Proposal: Effective September 1, 2007, annual ADPTC membership dues will be $150 per year for Full Membership and $65 for Associate Membership. $40 of these dues will be devoted to a new membership benefit, an annual subscription (January to December) to the APA journal, Training and Education in Professional Psychology (TEPP).


The ADPTC Executive Committee unanimously voted—following extensive discussion that included the Council of Past Presidents—to recommend the following proposal. Please refer to the By-Laws for clarification about membership, voting, dues, membership privileges, and Executive Committee responsibilities.

The proposal will pass if a simple majority of voting Full Members vote in favor of the proposal. If the proposal passes, the Executive Committee will continue to manage ADPCT funds so as to avoid another proposed dues increase over the next several years. The Proposal: Effective September 1, 2007, annual ADPTC membership dues will be $150 per year for Full Membership and $65 for Associate Membership. $40 of these dues will be devoted to a new membership benefit, an annual subscription (January to December) to the APA journal, Training and Education in Professional Psychology (TEPP).

Rationale: The discussion of the Executive Committee (Rob Heffer, Phyllis Terry Friedman, Erica Wise, Kim Lassiter, Eric Sauer, Colleen Byrne and Joe Scardapane) and the Council of Past Presidents (Lee Cooper, Brian Lewis and Bob Hatcher) brought together a rich set of considerations in support of this recommendation. The following is a synopsis of the main points.

At the ADPTC Business meeting at APA in August 1999, attendees voted to increase dues from $15 to $50. At the ADPTC Business Meeting at APA in August 2003, attendees voted to increase dues from $50 to $60. Treasurer's reports in the past (Tony Cellucci) and more recently (Joe Scardapane) indicate ADPTC has been solid financially and that each of these dues increases has facilitated the expansion and quality of ADPTC services to members.

In his President's column in the July 1999 Newsletter, Brian Lewis wrote: "Membership dues for ADPTC have always been very inexpensive, and we plan to keep them that way. To be effective in accomplishing our expanded mission, however, a dues increase will be necessary. We are currently being asked to become more involved in a number of important discussions related to professional education and training (e.g., regarding the challenges of providing model practicum-level training). This requires representation on APA sponsored committees (e.g., CCTC) and liaisons with other professional organizations. Although some of these activities are subsidized by APA, others are not. ADPTC needs to have some financial reserves available to support (sometimes on short notice) strategically important activities. The additional funds are also needed to expand our membership, improve communication (e.g., through more membership publications), and develop a "Resource Library" for Clinic Directors. We are also looking into other benefits (e.g., reduced costs on assessment and office management products) that will make membership more attractive."

ADPTC has not greatly expanded its number of members over the eight years since Brian wrote those words, but ADPTC has considerably extended the influence training clinic directors have over their own jobs and the profession. Increasing costs of liaison activity with related organizations and expenses at our APA Convention and Mid-Year meetings are the primary non-TEPP related reasons for this proposed change in dues. In recent years, ADPTC has become quite active in interfacing and collaborating with organizations that influence the nature and quality of practicum training directors’ jobs. The Executive Committee consistently seeks funding sources other than membership dues to support ADPTC representation at collaborative-liaison meetings throughout the year, but costs ADPTC does incur have increased due to increases in airfare and hotel expenses. The current membership seems committed to continuing high-quality and practical Mid-Year and APA Convention meetings, continuous quality improvement in our website, listserv, and Newsletter, and access to resources. Further, by making TEPP subscription a member benefit, ADPTC will step up to its growing national role in the training field by supporting APA’s key training and education journal. Establishing TEPP as a benefit of ADPTC membership is an organizational commitment, not just a matter of the specific interests of individual members and will be a natural outlet for publications for many members’ scholarly work.

From the TEPP website
"Training and Education in Professional Psychology is dedicated to enhancing supervision and training provided by psychologists. The journal will publish manuscripts that contribute to and advance professional psychology education.
The Editorial Board of TEPP would like to encourage the APPIC membership, the membership of the academic training councils, and all members of the psychology education community to examine issues relevant to the process and procedures of psychology education and training and contribute manuscripts to this new journal. TEPP will be written specifically for psychologists and other mental health professionals who educate, supervise, and train mental health practitioners during their academic programs as well as during their participation at practicum, internship, and postdoctoral settings.
Manuscripts for TEPP can be research or theory based. All manuscripts must focus on the practical implications of the proposed theory or summarized research. Any topic in the general area of supervision, training, or the process of education leading to licensure is appropriate for examination and discussion in TEPP.

TEPP manuscripts examine such topics as:
* Supervision theory and process
* Supervision procedures
* Supervisory relationship
* Supervisee problems and due process issues
* Training Activities
* Ethical and legal aspects of training and supervision
* Boundary issues
* Training in research and scholarly activity
* Research into the process of supervision
* The process of training leading to licensure
Special thematic issues of the journal will provide in-depth examination of a particular training and education topic."

Moving the invoice date for annual dues from January to September will be more consistent with the fiscal year budgets of most training clinic directors. In addition, it will allow subscriptions to TEPP starting in January to continue uninterrupted and will allow the Executive Committee to more effectively plan for activities through out the academic year.