Patricia Gail Patrick
Box 41071
College of Education
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409
(806) 742-1997 Ext. 316
Current Positions
Texas Tech University, Assistant Professor(2010-Present)
Carolina Biological Supply Company, Product Developer and Consultant(1999-Present)
Core Research Interests
- Students’ mental representations of the natural world, the cognitive changes, the cultural differences and the educational implications
- Cognitive learning theory
- An international perspective on students’ understandings of plants and animals
- An international study of preservice teachers ideas about hands-on science
- Students’ mental models of zoos, their perceived roles of zoos roles in conservation, and the differences in race/ethnicity
- Zoo field trip designs
- Inservice teachers’ knowledge of the human body
- Photography and environmental education
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, 2006.
Dissertation Title: Mental Models High School Students Hold of Zoos.
Committee Chairs: Dr. Kathy Matthews, Dr. (Lady) Sue Dale Tunnicliffe
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed., Biology Science Education, 1999.
Thesis: Informal Science Education: Using Acorns in the Classroom
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
B.S., Biology, 1991.
Professional Experience—Colleges and Universities
Texas Tech University, College of Education
2010-PresentAssistant Professor
- Serve on dissertation committees.
- Coordinator of Graduate Student applications.
- Teach Secondary and Middle Level Science Methods.
Bennett College, School of Education
2008-2010Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Elementary Education
- University Supervisor Coordinator – Coordinate university supervisors and student interns.Place and supervise undergraduate student interns at local elementary and secondary schools.
- Preparing for SACS and NCATE – Responsible for rewriting all elementary syllabi and the elementary intern practicum guide for SACS and NCATE accreditation.
Coastal Carolina University
2007-2008 Teaching Associate
- University Supervisor and Intern Coordinator – Coordinate university elementary supervisors and elementary student interns. Teach elementary intern seminar Supervise undergraduate student interns at local elementary schools.
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
2002-2006Graduate Assistant
- Supervision of Interns - Supervised undergraduate student interns at two local elementary schools. Served as leader for interns in elementary education (60-90 per semester). Duties included trouble shooting on-site and observing students engaged in teaching and working with students.
- Advised Masters Students—Worked with Masters students as they developed their thesis topics and writings.
Professional Experience—Other
Carolina Biological Supply Company
1999-PresentProduct Developer, Consultant, and Director of Marketing and Development of Living Materials
- Product Developer – Designed new products for elementary, middle and high school science. Duties included coordinating meetings with supervisors from company departments and using a cross-company approach to design.
- Supervision of product development – Supervised a team of employees as new products were developed (posters, manuals, and advertising catalogs) Duties included coordinating due dates, pictures, and catalog layout.
- Product Scout – Headhunted inventors and developed products for the company. Duties included being a liaison between the company and the new product developer.
- Consultant – Wrote, designed and published articles, posters, and workshops.
Science Teaching Methods—Elementary, Middle Level, and Secondary
Teaching As a ProfessionClassroom Management for Diverse Settings
Introduction to EducationHuman Development
Curriculum and PlanningSpanish Immersion for Teachers—Guatemala
Professional Experience—Secondary Teaching
Ragsdale High School
2000-2002Environmental Science Teacher
Trinity High School
1991-1999Biology Teacher
- Patrick, P. (PI), Dwyer, J. (Co-PI), and Matteson, S. (Co-PI). (2011-2014). Picture THIS: Taking Human Impact Seriously.National Science Foundation. Submitted.
- 2010. Served on the writing committee for a Mellon Foundation Global Studies Grant. Received $480,000.
- 2010. Global Studies Department grant for International Studies ($5000).
- 2009. Private funding for Picture This: Taking Human Impact Seriously ($3000).
- 2008. Pender Post Education Station Grant ($500).
- 2001. Clinical Faculty Cadre Participation Funding Grant ($600).
- 1999. Teacher Education grant, North Carolina Zoological Park ($3000) & Randolph County Schools ($3000)
- 1998. North Carolina Science Teachers Association Grant ($2000).
- 1998. Archdale Chamber of Commerce Education Grant ($1000).
Summary of Research
Book Accepted for Publication
- Patrick, P. & Tunnicliffe, S. (2011). Zoo talk. New York, NY: Springer. Publication date: May 2011.
