Parish Office: 773-731-8822
Church Hall: 773-734-9125
Fax: 773-721-0673
The Ascension of the
Lord Jesus Christ
May 28, 2017
Memorial Day Weekend
Daily Mass is celebrated at 8 AM
In the Parish House Chapel as scheduled
The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ:
For the Intention of Gloria Tepavchevich
For the Intention of Marge Machay
In Thanksgiving – MD
Monday:Memorial Day
Wednesday: The Visitation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Thursday:St. Justin
Friday: Ss. Marcellinus and Peter
For the Intention of Edith Marzullo
Saturday: St. Charles Lwanga
and Companions;
Pentecost Sunday:
For the Intention of Dale Anderson
For the Intention of Marge Machay
Special Intention - AP
Mass Intentions Available
If you have a special anniversary or family member or celebration that you want to remember at Mass, now is the time to arrange to reserve that date. Please be sure to include your intention as well as your phone number when submitting the request. The traditional stipend per Mass is ten dollars.
Support Our Food Pantry: The St. Bride Food Pantry is open. We will welcome your donations of NON-PERISHABLE food items to stock our shelves and prepare bags for those who utilize our outreach program when you bring them to Church each week, September to June! Food can be brought on Sundays to the Church! Gift cards for groceries are also welcome!
Electronic Giving for Weekly Offerings Since we have started Give Central, more than $12,000.00 has been contributed through this electronic means of giving! It is an excellent way of scheduling your offerings to St. Bride, as well as a way of marking special events. Click on the “Donate Now” button on our web site at .
MEMORIAL DAY - They fell, but o’er their glorious grave floats free the banner of the cause
they died to save.
—Francis Marion Crawford
Catholic Charities Legal Assistance Department Catholic Charities Legal Assistance Department has attorneys and volunteer attorneys available to provide advice in numerous areas of law. If you are unsure about your legal rights or lost in the legal system, let us help you. Services include in-depth advice and possible direct representation on many issues, including landlord/tenant issues, family law, consumer and debtor rights, foreclosure, employment issues, orders of protection, power of attorney, and more. CCLA provides free to low-cost legal services to eligible low-income individuals. For help and more information, contact the legal advice line at (312) 948-6821.
Upcoming Dates and Events 2017
September 10th – Remembrance of 9/11/01 - Parish Picnic after Mass
in the Parish Yard
October 15th – Oktoberfest after Mass in the Church Hall
November 18th – Thanksgiving Outreach Luncheon to the Community
The readings for today’s celebration of the Ascension of the Lord once again remind us that as Christians we are people of hope. In the second reading Saint Paul eloquently exhorts the Ephesians to enlighten their hearts so that they will know the hope and glory that come from being people who place their trust in the Lord Jesus. In the story of the Ascension, recounted in the first reading, the Lord Jesus assures the disciples that the Holy Spirit’s power will come upon them. Finally, in the Gospel, the Lord lets the disciples know that their mission is to spread the hope of the gospel to all the nations. This wonderful feast keeps our eyes focused on the hope in which we were grounded on the day of our baptism.
If you could somehow transport a third-century Christian into your twenty-first-century Sunday Mass, once the initial shock wore off he or she would be more or less at home with the structure of the first part of the liturgy, the Word. The second part might be more difficult to comprehend. The stumbling block would be the book. We have a book, a missal that is set down on the altar with a very precisely prescribed set of words for the priest to say and the people to sing at the Eucharistic Prayer. In the early days of the church, there were no set “formulas” for this prayer. The ancients would have raised eyebrows at our “bookishness” since they preferred to let the prayers roll forth from a gifted leader of prayer. There was a basic shape to the prayer of thanksgiving, and almost general agreement that the words of Christ at the Last Supper ought to be included.
By the second century, Justin Martyr wrote that the presider “gives thanks at some length . . . and when he has finished the prayers and the thanksgiving, all the people present give their assent by saying ‘Amen.’ ” In the world before books, people could memorize long passages of prose and poetry, and so it is easy to see how particular phrases or expressions passed from church to church.
Memorial Day Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, on this day of remembrance for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy every day, we think of how they have followedin the footsteps of your son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Please hold our servicemen and women in your strong arms. Cover them with your sheltering grace and your presence as they stand in the gap for our protection.
We also remember the families of our troops.
We ask for your unique blessings to fill their homes, and we pray your peace, provision, hope and strength will fill their lives. May the members of our armed forces be supplied with courage to face each day and may they trust in the Lord's mighty power to accomplish each task. Let our military brothers and sisters feel our love and support. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.
Honor Flight Chicago
Honor Flight Chicago's mission is to thank and pay tribute to World War II veterans, by bringing them to Washington, D.C. for a day of honor and remembrance at no cost to them. Do you know someone who is a World War II Veteran? Visit to learn more about how you can refer them for an upcoming flight, volunteer your time or donate to the cause.
Pray for Peace in the World, Our City and Our Neighborhood!
May 28, 2017 – St. Bride Church – The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago