OLEGRUDAVINTel.: +380 (57) 7146150

B.Koltsevayastr. 130-56 Mobile: +380 50 301 5356

Kharkiv 61143 e-mail:






INTENSIVE TEACHING training course


Native LANGUAGESUkrainian(UKRAINE),Russian (RUSSIA)

Source languagesEnglish (translation,proofreading/editing, interpretation)

spanish, italian(translation, proofreading/editing)

Services Translation, editing, proofreading, reviewing

Turnaround2,500 words a day regular; up to 4,000 words for rush jobs

EXPERIENCE 30+ years

Specialization AreasMarketing, technical, engineering, industrial machinery, anti-terrorism, nuclear, construction,printing machinery, biochemistry, agriculture, livestock breeding, tourism, general business, contracts, literary, operation manuals (video, audio, VCR, cameras, phones, etc.)

Hardware3 PC’s with different characteristics

SoftwareSDL Trados 2014

RATESEUR 0.12 per word (average and negotiable)


2001-till presentFreelance translator/interpreter

Over 120 clients from 30+ countries.

2000 – 2002Family Leisure Club, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Literary translator (contract basis). Translated and published in 2001: Wilbur A. Smith, 'Hungry as the Sea'; Tim Cockey, 'Hearse of a Different Color'; Madeline Hunter, 'By Possession' and other books

1997 – 2000 GULFSTREAM Translation Agency, Kharkiv (contract basis)

Translator/interpreter specializing in technical/business issues; senior translator

1995 – 2000 TORSING Publishers, Kharkiv (contract basis)

Commissioning editor, project manager, literary translator. My “English Self-taught” book was first published in 2001 (multiple editions, over 150,000 copies now)

1998 – 2003 POLYGRAPHMASH Factory, Kharkiv

Translator/interpreter: business & technical documentation, negotiations, fairs & exhibitions

1997 – 2002 Malyshev Tank Building Plant, Kharkiv (contract basis)

Translator documents on tank manufacturing, operation, maintenance, and repairs

1993 – 1997 Freelance translator/interpreter

1991 – 1993 INTERCOM Company, Severodonetsk

Teacher/interpreter conducting intensive teaching, translating for Lisichansk Oil Refinery, Severodonetsk Instrument Factory and others

1990 – 1991 ZVEZDA Management Consulting Company, Severodonetsk, Translator/interpreter

1987 – 1988 IMPULS Scientific-Research Institute of Computers, Severodonetsk, Translator/interpreter

1985 – 1987 ARMY SERVICE as a military interpreter at KrasnodarMilitaryPilotSchool (1986-1987) and in Ethiopia (1985-1986)

Over 30 translated books and 7 authored English books published, total printout exceeding 1,000,000 copies. Author of Internet Freelance: Practical guide for Translators book. For more information, click here.


Oil & Gas

  • Kashagan, Vankor, Sakhalin, Caspian oil and gas deposit development projects

-Including documents on drencher and sprinkler systems, alarm & notificationsystems, process flowcharts, procurement, material and equipment specifications, datasheets, welding procedures and control, pumping systems, contracts,bladder yank proportioning system, tender bids, environmental surveys, design and development documentation, land reclamation, mining, GOST, SNiP standards


  • Diversified marketing and advertising materials

-Types: booklets, leaflets, catalogues, websites, materials for fairs and exhibitions

-On: clothes designers fashions;industrial equipment;office furniture; environmental protection; household equipment & consumer electronics

-Market reviews

Localization & IT

  • Yahoo!, Adobe products, e-shops, online training courses, strings, billing and communication applications, automotive diagnostic equipment, communicationsinfrastructure, billing, string localization

Technical, industrial

  • Installation, operation, service and maintenance manuals for

-Pipe bending machines, vibration mixers, capsule filling machine, PET bottle production line, plastics manufacturing machine, UV dryers, sanding, profiling, honing, polishing, painting machines, CNC machines,packaging machines, heating, ventilating, air conditioning systems,solenoid valves and pumps, programmable gauges, interfaces and probes, miscellaneous meters and instruments.

  • Paint systems and additives, window films, extrusion foams, PVC
  • Acoustic signature equipment
  • Documentation and manuals for equipment supplied for Chernobyl Power Station
  • Ozone generators, pumps, heat exchangers, thermosyphons

Business, Company Policies, Training, Politics

  • General contracts
  • Training materials, presentations, online training courses
  • Several anti-harassment, anti-discrimination training courses, anti-terrorism (over 2,000.000 words in several years
  • Company profiles, policies on accounting, delegation of authority, control, etc.
  • Various contracts,economical analysis, reviews, business proposals, feasibility studies
  • Material for local and international political and business conferences
  • Financial and auditing reports
  • Ukrainian laws and government decrees


  • Production of plastics, heat-shrinkable films, PET bottles, SOP of a chromatography method of substance identification, MSDS, safety procedures, gas detectors, various types of equipment


  • Patient event reporting facility, reviews, presentations of a new treatment method (femoral neck fractures, cryosurgery, capsule endoscopy), haemodialysis equipment manuals, caregiving


  • DVD players, LCD monitors & TV’s, refrigerators, gas stoves, hobs, video cameras; HP equipment translation & localization, cell phones, Bluetooth, iPOD, MP3, wireless devices and accessories


  • A set of tender documentation for a mail exchange facility
  • User manual, graphic interface for automated traffic control system
  • Survey for mineral exploration
  • CSTV systems

Travel, cuisine, horticulture(these three being my hobbies, I’ve accumulated sufficient knowledge to claim them as my areas of specialization)

  • Hotel sites, booking.com, touristic booklets and guidebooks, menus