Research Articles—Published
- Patrick, P. & Tunnicliffe, S. (2010). Pedagogical content knowledge: Drawings of what high school (students ages 14-18) biology teachers believe are inside humans. Journal of Biological Education. 44(2), 22-30.
- Patrick, P., Matthews, C., Tunnicliffe, S. & Ayers, D. (2007). Conservation and education: Prominent themes in mission zoo mission statements? Journal of Environmental Education, 38(3), 53-60.
- Patrick, P., Matthews, C., Tunnicliffe, S. & Ayers. D. (2007). Mission statements of AZA accredited zoos: Do they say what we think they say? International Zoo News, 54(2), 90-98.
Research Articles—in Manuscript
- Patrick, P., Tunnicliffe, S. & Matthews, C. (2010). Using the didactic field trip information form to assess preservice teachers’ field trip designs.Science Education. Manuscript in review.
- Patrick, P., & Tunnicliffe, S. (2010). What plants and animals do early childhood and primary students’ name? Where do they see them? Do children have environmental mentors? Journal of Science Education and Technology. Manuscript in review.
- Patrick, P. (2010). Using photography to determine the cultural differences in students’ viewsof human impact in their community. Manuscript in preparation.
- Patrick, P. (2010). An international look at preservice teachers’ attitudes towards hands-on science. Manuscript in preparation.
- Patrick, P. (2010). Middle level and secondary science teachers’ drawings of what is inside the frog and pig. Manuscript in preparation.
Practitioner Articles--Published
- Patrick, P., Barnes-Lucas, K. & Brown, D. (2010). Digisaurus rex. Science & Children, 48(2), 36-39.
- Patrick, P., & Patrick, T. (2010). Picture THIS: Taking human impact seriously. Science Scope, 33(7) 28-34.
- Patrick, P. & Getz, A. (2008). Becoming a spider scientist. Science & Children, 46(3), 5-10.
- Patrick, P. (2006). Crayfish. Poster. [In press]. Carolina Biological Supply Company: Burlington, NC.
- Patrick, P. (2005). Crayfish in the classroom. [On-line], Available:
- Patrick, P. (2005). Crayfish structure and function teacher’s manual and student guides. Carolina Biological Supply Company: Burlington, NC.
- Patrick, P. (2004). Instruction using the earthworm and pig. Carolina Tips, 67(1), 1-4.
- Patrick, P. (2003). Crayfish, curriculum & classrooms. Carolina Tips, 66(1), 1-3.
- Matthews, C. Vickers, V. & Patrick, P. (2002). Acorns alive. Science Scope, 26(2), 14-17.
- Davidson, C., Matthews, C. & Patrick, P. (2001). Meeting the standards with vanishing frogs. The American Biology Teacher, 63(5), 352-357.
- Patrick, P. (2001). Owl pellets across the curriculum. Carolina Tips, 64(4), 14-15.
- Patrick, P. (2000). Wisconsin fast plants and bottle biology resource guide. Carolina Biological Supply Company: Burlington, NC.
- Patrick, P. (2000). Wisconsin fast plants family Album. Poster. Carolina Biological Supply Company: Burlington, NC.
- Patrick, P. (2000). Insect dichotomous key. Educational kit. Carolina Biological Supply Company: Burlington, NC.
- Patrick, P. (1998). Comparing habitats: Flora and Fauna. In Zoologic. North Carolina Zoological Park.
Proposals Submitted
- Patrick, P. & Tunnicliffe, S. (2010). Emergent science: Children’s understandings of plants and animals in the UK and USA. Paper accepted at the Southwest Association for Educational Research and Advancement.
- Patrick, P. (2010). Middle level and secondary science teachers’ drawings of the inside of the frog and pig. Paper accepted at the Southwest Association for Educational Research and Advancement.
- Patrick, P. (2010). Addressing science teachers’ content knowledge of the organisms they dissect. Paper acceptedat the National Association for Research in Science Teaching.
- Patrick, P. & Tunnicliffe, S. (2010). Children’s understandings of animals in their everyday lives. Paper accepted at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching.
- White, D. & Patrick, P. (2010). Can Presentation Tool Software Selection Affect Assessment Design Artifacts? Paper Submitted to the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education.
