African Diaspora Mathematicians Program (ADMP) - Registration
Here you can apply for the African Diaspora Mathematicians Program (ADMP) by 31st January 2017.
- It is necessary to provide as much information as possible about the African Diaspora mathematician, the host institution and the proposed Program.
- Funds for all expenses, including economic travel, accommodation and basic living expenses will be provided by the Program and will be dispensed and accounted for, in accordance with IMU financial regulations. No honorarium will be paid to the African Diaspora mathematician from the ADMP funds.
To apply you have to:
- Fill out this online registration form. When you have completed and checked the accuracy of your entries, please tick the checkbox on the bottom left and click "register now".
- Then please create one pdf file which includes:
- The complete word file application form (same data as online) and send it together with
- The (PDF only) letter from the Vice-Chancellor of the host institution affirming that the proposed partnership has been discussed with the host institution and confirming support for the partnership and activities.
- The (PDF only) a letter from the Vice-Chancellor of the home university of the African Diaspora mathematician affirming awareness of the Program and giving permission for the participation of the African Diaspora mathematician.
- A (PDF only) recent CV of the Africa Diaspora mathematician - maximum 5 pages - which must include a list of your most recent five publications.
- Send the joint pdf file to:
Please note that all fields marked with asterisks (*) are compulsory.
In case of any questions or problems, please contact the ADMP Administrator which is based in Kenya via: .
Profile of the Host Institution
(*)1. Name of Host Institution
(*)2. Academic Unit
(*)3. Last name of Head of Academic Unit
(*)4. First name of Head of Academic Unit
(*)5. Academic Title
(*)6. E-mail address
(*)7. Country
(*)8. Full Mailing address
(*)9. Phone
10. Fax
(*)11. Link to the website of the Academic Unit or University
(*)12. List the main areas of mathematical activities in the Academic Unit
- Actuarial Science
- Applied Mathematics
- Computational Mathematics
- Financial Mathematics
- Mathematical Modelling
- Operations Research
- Pure Mathematics
- Statistics
- Other areas
(*)13. Give a brief description of the Academic Unit, including staff distribution by rank (Maximum 250 words)
(*)14. List the current research interests of staff (Maximum 250 words)
(*)15. List the current postgraduate programs and give the student numbers in these programs (Maximum 250 words)
(*)16. Indicate any library and internet resources (Maximum 250 words)
(*)17. Indicate any existing links with institutions or individuals outside Africa (Maximum 250 words)
(*)18. Give a concise but specific description of the areas in mathematics in which the Academic unit most needs support and collaboration (Maximum 250 words)
Profile of the African Diaspora Mathematician
(*)19. Last name of the African Diaspora Mathematician
(*)20. First name
(*)21. Academic Title
(*)22. E-mail address
23. Year of birth
(*)24. Country of birth
(*)25. Full Mailing address
(*)26. Phone
(*)27. Country (you live in)
(*)28. University
(*)29. Departement
(*)30. Position
(*)31. Link to your website or to that of your institution or Academic Unit
(*)32. Where (country, institution) did you get your Phd?
(*)33. When (year) did you get your Phd?
(*)34. When (year) did you leave your African home country to work/study abroad?
(*)35. Describe your research and postgraduate teaching interests (Maximum 500 words)
(*)36. Indicate the contacts and visits, if any, you have previously made with the proposed host institution (Maximum 500 words)
Details of the Proposed Partnership
About the Contact Person
In case the contact person for the Program is not the same as the Head/Chair of the Academic Unit, provide the following information about the contact person:
37. Last name of Contact Person for proposed partnership
38. First name of Contact Person
39. Academic Title
40. E-mail address
41. Full Mailing address
42. Phone
43. Fax
44. Link to the website of the contact person or the Academic Unit
About the Program
Provide as much information as possible about the proposed Program, as required hereafter:
(*)45. Give a concise but specific description of the activities to be undertaken, with proposed dates of visits of the African Diaspora mathematician and information on educational materials anticipated to be purchased, in each of the two years of the partnership (Not more than two A4 pages)
(*)46. Give a breakdown of the proposed budget for each of the two years
(*)47. Indicate the type of support (office space, accommodation, etc) which the host institution will provide the African Diaspora mathematician
(*)48. Expected start date of the partnership (in 2017)
(*)49. Expected end date of the partnership (in 2019)
IMU membership and past CDC support
(*)50. Have you or the African host institution received IMU support in the past? Please mark all that apply
- CDC conference support
- CDC Volunteer Lecturer Program
- CDC project support
- CDC Library Assistent Program
- ICM travel support (NANUM and other programs)
- Abel Visiting Fellowship
- IMU Simons Travel Fellowship
- MENAO Support
(*)51. If you or the host institution have received support: please write here the details
(*)52. Is your country an IMU member or an affiliated IMU member?
Please check here.yes no
If not, please discuss with your colleagues in your country the issue of joining IMU. Please also ask the African institution and discuss with them IMU membership.
(*)53. Is the country of the African host institution an IMU member or an affiliated IMU member? Please check here. yes no