Phone: 216-802-3043
Office: JH 187
Officehours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
(by appointment) / / EDM 441
Internship 1
- Course Description
Structured field experience designed to accompany specific methods courses and to prepare Middle Childhood Education majors for student teaching; stresses practical application of methods and theory with emphasis on the various roles of a teacher. Students begin formulating a personal philosophy for teaching while working four half-days per week in an upper elementary, middle-, or junior-high school classroom under the direction of a cooperating teacher and a university supervisor; includes seminar.
- Course Rationale
This is the required practicum course for middle grades licensure. As a co-requisite for this course, candidates take a content methods course in each of two selected content areas (EDM 313, EDM 315, EDM 316, and EDM 317).
- Texts
There is no required text for this course.
- Course Goals and Objectives [Associated assessment is in brackets]
Practicum is the first step in providing you with specific opportunities to develop and apply the skills and knowledge you have accumulated during your educational courses and earlier field experiences. To demonstrate your progress and prowess in becoming a responsive, reflective practitioner you will:
- Design and implement lessons that meet the needs and developmental levels of middle childhood learners. [Context for learning and community mapping]
- Identify student’s prior knowledge, abilities and cultural background and use this knowledge to motivate students. [Context for learning and community mapping]
- Design and implement lessons that use content knowledge and content-specific instructional strategies to teach the central concepts and skills of the discipline connected to real-life experiences and careers. [Inquiry-based Unit Plan]
- Design and implement lessons that differentiate to meet the needs of gifted students, students with disabilities and at risk students to design appropriate instruction. [Inquiry-based Unit Plan]
- Design and implement activities that develop thinking, independent learning, and problem solving. [Inquiry-based Unit Plan]
- Design and implement activities that develop skills of students in working collectively and independently to learn, reflect and assume responsibility for their learning. [Inquiry-based Unit Plan]
- Use school and district curriculum priorities and the Ohio Academic Content Standards to guide lesson planning and inform students of such. [Inquiry-based Unit Plan]
- Effectively communicate with students about learning goals, learning progress and assessments. [Inquiry-based Unit Plan]
- Provide resources and access to technology in the service of learning. [Inquiry-based Unit Plan]
- Know and selectively use a variety of diagnostic, formative and summative assessments to generate appropriate data. [Inquiry-based Unit Plan]
- Collaborate and communicate with mentor teacher in analysis of student-generated data to determine student progress and inform future instruction as well as self-reflection. [Inquiry-based Unit Plan]
- Collaborate with parents and school staff to promote student learning. [Triad Summative Assessment]
- Model respect for students’ diverse cultures, language skills, abilities and experiences. [Triad Summative Assessment]
- Maintain the safe cognitive, social, emotional and physical climate created by the mentor teacher by treating the students respectfully and supporting them in being successful learners. [Triad Summative Assessment]
- Maintain a professional demeanor including following school policies, making ethical decisions, abiding by legal mandates, and continuous professional development. [Inquiry-based Unit Plan]
- Know about the Resident Educator License, School Operating Standards, Teacher Professional Development Standards, and Value-Added Progress. [Modules/Seminar Sessions]
Instructional Strategies/Activities Related to Technology and Diversity
In keeping with CSU’s commitment to prepare effective urban educators, middle level teacher candidates are required to complete at least one major field experience (practicum or student teaching) in a city designated by the Ohio Department of Education as “urban.” Additionally, middle level teacher candidates are expected to “demonstrate their understanding of the implications of diversity on the development of young adolescents by implementing curriculum and instruction that is responsive to students’ histories, language/dialects and individual identities (e.g., race, ethnicity, culture, age, appearance, ability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, family composition). They participate successfully in middle level practices that consider and celebrate the diversity of all young adolescents” (AMLE Standard 1). Candidates are assessed on their effective use of technology in each formal observation, provided the placement classroom has technologies in place.
