Enrolment Form

Ref No. : F-711

Rev No. : Rev 03

IssueDate : 1 January 2015

EffectiveDate : 7 September 2015

Textile & Fashion Industry Training Centre Pte Ltd (TaF.tc)

Registered Organisation under Council of Private Education l Registration No:198301430C l

28November 2011–27November2015

*please tick where appropriate

Course Title: / ☐Full-Time
For Diploma in Fashion Technology applicant, would you like to enroll for:
Professional Conversion Programme (PCP) / ☐ / Global Fashion Talent Programme (GFTP) / ☐
If you have opted for any of the above programme, please complete the following:
Are You currently Employed:☐Yes ☐No / Do you own a registered company: ☐Yes ☐No
Personal Details
Salutations:☐Mr ☐Mrs ☐Mdm
☐Ms ☐Dr / Full Name:
(As it appears in your NRIC/Passport. Please underline surname)
Date of Birth:
(dd/mm/yyyy) / ☐NRIC☐FIN☐Passport No: / Gender:
☐F ☐M
Identity Type: ☐Singapore Citizen ☐Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)
☐Foreigners* (SPR / FOR, please indicate your nationality: / Race:
Mailing Address: / Postal Code:
Contact Number: (Home)
(Mobile) / Email:
Learning Challenges:☐Hearing Difficulty☐Poor Eyesight☐Mobility☐Others, please specify:
☐Medical Condition, please specify:
Emergency Contact Person Details
Name: / Contact Number: (Home)
Educational Qualification Details(tickin the box next to your highest qualification obtained)
☐No formal qualification and lower primary ☐PSLE ☐Lower Secondary
☐GCE N ☐GCE O ☐GCE Alevel (or equivalent)
☐ITE Skills Certification (ISC) ☐NITEC ☐Post NITEC ☐Higher NITEC ☐Master NITEC
☐WSQ Certificate ☐WSQ Advanced Certificate ☐WSQ Diploma
☐Polytechnic Diploma ☐Professional Qualification & Other Diploma
☐University First Degree ☐Master ☐Doctorate
Employment Details
Currently Employed:
☐Yes ☐No / Years of working experience: Years (Compulsory) / Industry employed in:
Employment History (Please start with your current employment)
Name of company / Designation / Length of Service / Description of Job Responsibilities & Experience
Employment Details (continuation from page 1)
Salary Range (in SGD, tick in the box next to the current salary range)
Below $1,000 / ☐ / $1,000 - $1,499 / ☐ / $1,500 - $1,999 / ☐ / $2,000 - $2,499 / ☐
$2,500 - $2,999 / ☐ / $3,000 - $3,499 / ☐ / $3,500 and above / ☐
Sponsoring Company Details
Are you sponsored by your Employer? ☐Yes ☐No (if yes, please proceed to fill up company details)
Name of Sponsoring Company:
Contact No: / Fax: / Email:
Name and Designation of Authorised Personnel:
Signatory of Authorised Personnel with Company Stamp:
Payment Details
Course Fee: / Payment Mode: ☐Cheque ☐iBanking
How did you get to know TaFtc? (you may choose more than 1 source)
unlNewspaper:☐The Straits Time ☐Lianhe Zhaobao ☐TODAY ☐Others:
Magazine: ☐8 Days ☐i-Weekly ☐Others:
Internet: ☐Website ☐Facebook ☐Twitter ☐Forums ☐Others:
Word of Mouth: ☐Family ☐Friends ☐Colleagues ☐Others:
Referral: Name:
Contact Number:
Mandatory Section (to be completed by Applicant)
Have future intent to pursue career in the Textile and Fashion Industry
☐Yes (Subsidy Granted) ☐No (Full Fee Payment Required)
I agree to receive marketing and promotional updates from TaF.tc via:

I declare all the information given by me in this application is true and correct. I understand that misrepresentation or omission is sufficient grounds for rejection of my application or withdrawal of any place which may be offered and that this withdrawal may take place at any stage during the course I undertake. I also authorise any investigation of the above information for the purpose of verification. I understand and accept the 10 terms and conditions (refer to on page 3) stipulated by TaF.tc.

Signature / Date
For Official Use by TaF.tc only
  1. Prerequisites & Admission Criteria

GCE “N” / "O" levels qualifications / WSQ Advanced Certificate / WSQ Diploma /ES WSQ Workplace Literacy and Numeracy WPLNLevel 4 / 5 / 6 and above as highlighted in course brochure.

  1. Enrolment & Confirmation

Enrolment and confirmation has to be completed at least 2 weeks before the course commencement.

Confirmation of enrolment for any courses is subject to receipt of full payment of course fees and completeness of the enrolment form.

  1. Refund Policy

Once a course has been confirmed and paid for, the following policy will apply.

% of Course Fees Paid / If Student’s written notice of withdrawal is received:
[90%] / more than [14] days before the Course Commencement Date
[50%] / before, but not more than [14] days before the Course Commencement Date
[0%] / after, but not more than [1] days after the Course Commencement Date
[0%] / more than [1] days after the Course Commencement Date

Note: The above policy does not apply for courses with 2 days duration or less.

In the event that the registered student is unable to attend, a replacement can be appointed for the entire course. However, this is not allowed once the course has commenced.

  1. Graduation Requirements

Upon completion of the required modules, students will be awarded the WSQ Statement of Attainment (SOA) /Advanced Certificate / Diploma in Fashion Technologyprovided they have met the following requirements:

  • 75% attendance rate (Based on Training hours/session)
  • 100% competency in the respective modules (assessments will be conducted immediately after each module)

All WSQ course certification and issuance will be in-line with WDA assessment criteria and conditions. Do login to for more information.

  1. Certificate Collection

Effective 3 November 2014, students can download their own WSQ Electronic Certificates (E-certs) directly from SkillsConnect. WDA will notify students via sms/email when their WSQ E-certs are ready for download.

For full Qualifications, TaF.tc will print hardcopy of certificate and transcript which student can then self-collect from TaF.tc

  1. Appeal Process

Any appeal to review the assessment outcome will require completion of the Appeal Form and has to be submitted to TaF.tc, within 1 week after the assessment date. There will be an appeal fee of $20. Appeal outcomes will be known within 10 days of submission.

  1. Absentee Payroll

Companies can login to to apply for the Absentee Payroll and to obtain further details.

  1. Payment Process

Please refer to the Letter of Offer email that will be sent to the email address provided by applicant on the enrolment form.

  1. Disclaimer Clause

TaF.tc reserves the right to change the course schedule and trainer. However TaF.tc will use utmost effort to inform students on any changes within 5 working days before class commencement.

TaF.tc reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule the class, or change the course fee without prior notice. The terms and conditions set may be modified or amended without prior notice.

  1. Personal Data Protection Statement

Your personal data, photographic images, videos, etc., which we collect from you may be used for student matters such as sending you information and updates on courses, training purpose, pastoral care services and for our marketing and promotion events and activities. Should you wish to opt out, please write to us at

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