Youth Development Grant Awards 2005/2006
Active Fiscal Year 05/06July 2005
Law-Related Education(federal)
This program supports a variety of activities and meetings for teachers, students and other legal and social services personnel to facilitate broader use of law-related methods, materials, programs and strategies.CT Consortium for Law & Citizenship Education, Inc.
Law-Related Education
$80,000 / Supports regional conferences for students in grades 9-12, a middle school debate program, a statewide training session for teachers, etc.and development of a curriculum for police to teach to students that covers Connecticut’s criminal laws concerning youth.
Connecticut for Community Youth Development
This program supports direct service providers, supervisors, planners, advocates, youth funders and program managers who work with, or on behalf of, youth ages 12 to 18.CT Consortium for Law & Citizenship Education, Inc.
CCYD Technical Assistance
$67,991 / Supports Connecticut for Community Youth Development (CCYD) activities including the annual youth funders conference, training for direct service personnel and technical assistance to the JJAC on the youth development framework and best practices.
Leadership, Education and Athletics in Partnership (state)
The purpose of the Leadership, Education and Athletics in Partnership (LEAP)Program is to continue to expand and provide safe haven programming to the youth of Connecticut.
Agency / Grant Award / Cash Match
Leadership, Education and Athletics in Partnership, Inc. / $850,000 / $425,000
NeighborhoodYouthCenter Program Revised
The purpose of the Neighborhood Youth Center Program Revised is to support neighborhood centers in providing specific local initiatives to increase positive experiences for youth ages 12 through 18 years. A key element to this program is an intensive focus on specific neighborhoods in Connecticut’s 7 largest cities.
Neighborhood / Agency / Grant Award
Bridgeport, Hollow / Boys and Girls Club of Bridgeport / $75,000
Norwalk, NorwalkCenter / Carver Foundation of Norwalk, Inc. / $45,000
New Haven, Dwight / Central Connecticut Coast YMCA / $75,000
Bridgeport, East End / Charles D. Smith Jr. Foundation / $100,000
New Britain, Citywide / City of New Britain/3 Middle Schools / $180,000
Bridgeport, East Side / McGivney Community Center, Inc. / $54,189
Hartford, Frog Hollow / Mi Casa Family Service & Ed. Ctr. / $75,000
Waterbury, South End / New Opportunities, Inc. / $44,335
Hartford, Blue Hills / Urban League of Greater Hartford, Inc. / $24,482
Waterbury, Walnut, Orange, Walsh / Waterbury Youth Service System, Inc. / $45,000
In addition to the grants listed in the table, funds support the University of Connecticut School
of Family Studies and the Youth Development Training and ResourceCenter for the purpose
of conducting an Interactive Outcome and Program Improvement Process evaluation of the Neighborhood Youth Center Program Revised.
NeighborhoodYouthCenter Boys & Girls Clubs ProgramThe purpose of the Neighborhood Youth Center Boys & Girls Clubs Program is to continue to expand and provide safe haven programming to the youth of Connecticut.
Agency / Grant Award / Cash Match
ConnecticutAlliance of Boys & Girls Clubs, Inc. / $1,000,000 / $1,000,000
NeighborhoodYouthCenterState Grant Program
The Neighborhood Youth Center State Grant Program will support specific local initiatives to increase positive experiences for youth ages 12 through 18 years in neighborhoods in New Haven.
Agency / Grant Award / Match
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Hartford / $66,667 / $33,334 (cash)
Central Connecticut Coast YMCA / $66,666 / $16,667 (cash)
$16,666 (in-kind)