- Patrick, P. (October, 2010). Science teachers’ drawings of the internal organs of the frog and pig. Paper presented at the Southwest Association of Science Teacher Educators Conference, Stillwater, OK.
- Patrick, P. (Octoboer, 2010). An international look at preservice teachers’ attitudes towards using hands-on science. Paper presented at the Southwest Association of Science Teacher Educators Conference, Stillwater, OK.
- Patrick, P. (September, 2010). What middle school students know about zoos. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Houston, TX.
- Byrne, J., Tunnicliffe, S., Patrick, P., Grace, M. (July, 2010). United Kingdom & USAchildren's understandings of animals in their everyday life in the UK and USA. Paper presented at the European Researchers in Didactics of Biology Conference. Braga, Portugal.
- Patrick, P. Tunnicliffe, S. (2010, March). Science teachers and the human body.Paper presented at the National Science Teachers Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
- Patrick, P. & Tunncliffe, S. (2009, November). Zoo acuity model: Students’ knowledge of the role of zoos in conservation. Paper presented at the National Association of Biology Teachers Conference. Denver, CO.
- Patrick, P. & Patrick, T. (2009, November). Picture THIS: Taking human impact seriously. Paper presented at the National Association of Biology Teachers. Denver, CO.
- Patrick, P. & Tunnicliffe, S. (2009, November). Science teachers’ drawings of what is inside the human body. Paper presented at the National Association of Biology Teachers. Denver, CO.
- Patrick, P. & Tunnicliffe, S. (2009, September). Zoo Acuity Model. (Best Overall Poster Award). Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Portland, OR.
- Patrick, P. (2009, September). What do US children know about everyday animals? In S. D. Tunnicliffe (Chair), Animals in children’s lives: The animals which children in six diverse countries know from everyday life and the source of this knowledge. Is there a commonality? Symposium conducted at the meeting of the European Science Education Research Association, Istanbul, TY.
- Patrick, P. (2008, October).Going to the zoo, zoo, zoo…Paper presented at the National Association of Biology Teachers Conference. Memphis, TN.
- Patrick, P. & Patrick, T. (2008, March). Envirotography: Focusing on the environment. Paper presented at the National Science Teachers Association Conference. Boston, MA.
- Patrick, P. (2008, February). Using discourse analysis to determine prominent themes in zoo mission statements. Paper presented at the Coastal Carolina University Celebration of Inquiry: The Modern Life. Conway, SC.
- Patrick, P. (2006). High school students’ mental models of zoos: Are zoos conservation organizations?Paper presented at the National Association of Biology Teachers Conference. Albuquerque, NM.
- Patrick, P. (2005). Preservice teachers + a zoo visit = a fieldtrip design. Paper presented at the American Zoo and Aquarium Association Eastern Regional Workshop. Knoxville, TN.
- Patrick, P. (2005). Zoo mission statements: What are they saying?Paper presented at the American Zoo and Aquarium Association Eastern Regional Workshop. Knoxville, TN.
- Patrick, P. (2005). Preservice teachers: How a zoo visit changes their fieldtrip design. Paper presented at the American Zoo and Aquarium Association Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Patrick, P. (2010, November).Picture THIS: Taking human impact seriously. Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching. Houston, TX.
- Patrick, P. (2010, November). Shoebox science—science activities that fit in a shoebox. Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching. Houston, TX.
- Patrick, P. (2010, November). Charlotte’s web” A vocabulary web. Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching. Houston, TX.
- Patrick, P. (2010, October). Sharing a world of seven billion: Activities for global citizenship. South Carolina Council for the Social Studies Conference. Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Patrick, P. (2010, February). Educating students for a sustainable world. North Carolina Association for Gifted and Talented Conference. Winston-Salem, NC.
- Patrick, P. (2009, November). Telling science stories: Digital storytelling. National Association of Biology Teachers Conference. Denver, CO.
- Patrick, P. (2009, November). Charlotte’s web. Building webridges between science and literature. National Association Biology Teachers Conference. Denver, CO.
- Patrick, P. (2009, November). Examining the human footprint: Population, land use and the global environment. South Carolina Science Council Conference. Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Patrick, P. (2008, October). Hands-on exploration of population, consumption, and our changing climate. South Carolina Science Council Conference. Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Patrick, P. (2008, March). People count: Population education in science, math, and social studies. South Carolina Middle School Association Annual Conference. Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Patrick, P. (2006, November). Growing, growing, gone? A population and resources lesson plan. North Carolina Science Teachers Association Conference. Greensboro, NC.