- CourseRequirements
- Students will spend 180 hours in the field in direct contact with students, 45 hours of classroom and seminar discussion will be held in a blended format, utilizing periodic face to face meetings and blackboard. The field hours are composed of three hours per day, four days per week, for the entire 15-week semester. Candidates are to attend all seminars and participate throughout the semester on Blackboard.
- Candidatesareexpectedtoobserve,assist,andco-teachwiththementorteachertocompletetheassignmentslistedbelow. Candidateswillbeobservedaminimum offourtimesintheclassroombytheCSUsupervisorandtwicebythementorteacher. Foreachobservation,thecandidateis toprovideafulllessonplan 48 hoursinadvance.
- Atthemidpointandendofthesemester,thecandidatewill prepare for and participateina“triadmeeting”withtheuniversitysupervisorandmentorteachertoassessprogressinthecourseandtodiscussthefinalaggregatedobservationscores.
b)Assignments/Assessments- (All assignment forms and directions arelocatedonBlackboard.)
- SeminarsA blended model of Blackboard discussions and face-to-face meetings will make up the seminars for Internship 1. There are online opportunities for you to self-select topics that are most relevant to you and face-to-face opportunities to work collaboratively with other interns to develop skills in topics like RTI/IEP roles and responsibilities and conflict resolution skills.
- ContextforLearning and Community mapping activity TheContextforLearning is a document that you are to complete whichprovidesessentialinformationaboutyourchildrenandyourschool/classroom. The community mapping activity will give you further essential information about the surrounding community. You will complete a document using online community demographic tools, observation, and interaction as you seek further knowledge about the strengths and challenges of the community surrounding your field site.
- Inquiry-based Unit Plan The purpose of this assignment is to design, implement, and evaluate a unit or sequence of lessons that teach students skills measured by a specific state standard or a topic based on a state standard. This assignment isdesigned for you to demonstrate your competence in the following skills:
- Ability to prepare, teach and reflect on a 4-5 day unit plan
- Ability to assess student learning, analyze and determine the students’ growth in achieving the objectives of the unit
- Ability to videotape, trim, compress and upload a sample of your teaching
- Ability to plan a unit that is Inquiry-based (ECE, Middle and Sp. Ed.)
- Ability to engage families in the student’s learning process
- Student success assignment This assignment asks you to select a focus student and consider some variables that impact his/her success. You will examine closely the focus students’ skills and behaviors plus the classroom procedures, routines and environment as you develop a student success plan and classroom management plan that supports all students’ success.
- You will gather and use the following data
- the context for learning/community mapping activity,
- a learning skills/behavior rubric,
- anecdotal observation notes,
- a classroom management checklist
and develop a success plan for your focus student as well as consider the implications on your overall classroom management plan. In addition, you will develop your data collection skills as you consider the types of data needed in the RTI/PBS, 504 or IEP processes.
- Professional Literature assignment This assignment is to encourage interns to consult the professional literature to assist in solving challenges or issues that arise as a teacher.
- This project requires you
- to identify an issue/challenge you are facing,
- select and read 2 journal articles related to the challenge (the articles selected must be from professional journals that are specific to middle education),
- develop a plan based on the literature,
- implement the plan and
- reflect on the data informed by the research.
- RTI/PBS, 504 and IEP case study activity As a part of one of the seminars, you will be participating in a case study with your seminar group discussing the different roles that everyone brings to these important student processes.
- Inadditiontothesewrittenassignments,interns seeking licensure and intendingto participate in Internship 2 mustcompleteandsatisfytheTaskstreamCheckpoint 2 portfolio criteria.
- Gradingcriteria
Afieldgradeisearnedthroughacalculationofthreeseparatevariables. Allfieldassignmentsaregradedonascaleof 0-3,with 2 beingaproficientlevel. Assignments will be submitted through Blackboard and Taskstream for grading by the CSU supervisor and/or CSU seminar leaders.
