Organic Lawn Care
This is a handout that accompanies a presentation on Organic Lawn Care given by Environmental Research Foundation's Associate Director, Maria B. Pellerano. If you have questions about this handout or the presentation, please contact Maria at . This handout is available with live links at .
A Quick Review of Common Cool Season Grasses for New Jersey
Kentucky Bluegrass
Has great texture, density, color.
Tolerates heavy traffic.
Can require higher than average inputs of water, nitrogen, etc.
Has a rhizome structure, so does not tolerate drought well.
Somewhat slow to establish from seed.
Has a medium to high tendency to produce thatch.
Fine Fescues – see
Low maintenance – require 40-50% less nitrogen than Kentucky Bluegrass.
Tolerate shady conditions.
Endophytic (beneficial fungus) varieties that resist pests are available.
Fine grass blades.
Hard Fescues – a variety of Fine Fescues see
One of the best choices for low maintenance lawns in N.J.
Slow growing, so requires less mowing.
Require less fertilizers.
Need less water.
Excellent pest & disease resistance.
Medium tendency to produce thatch.
Turf-Type Tall Fescues --
Drought resistant, deep roots.
Endophytic varieties resist pests.
Fine leaf blade.
Ability to tolerate heavy traffic.
Newer varieties are useful for low maintenance turfgrass areas.
Low tendency to produce thatch.
Perennial Ryegrass – see
Rapid establishment.
Great for over-seeding.
May require greater than average mowing.
Susceptible to Red Thread disease.
Not drought tolerant.
Grow poorly in wet areas.
Low tendency to produce thatch.
Good Websites on Turfgrass and Lawns
For more information on selecting seed see "Turfgrass Seed Selection for Home Lawns" .
The place to learn about the latest in turfgrass research is the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program at .
A place to buy high quality seed is .
Other useful fact sheets on lawns and grasses can be found on the If Plants Could Talk website (sponsored by Rutgers Cooperative Extension) at and at the Rutgers Cooperative Extension website at .
What to Do With Your Grass During a Drought
If water restrictions are in place you should not water your lawn.
Allow turfgrass to go into dormancy.
• Dormancy will protect grass from damage.
• Infrequent, inadequate watering will drain stored resources from dormant turfgrass.
Stay off lawn to prevent damage.
Do not use fertilizers during a drought or on heat-stressed turfgrass.
What Weeds Tell Us
Problem / Appearance/Symptoms / Cause / Solutiondandelion / familiar perennial plant with yellow flowers / compacted soil and thin turf cover / aerate soil; hand pull at least 80%; overseed with ryegrasses
crabgrass / low-growing annual with shallow roots and short, pointed, hairy leaves / nutrient-deficient soil, short mowing and soil compaction / raise mowing height; hand pull and apply organic fertilizers
common plantain / low-growing perennial with wide oval leaves / thin turf cover and low nutrients in soil / handpull; apply organic fertilizers and overseed
chinch bug / brown or yellow patches, particularly near driveways and sidewalks / stressed or weakened grasses caused by soil compaction and shallow watering / water deeply once a week; apply diatomaceous earth; dethatch and apply soap and water every 10 - 14 days
white grub / spongy dead patches that lift easily; common in spring and again in late-summer to early-fall / compacted soil, dry sunny lawns with short, weak roots, chemical fertilizer use and short weak roots / dethatch; water deeply; apply organic fertilizer; use soap and water or parasitic nematodes for major infestations; over- seed with ryegrass and fescues
dollar spot / small pale circles / dry soil and nitrogen deficiencies / add organic material; mow infected tips and discard clippings
summer patch / dead patches then brown rings; during humid summers / high nitrogen and low mowing / mow higher and apply organic fertilizer
Alternative Pest Control
"IPM approach" means an integrated pest management approach which employs a hierarchy of monitoring, cultural, biological (including natural enemies), and chemical controls.
Annual Bluegrass Weevil (IPM approach) – see
Chinch Bugs – see
Dandelions – see
Diseases of Landscape Turf – see
Grubs – see
Hairy Chinch Bug (IPM approach) – see
Red Thread and Pink Patch Disease (IPM approach) – see
Sod Webworms (IPM approach) – see
Weeds – see
White Grubs (IPM approach) – see
Other Useful Websites
Bio-Integral Resource Center (see ) sells a number of publications on alternatives to pesticides; see for a list of publications.
Ecological Landscaping Association, see .
National Organic Program, United States Department of Agriculture, see .
Northeast Organic Farming Association, Connecticut and Massachusetts Chapters Organic Land Care Program, see .
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, have some of the best fact sheets on pesticides and alternatives to them, see . The following may be of particular interest:
• Taking Care of Your Lawn Without Using Pesticides, see
• Restoring A Lawn Without Chemicals, see
Organic Landscape Alliance, see
What Some Governments are Doing About Lawn Care
Arcata, California banned use of pesticides on city property, see .
North Central Texas' Texas SmartScape website, see .
Seattle, Washington's Natural Lawn Care website, see .
Toronto, Canada's Pesticide Information Portal, including information on its Pesticide By-Laws (no cosmetic use of pesticides on public or private property), see .
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