This document details the Service Level Agreement between the School or Multi-Academy Trust where the NQT is employed and the Appropriate Body. The SLA takes account of the latest statutory guidance from the DfE (updated December 2016).
Please read Part A and then sign and return Part B to Susan Reed, Teaching School Administrator- ol
The Appropriate Body Service
Wycombe and Marlow Teaching School Alliance will act in accordance with the statutory requirements and responsibilities required of an Appropriate Body as described in the Statutory Guidance ‘Induction for Newly Qualified Teachers Guidance – England’.
The Appropriate Body, along with the headteacher/principal, is jointly responsible for the supervision of the NQT during induction and has responsibility for Quality Assurance of the induction period
The Appropriate Body must:
· Confirm that the headteacher/principal has checked the NQT has QTS (including the relevant skills tests) and verify this with the NCTL.
· Register the NQT with the NCTL.
· Invoice the school once registration of NQT has been completed.
· Calculate period of induction for NQTs and provide a timetable of when assessment forms should be completed.
· Ensure that headteachers/principals are aware of and are meeting their responsibilities in monitoring, supporting and assessing the NQT and that they are providing a suitable post for completing induction.
· Provide an online reporting portal.
· Provide NQT induction training.
· Provide telephone and email advice and support for NQTs and NQT Mentors.
· Quality assure the provision of NQT Induction through monitoring of assessments and quality assurance visits (10% of NQTs will receive a visit, chosen at random)
· Provide the NQT with a named contact at the AB;
· Provide additional support and guidance through an on-site visit of approximately 2 hours for those NQTs employed within the agreed geographical boundary. Additional support on-site support can be provided upon request and will be charged at £350 per day + VAT;
· Make the final recommendation about the satisfactory completion of NQT induction to the NCTL;
· Submit evidence to the NCTL appeals panel in the event of an NQT failing their induction period and appealing the decision;
· Attend the NCTL appeal hearing in the event of an NQT failing their induction and appealing the decision;
· Retain all appropriate records and data for the minimum legal period.
The headteacher/principal:
The headteacher/principal will act in accordance with the statutory requirements and responsibilities required of headteachers/rpincipals as described in the Statutory Guidance ‘Induction for Newly Qualified Teachers Guidance – England’.
The headteacher/principal, along with the Appropriate Body, is jointly responsible for the supervision and development of the NQT during induction.
The headteacher/principal will:
Before the induction period starts:
· Clarify whether the teacher needs to serve an induction period or is exempt;
· Where the teacher does need to complete an induction period, check with the NCTL that the NQT has QTS, has passed the relevant skills tests in good time before the NQT’s statutory induction period starts, and is registered with them;
· Notify the Appropriate Body when an NQT who is taking up a post joins the school/college and send a signed copy of this SLA to Susan Reed- ol
· Ensure the NQT’s post is a suitable post in which to serve induction;
· Ensure that an appropriate induction programme is in place, including reduced timetable and PPA;
· Register NQT through the online portal;
· Where relevant, obtain documentation from the NQT’s previous post including any interim assessment and details of absences, and take this into account in determining the length and nature of the NQT’s induction programme.
Once the induction period starts:
· Appoint an induction tutor (who must hold QTS)
· Put an action plan in place within the first two weeks, assessing the NQT’s progress against the Teacher standards termly.
· Ensure that a cycle of 6 half-termly observations per year with both verbal and written feedback takes place and informs formal assessments.
· Ensure 3 formal assessments take place, one per term.
· Ensure that a member of the Senior Leadership Team observes the NQT at least once during the first assessment period;
· Ensure the induction tutor is appropriately trained, understands the requirements of induction and has time to carry out their role;
· Support requests from the NQT to attend appropriate CPD, including visits to other schools during their induction period;
· Support the NQT in arranging to observe lessons of experienced teachers either in their own school or in another where effective practice has been identified;
· Alert the Appropriate Body promptly, where an NQT may be at risk of not completing induction satisfactorily;
· Provide a personal support programme and additional support as necessary to allow an ‘at risk’ NQT the best opportunity to meet the Teachers’ Standards;
· Request an observation by the AB of any NQT whose progress towards meeting the standards may be at risk (if within the agreed geographical boundary).
· Maintain accurate records of periods of employment that will count towards the induction period in case an NQTs leaves the school part way through a period;
· Co-operate with requests for information, or requests to arrange a QA/support visit from the AB, in a timely and cooperative manner;
· Monitor absences and notify the Appropriate Body as soon as absences reach 30 days or more, cumulatively;
· Ensure termly assessment reports are completed (on pro-rata time scale for part-time staff) on time;
· Participate appropriately in the Appropriate Body’s quality assurance procedures;
· Within 10 days of the NQT completing the induction period, make a recommendation to the Appropriate Body on whether the NQT has met the core standards, using agreed forms;
· Provide interim assessment reports for staff moving in between formal assessment periods and notify the Appropriate Body when an NQT serving induction goes on leave, e.g. maternity, compassionate leave and also if the teacher leaves the school/college
· Retain all relevant documentation/evidence on file for six years
Appropriate Body Service Charges
The charges for the services described in this SLA are:
£200 + VAT per NQT
£160 + VAT per NQT (FOSS Schools only)
Any NQT transferring from another AB, or joining part way through their NQT Induction, will be charged as pro-rata per term for the remaining Induction period:
£67 + VAT per term plus a registration fee of £30 + VAT.
If induction has to be extended beyond 3 terms (or equivalent for part-time NQTs) for any reason, there will be an additional charge of £67+ VAT per term.
Termination of agreement
Should the AB or school not fulfil its full responsibilities in reference to NQT Induction as described in the SLA, either party may choose to terminate the agreement.
For each NQT registered this agreement will terminate if:
· The NQT resigns from the post before the end of induction ( no fees will be charged for any terms that the NQT has not started- surplus fees will be refunded upon request)
· The NQTs contract with the employing school ceases
· The NQT completes their full induction successfully.
Should a school wish to make a complaint about the provision of service supplied by the AB, they should contact the Teaching School Lead in writing. If complaints cannot be rectified satisfactorily by the Teaching School Lead, it will be escalated and considered by the Head of the Teaching School.
Complaints should be addressed to:
Teaching School Lead
Wycombe and Marlow Teaching School Alliance
c/o Chepping View Primary Academy
Cressex Rd
High Wycombe
HP12 4PR
Name of School/Academy/MAT
We would like Wycombe and Marlow Teaching School Alliance to act as the Appropriate Body for the induction of NQTs for the academic year ______.
We agree to the fee of (please delete as appropriate):
£200 + VAT per NQT
£160 + VAT per NQT (FOSS Schools only)
Signed: ______Headteacher/Principal
Name: ______
Date: ______
Contact email for school/academy/MAT: ______
Contact phone number: ______