Grade / Points or% / Description / % OF FINAL GRADE
A / >2.14 / Assignment and Seminar grade / 40%
A- / 2.13-2.02 / Candidate Pre-Service Assessment of Student Teaching (CPAST) / 40%
B+ / 2.01-1.90 / Specialized Program Area criteria / 20%
B / 1.89-1.78
B- / 1.77-1.66
C+ / 1.65-1.54
C / 1.53-1.42
D / 1.41-1.30
F / 1.29 >
- CourseOutline
Week / Topic / Activity/Assignment / DueDate
2 / Contextforlearning/community mapping
3 / SupervisorObservation 1
4 / MentorObservation 1 / OBRModulesassessingknowledgeoftheResidentEducatorLicensureProgram,theSchoolOperatingStandards,theProfessionalDevelopmentStandards,andtheValue-addedProgressDimensioninpreparationforSeminardiscussions.
5 / Student success assignment- student selected and data collection begins
6 / SupervisorObservation 2 / RTI/PBS, 504 and IEP case study activity
7 / Midtermtriadsheldbytheendofweek 8
8 / Lesson PlanscompletedforInquiry based Unit Plan
9 / SupervisorObservation 3
10 / Co-teachingbegins (occursduringweeks 10-14)
MentorObservation 2 / Student Success assignment due
11 / TeachingforWorkSampleassignment
12 / SupervisorObservation 4 / Inquiry based Unit Plan assignment due
14 / Taskstreamcheckpointportfolio
15 / Finaltriadscompleted
- CoursePolicies
A. AttendanceandPunctuality
ThefollowingpolicyappliestoallFieldExperiences. Regularattendanceisrequiredaccordingtotherequirementsoftheexperience. Thispolicyincludesallfieldhoursaswellasorientations,associatedseminars,andotherprofessionalactivitiesaffiliatedwiththeinternship.
- Signinandoutofplacementdaily,usingschoolsdesignatedsystem.
- CompletetheInternAttendanceFormdaily. (FilewithMentorTeacher)
- MakeavailabletheInternAttendanceFormduringsupervisor’svisits.
- Bepresentforthefulldurationofthetimescheduledforeachday. Leavingearlyorarrivinglateisnotpermissiblewithoutadvancednotificationandpermission. Missingoveranhouronanydayisconsideredanunexcusedabsence.
- Arriveearlyorstaylateasrequiredforpreparationanddiscussionswithamentorteacher.
- Receivementorteacherandsupervisor’sadvanceapprovalforanyanticipatedabsences,SeeBelowforinformationregardingabsences.
- Notifythementorteacher,schoolsecretary,anduniversitysupervisorofanyanticipatedabsences. SeeBelowforinformationregardingabsences.
- Leavedetailedplansandmaterialsforthementorteacherwhowill‘cover’fortheinternduringanexcusedabsence. SeeBelowforinformationregardingabsences.
- Make-upeachexcusedabsencebeyondthree. SeeBelowforinformationregardingabsences.
- Ifattendanceorpunctualitybecomesanissue a meeting with the OFS staff will be required to determine next steps. (e.g. morethan 3 absences.) Failuretomake-upabsencesmayrequireInterntowithdrawfromfieldexperience. AnyinternfacingsuchapossibilityshouldconferwiththeOfficeofFieldServices.
Excusedabsences- Withpropercommunicationtouniversitysupervisorandmentorteacher,inextenuatingcircumstances,internsarepermitteduptothree (3) excusedabsences.Eachexcusedabsencebeyondthreemustbemade-up.SeePersonalLeavePolicybelowfordefinitionofexcusedabsences. Ifmorethan 3 absencesoccur,andtheseabsencescannotbemade-up,internsmayberequiredtowithdrawfrompracticumorstudentteaching.
