResAdd1 / Residential address: the alumnus/alumna’s home address
Z / BusAdd1 / Business address: the alumnus/alumna’s business or workplace address
AK / Lost / A letter ‘L’ appearing in this column indicates international postal systems have returned mail as undeliverable; the alumna/alumnus is considered temporarily lost
AL / Program Type / S: Scholar (Ambassadorial Scholar); G: Group Study Exchange participant; V: Rotary Volunteer (such as Volunteer Service Grant recipient); U: Grant for University Teachers recipient; P: Peace program participant (Rotary World Peace Fellow or Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program Participant)
AO / Institute/Status / Indicates which institution a scholar attended, GSE team member or leader, or in what type of volunteer grant or project the alumnus/alumna participated
AP / Study/Service Type / Indicates field or subject of study for scholars or volunteer project description, this is usually blank for GSE
AQ / Award / Indicates the specific type of award received, including: GS: Graduate Scholar, UGSUS: Undergraduate Scholar, AY: Academic-Year Scholar, M2 or M3: Multi-Year Scholar (2 or 3 years), C3C6: Cultural Scholar (3 or 6 months), RWPF: Rotary World Peace Fellow, UT: University Teacher Grant recipient, GSE: Group Study Exchange team leader or member, VOL: Rotary Volunteer
(Other award code explanations provided by request.)
Alumni Relations - The Rotary Foundation
One Rotary Center
1560 Sherman Ave.
Evanston, IL 60201 USA
+1 (847) 866-3000 (phone)
+1 (847) 866-0934 (fax)