ME 202 Worksheet 3 – Design Notebook

FALL 2011

Due Date: 9/27/2011


The purpose of this project is to begin a design process that will result in the use of solidworks and the Epilog Laser Mini laser cutter to construct a model from laser-cut cardboard. This object can be a model of a practical item, a toy, or a piece of art. You can come up with your own design.

Most objects in your environment are built in a manner that allows many millions of identical objects to be quickly, cheaply and effectively reproduced. This is known as mass-manufacturing. However, engineers can encounter many circumstances where a single object needs to be fabricated, usually in order to test the design and assembly of a new product before a costly mass-manufacturing strategy is implemented. This is known as prototyping. Laser-cutting is one of many methods that are used to produce single objects, or small lots of the same object.


1.  Perform a search on “laser-cut cardboard” from Google Images.

2.  Perform other internet-based searches on topics like “cardboard art”, “laser-cut objects”, and “crafting with cardboard”.

3.  Choose an object of your own to design, cut and build for this project.

4.  This object must use more than 5 individual pieces of cardboard. It must be more complicated than a shoebox.

5.  All pieces must be cut from a single 18” by 24” piece of cardboard.

6.  Tabbed design should be used as much as possible in order to assemble the object, but glue and dowel rods are allowed as necessary.

7.  Brainstorm and sketch on engineering, graph, or some type of isometric grid paper possible design and part ideas. Choose a design, and neatly sketch parts and how they will be assembled. Use color coding if necessary.

8.  Follow the “Engineering notebook rubric” rules when you are doing this assignment.

ME 202 Project Page 1