Inextenuatingcircumstances,internsarepermitteduptothree (3) excusedabsencesduringplacement. Forpracticuminterns,thisshallbetakentomeanthedailylengthofthatmember’sworkschedule,e.g.,a4 hourteacheriseligibleforthree 4 hourdaysofpersonalleave. Personalleavemustbeapprovedinadvanceandshallbeusedonlyforsuchpurposesorinconnectionwithactivitiesofthetypelistedimmediatelybelowandwhichcannotbeaccomplishedduringthenon-workinghours.
A. Internillness
B. ReligiousHolidays
C. Personalbusinessmattersthatcannotbetakencareofoutsideschoolhours.
D. Attendanceatsetgraduationceremoniesintheimmediatefamily.
E. Ason,daughter,spouse,orotherpersonresidingintheemployee'shouseholdleavingformilitaryserviceorcollegeasafreshman.
F. Weddingsoftheemployeeorinhisorherimmediatefamily.
G. AttendingfuneralsnotcoveredintheBereavementLeavePolicy.
H. Attendanceatceremonieswheretheteacherorhis/herimmediatefamilyisreceivinganawardofmajorsignificance.
I. Appointmentsrequiredbyacademicprogramsoreducationalrequirements.
J. Emergenciesaffectingtheteacheroramemberofhis/herimmediatefamily.
K. Movingfromonepermanentresidencetoanother.
- Lateassignmentpolicy. Allassignmentsaretobesubmittedbytheduedate. LateassignmentswillleadtoArbitration. (SeeOFSHandbook) DuedatesaresetbytheSupervisorand/orTaskstreamTimeline.
Professionalism. Studentsaretoactprofessionalatalltimes. Professionalismencompassesmanyareasofbehavior,includingdispositions,courtesy,attendanceandpunctuality,appearance,initiative,fulfillmentofresponsibilities,ethicalbehavior,andprotectionofstudentconfidentiality. Forcompleteguidelinesonprofessionalbehavior,refertotheOfficeofFieldServicesHandbook. Failuretodemonstrateprofessionalbehavioratanypointintheexperiencemayjeopardizeanintern’scontinuationinhis/herprogram.
- Ethics. ClevelandStaterequiresallinternstofollowtheprofessionalguidelinessetbytheCollegeofEducationandHumanServicesandtheCodeofEthicsestablishedbytheNationalEducationAssociation.
- EthicalandResponsibleTechnologyUse. AllinternsmustadheretotheCSUInformationandTechnologyResourcesGeneralPolicywhenusingcomputerequipmentoncampusoratthefieldsite. InadditiontotheCSUpolicies,internsareresponsibleforlearningandfollowingthetechnologypoliciesandproceduresofthedistrictinwhichtheyareplaced.Theapplicationofthesepoliciesincludes,butisnotlimitedto,anyofthefollowingactivities:
- Useofcomputer,tablets,orpersonalelectronicdevices
- Accesstocomputersystems
- Possessionofcomputersoftwareordata
- Copyingoruseofcomputersoftwareordata
- Useofcomputeraccounts
- Useofcomputer-relatedequipment
NOTE: Whilecellphonesarewidelyusedforpersonalmassmultimediacommunication,internsshouldconsultwiththeirmentorteacheranddistrictpoliciestoestablishanagreementabouttheacceptableprofessionaluseofthesedevicesaspartoftheirinternshipexperience.
- Plagiarism/AcademicIntegrity. TheCSUStudentHandbookdescribesplagiarismasstealingand/orusingtheideasorwritingsofanotherinapaperorreportandclaimingthemasyourown. Thisincludesbutisnotlimitedtotheuse,byparaphraseordirectquotation,oftheworkofanotherpersonwithoutfullandclearacknowledgment.
- Minorinfractionscomprisethoseinstancesofcheating,plagiarism,and/ortamperingwhichaffectthegradeofanindividualclassassignmentorprojectoflesser (<25%ofgrade) importance. Multipleinstancesofminorinfractionswithinacourseoracrosscoursesconstituteamajorinfraction.