- Patrick, P. (2006, October). Population connection. North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. Greensboro, NC.
- Tunnicliffe, S. & Patrick, P. (2004). Animals and physical science learning. National Science Teachers Association Conference. Atlanta, GA.
- Patrick, P. (2004, March). The cutting edge: investigating vertebrate anatomy using dissection activities. National Science Teachers Association Conference. Atlanta, GA.
- Patrick, P. (2004, March). Earthworm: The earthly educator. NationalScience Teachers Association Conference. Atlanta, GA.
- Patrick, P. (2004, March). MUDBUGS: Crayfish structure and function. National Science Teachers Association Conference.Atlanta, GA.
- Patrick, P. (2004, November). Earth counts: Connecting math with ecology and geography. North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. Greensboro, NC.
- Patrick, P. (2003, March). Pig dissection. National Science Teachers Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
- Patrick, P. (2003, March). Frog dissection. National Science Teachers Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
- Patrick, P. (2003, November). Pig dissection. North Carolina Science Teachers Association Conference. Greensboro, NC.
- Patrick, P. (2003, November). Frog dissection. North Carolina Science Teachers Association Conference. Greensboro, NC.
- Patrick, P., Vickers, V. & Matthews, C. (2000, March). Acorns alive. National Science Teachers Conference. St Louis, MO.
- Davidson, C., Patrick, P. & Matthews. C. (2000, March). Meeting the standards with vanishing frogs. National Science Teachers Conference. St. Louis, MO.
- Patrick, P. (1999, October). Wisconsin fast plants. National Science Teachers Association Regional Conference. Detroit, MI.
- Patrick, P. (1999, October). Owl pellets. National Science Teachers Association Regional Conference. Detroit, MI.
Consulting Workshops
- Patrick, P. (2009, October). Teaching through digital storytelling. Presented at the Literature for Teachers Workshop at Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC.
- Patrick, P. (2009, July). Teaching the curriculum through digital storytelling. Presented at the Summer Literacy Institute at Iona College, New Rochelle, NY.
Journal and Conference Paper Reviewer
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education
Journal of Biological Education
Teacher Education Quarterly
National Association for Research in Science Teaching conference.
Southwest Education Research Association Conference
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education.
Awards and Accomplishments
- 2010. Phi Beta Delta Honor Society. Inducted for scholarly achievement in international education research.
- 2009. Bennett College student accepted for the McNair Summer Research Program at the University of Rochester.
- 2009. Honorable Mention Best Research Poster. Association for Zoos and Aquariums. Portland, OR.
- 2009. Fox8—WGHP showcased the Picture THIS project on “What’s Right With Our Schools”.
- 2002-2006. Teaching assistant, University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
- Served on the Global Studies Committee. Spring 2010.
- Active member Emergent Science Committee. European Science Education Research Association. Fall 2009-Present.
- Active member International Activities Committee. National Association of Biology Teachers. Fall 2009-Present.
- Served on the TaskStream implementation committee. Fall 2008-Spring 2010.
- Served on the Teacher Education Advisory Committee. Fall 2008-Spring 2010.
- Served on the SACS and NCATE review and accreditation committees. Fall 2008-Present.
- Volunteered with the Randolph County DARE program. 2001-Present.
- Picture THIS: Taking Human Impact Seriously. [Art show]. South Davie Middle School, Mocksville, NC.Spring 2009.
- Picture THIS: Taking Human Impact Seriously. [Art show]. Mendenhall Middle School, Greensboro, NC. Spring 2009.
- Picture THIS: Taking Human Impact Seriously. [Art show]. Cape Fear Middle School, Rocky Point, NC. Fall 2008
- Volunteered and collected data at the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, Jersey Zoological Park, Jersey Island, UK. 2003.
- Volunteered at schools throughout Central America, where I taught students to speak English. Additionally, I did small lab activities to teach children science concepts. 2002-2006.
- Guest student at the Smithsonian Institute. 1999.
- Sponsored student winners of The Muddy Waters Essay Contest, The North Carolina Sedimentation Erosion Control Program. 1998-1999.
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