DynaLog Server Event Log Messages for System Administrators

The DynaLog Server runs in the Local System user account and does not require a user logged on to use it. DynaLog writes any error messages directly to the Application Event Log using the Source name “DynaLog”. There are five event categories, listed below. These names show in the Application Event Log in the Category column. They are basic indicators of the severity of the event. Fatal Error and Action Required type events likely will need intervention from the system administrator. Information events don’t require any action. Data Reliability errors may or may not correct themselves, and therefore may require intervention.

Event types will show in the Application Event Log “Type” column and can be either Error, Warning, or Information.

Event ID’s as seen in the Application Event Log “Event” column begin at ID # 6 (see Messages section). Most of the events indicate that an error of some kind occurred, and they will include detailed information about the error. Following each Event Message listed below are the Event Type followed by the Event category, enclosed in parentheses.

Event Categories:

1 – Fatal Error

2 – Action Required

3 – Data Reliability

4 – Action Recommended

5 – Information

Event Messages:

6 - Error in TCP Receive event. A DynaLog Viewer file request encountered an error while searching the log file path or while attempting to send the file size and file contents. The error details are: <error detail message> (Error, Data Reliability)

7 - Warning in TCP Receive event. A new CC-5000 connection could not determine the CC-5000 print width due to a "Val" exception. Print width is being defaulted to 40. Station Information: <station ID> (Warning, Data Reliability)

8 - Error in TCP Receive event CC-5000 log file search/create. The error is: <error detail message> (Error, Data Reliability)

9 - Error in InitServer() - invalid server port entry in DynaLog.ini. (Error, Fatal Error)

10 - Error in TCP Receive event. A DynaLog Viewer file list request encountered an error while retrieving the list of log files or while attempting to send the file list to a Viewer. The error details are: <error detail message> (Error, Data Reliability)

11 - Warning in InitServer() - invalid Outgoing Ping Interval entry in DynaLog.ini. The interval has been forced to: <interval value> (Warning, Action Recommended)

12 - The DynaLog Server has begun listening for clients on port: <port number> (Information, Information)

13 - The DynaLog Server Listen method encountered an error in InitServer(). The error is: <error detail message> (Error, Fatal Error)

14 - The DynaLog Server was unable to instantiate the Server control, in InitServer(). This may require a reinstallation of DynaLog. The error details are: <error detail message> (Error, Fatal Error)

15 - The DynaLog Server encountered a problem while setting File I/O permissions to access the CC-5000 Log Files folder. The Log Files folder may have been deleted or renamed. No logging or viewing can be done until this is corrected. The error details are: <error detail message> (Error, Fatal Error)

16 - The DynaLog Server archiving service has been stopped. (Information, Information)

17 - Error in TCP Receive event. A DynaLog Viewer file request was unable to clear the previous stream to create a new one. The error details are: <error detail message> (Error, Data Reliability)

18 - Error in TCP Receive event. An error has occurred during the test for an existing stream reference for a CC-5000 station. Station Information: <station ID>. Error detail: <error detail message>. (Error, Data Reliability)

19 - Error in TCP Receive event. An error has occurred during the string splitting and formatting process for incoming journal data from a CC-5000 station. Station Information: <station ID>. Error detail: <error detail message> (Error, Data Reliability)

20 - Error in TCP Receive event. An error has occurred during a CC-5000 data stream write to the log file for that station. This can occur if the log file was deleted or moved while the DynaLog service was running. Station Information: <station ID>. Error detail: <error detail message> (Error, Data Reliability)

21 - The DynaLog Server ErrorEvent has logged a Dart Communications network-related error. The error number is <error number>. The error description is: <error detail message> (Error, either a Fatal Error or Data Reliability depending on the error type)

22 - A new CC-5000 or DynaLog Viewer client has just connected to the DynaLog Server. The client's IP address is: <IP address>. (Information, Information)

23 - An existing CC-5000 or DynaLog Viewer client has just been disconnected from the DynaLog Server. For CC-5000's, this may be due to a LAN cable disconnection or the CC-5000 may have been powered off. For Viewers, the disconnection generally means that the Viewer application was closed by the user. The disconnected client's IP address is: <IP address>. (Information, Information)

24 - The DynaLog Server ErrorEvent has logged a Dart Communications network-related error. This error is likely due to a DynaLog Viewer closing or a CC-5000 being powered off, in which case it is considered a normal event. However, it could indicate something more serious. The error number is <error number>. The error description is: <error detail message> >. (Information, Information)

25 - Error in TCP Receive event. An error has occurred during a CC-5000 data stream output to a connected DynaLog Viewer. Station Information: <station ID>. Error detail: <error detail message> (Error, Data Reliability)

26 - Error in TCP Send event. An error has occurred during the Archive File List output to a connected DynaLog Viewer. Error detail: <error detail message> (Error, Data Reliability)

27 - Error in TCP Send event. An error has occurred during an initial log file output (past the 8K buffer boundary) to a connected DynaLog Viewer. Error detail: <error detail message> (Error, Data Reliability)

28 - An error has occurred in the DynaLog Server service timer event. The error details are: <error detail message> (Error, Action Recommended)

29 - An error has occurred in the DynaLog Server client creation event. The client TCP connection may not have instantiated correctly. The error details are: <error detail message> (Error, Fatal Error)

30 - An error has occurred in the DynaLog Server client destroy event. The client TCP class had an error while setting its objects to Nothing. The error details are: <error detail message> (Error, Fatal Error)

31 - Error in InitServer() - an exception occurred while the DynaLog service initialization attempted to delete leftover Index Files (FileList.*). This should not affect operation of DynaLog, but it indicates a possible file system problem. The error details are: <error detail message> (Warning, Action Recommended)

Following is a sample view of the Application Event Log showing DynaLog events 12 and 24, both of the “Information” Type and Category:

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