- Majorinfractionscomprisethoseinstancesofcheating,plagiarism,and/ortamperingwhichaffecttheoverallcoursegrade,suchasamajor/comprehensiveexam,termpaperorproject,finalgradeevaluation,oracademicstandingandstatus. Majorinfractionsautomaticallyresultinanentryonthestudent'spermanentrecordthatthestudenthasengagedinacademicmisconduct.
- ProceduresofreportingplagiarismaredescribedintheStudentHandbook,availableat AdditionalinformationonplagiarismisavailableattheCSUWritingCenter,RTLibrary 124; (216) 687-6981 or
- StudentswithDisabilities.Educationalaccessistheprovisionofclassroomaccommodations,auxiliaryaidsandservicestoensureequaleducationalopportunitiesforallstudentsregardlessoftheirdisability. AnystudentwhofeelsheorshemayneedanaccommodationbasedontheimpactofadisabilityshouldcontacttheOfficeofDisabilityServicesat (216)687-2015. TheOfficeislocatedinMC 147. Accommodationsneedtoberequestedinadvanceandwillnotbegrantedretroactively.
- TechnicalHelp. IfyouhaveaquestionaboutTaskstreamorrequiretechnicalassistancewithvideotapingorediting,youshouldvisittheCenterforEducationalTechnologyinJH 118 duringpostedhoursorcontactHeatherGallacher (687-3743;) orBrianYusko (875-9774;)
- ProfessionalDispositions. Oneimportantaspectofyoureducationisthedevelopmentofprofessionaldispositions—waysofworking,thinking,andinteractingwithothers—inthreeareas: Professionalism,WorkEthic,andCommunicationSkills. Youshouldbemonitoringyourowndevelopmentbeginningnowandcontinuingthroughoutyourteachingcareer. TheStudentListofProfessionalDispositionscanbefoundinthehandbookontheOFSwebsite.
Intern:______School______Semester/Year______Grade level______
Mentor ______Supervisor ______ / EDM
This form is to inform intern, mentor and supervisor of Intern’s progress on assignments and observations throughout semester. Rubrics in Taskstream DRFs are used to determine Scores on assignments. Final scores are to be recorded here. Supervisor is to return completed form to OFS at end of semester.
Seminar / NA
Context for Learning/community mapping / OFS
Inquiry-based Unit Plan / LICENSURE
Student Success Assignment / OFS
Professional Literature Project / OFS
RTI/PBS, 504 and IEP Case Study Activity / OFS
* Denotes SPA Requirements Above
Taskstream OFS DRF / All OBR module quizzes submit to
Manager, Cleveland State
**OBR Modules are not scored by supervisor / Student Completed
OBSERVATIONS / DATE/TIME / Walk Through OR Observation / Taskstream Score
Met/ Not Met / LESSON PLAN
Completed / COMMENTS
OBS / Met Not Met / Met Not Met
OBS / Met Not Met / Met Not Met
OBS / Met Not Met / Met Not Met
OBS / Met Not Met / Met Not Met
W/T OBS / Met Not Met / Met Not Met
W/T OBS / Met Not Met / Met Not Met
Midterm triad meeting held on ______ / Signatures and Consensus scores
Intern midterm CPAST score _____
SPA score _____ / Intern-
Mentor midterm CPAST score _____
SPA score _____ / Mentor-
Supervisor midterm CPAST score _____
SPA score _____ / Supervisor-
Consensus CPAST midterm score _____
Consensus SPA midterm score _____
Final triad meeting held on ______ / Signatures and Consensus scores
Intern Final CPAST score _____
SPA score _____ / Intern-
Mentor CPAST score _____
SPA score _____ / Mentor-
Supervisor CPAST score _____
SPA score _____ / Supervisor-
Consensus CPAST semester score _____
(40% of total grade)
Consensus SPA semester score _____
(20% of Total grade)
Assignment and SeminarTotal Score _____
(40% of Total grade)
Grade Calculator can be found on OFS website / Final Course Score/Grade for Semester
Mentor letter received? Yes or no / Supervisor letter received? Yes or no