The Colchester Elementary School PTO strives to foster open communication among parents, teachers and school administrators. We sponsor fundraising activities that provide important programs and enhancements for the students and staff of ColchesterElementary School. Meetings are held once a month, however, attendance is not mandatory. Please be sure to check your child’s Friday Folder, Digital Backpack, PTO link on the CES websiteand the PTO bulletin board for event dates and other participation information. Please become a member today, even if you cannot actively participate.
The annual membership fee is $5.00 per family.[Please indicate below:]
Cash Please place in a sealed envelope with CES PTO written on it.
CheckPlease make checks payable to CES PTO.
Information provided below is for CES PTO use only.
Member Name(s): ______Phone: ______
Address: ______
Email Address: ______
Please Note:The CES PTO uses email as our main source of communication. By providing an email address, you will receive relevant and timely information regarding upcoming events, meetings, volunteer opportunities (within CES and for CES PTO committees/activities), town and BOE information relating to education. This information is available to all members of the CES PTO and does not obligate you to participate in events or activities. The CES PTO will not share or sell your information.
Child(ren)’s Name(s): Grade: Teacher:
Your child may submit your membership form and membership feeto his/her teacher or to the CES office. Thank you – without your support, our accomplishments would not be possible!
Please address any questions to Megan Floyd or Kristen Weisenseeat .
Our Goal
The Colchester Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization’s (CES-PTO) goal is to create a closer relationship between the community and school by:
· Fostering open communication among parents, teachers, and administrators to improve the education of our children
· Having representation at meetings pertaining to education
· Sponsoring fund-raising activities
· Providing programs and enrichment for the students of Colchester Elementary School
Stay Connected – Our Children Benefit
Being a part of the PTO is a simple and fun way to stay connected with your child and be a part of their CES experience. Get to know the staff and administrators and help create a stronger relationship, a partnership, between the families and our school.
No Obligation
Your level of commitment is your choice. We invite you to participate as often, or as little, as you like. Even just one day can make a difference.
Share Ideas, Have Fun& Make a Difference!
Everyone has a voice, and sharing your ideas and energy as part of the PTO will help us achieve our goal.
Together we can enhance our children’s learning experience by providing support and resources for the teachers & creating educational opportunities for the children.
Become a Member:
· Membership is only $5 per family
· Send the completed form to your child’s teacher
Contact Us:
· Email:
· Facebook: Colchester Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization
Check out our bulletin board in the school foyer and back gym/café entrance to see what’s coming up for family fun!
Rev. 7/25/16