
First United MethodistChurch, RaimondChristianCenter

206 S. 4th Street - Harlingen, Texas78550

(956) 412-0411 – Office

(956) 423-4663 – Fax

of Contents
Philosophy 4
Open Door Policy 4
Licensing Information 4
Operational Hours 5
Holidays Observed 5
Tuition and Fees 5-6
Enrollment Policy 6
Withdrawal Policy 7
Attendance 7
Classrooms 7
Arrival and Release of Children 7
Parent Bulletin Board 8
Parent/Teacher Conference 8
Parents and Volunteers 8
Nurturing 8
Discipline and Guidance 8
Biting 9
Clothing and Personal Belongings 9
Extra Clothing 10
Potty Training 10
Rest Time 11
Chapel 11
Outdoor Play 11
Water Activities 11
School Pictures/Snapshots 11
Breastfeeding 11
Nutrition 11
Breakfast Guidelines 11
Lunch Guidelines 11
Snacks 12
Birthdays 12
Illness 12
Immunizations and TB Test 13
Hearing and Vision 13
Accidents/Medical Emergencies 14
Emergency Situations 15
Fire Inspections 15
Pets 15
Transportation 15
Moonlighting 15
Volunteers/Fundraising 15
Child Abuse and Neglect 15
Minimum Standards 16

Dear Parents,

I am so excited to have you and your child(ren) involved at the Journey Preschool this year. At FirstUnitedMethodistChurch we believe that Children Matter! I know this year will bring new friendships, lessons, experiences, and most importantly love. Journey Preschool has an excellent staff, and I believe you will be pleased with the instruction, affection, and attention your children receive.

Journey Preschool is a ministry of FirstUnitedMethodistChurch. While many of you have other church families, we just want to let you know that you are welcome to join us for any program or event we have. If you don’t already attend a church, we also want to invite you to join us for worship on Sundays. We have a Traditional Service at 9:15 am, and a Contemporary Service at 11:00 am.

Once again, we thank you for being a part of this wonderful program. Know that we have been praying for you this summer, and will continue to pray for you and your families throughout the year. If I can ever be of assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to ask.

So, let’s have a great year! I look forward to getting to know you and your children, and I know God has blessings in store for us.

Yours in Christ,

David E. Payne

Sr. Pastor, FUMC

(956) 245-8279 (cell)

To Journey Preschool!

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed… Proverbs 16:3


The purpose of Journey Preschool (JPS) is to maintain a child-centered program in which children of all backgrounds, races and abilities may develop physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually in a loving Christian atmosphere. We encourage learning through play, while a child’s feeling of self-worth and regard for others is placed above achievement. JPS strives to maintain our purpose byproviding quality child care with a Christian education.

JPS is a non-profit organization with the goal of being self-supporting and providing quality child care with a Christian education. JPS is overseen by a governing body which consists of the senior pastor, church members, JPS parents and community members.


Our open door policy ensures parents have the opportunity to visit the preschool anytime during our hours of operation to observe their child, the preschool operation, and program activities without having to secure prior approval. These visits allow for limited observation of their child’s stay as needed. Please keep this visit to a minimum duration so as not to disturb class time or other children.


JPS is a state-licensed facility, operated in accordance with the Minimum Standards for Child Care Centersand holds a license for Child Care with the Texas Department of Protective and Family Services - Child Care Licensing Division ( JPS must ensure compliance with all minimum standards applicable to our preschool program. JPS employees maintain continuing education requirements through annual trainings for caregivers/director including CPR/First Aid.


Monday through Friday 7:00 am – 5:00 pm

Early Morning Care / 7:00am-8:00am
Half Day Classroom Hours / 8:00am-12:45pm (Pick up 12:45 – 1:00)
*Late Pick up fee $10
Extended Day Care
Full Day Care / 1:00 to 3:30 (Pick up 3:15 to 3:30)
*Late Pick up fee $10
7:00am-4:45pm (Pick up 4:45 – 5:00)
*Late Pick up fee $10


JPS will be closed for the following holidays. Please be sure to plan ahead for these dates. NO refund is given for holidays or for absenteeism. JPS is open year round with the following schedule exceptions:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Good Friday
  • Memorial Day
  • July Fourth
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday
  • Christmas Week

JPS will be closed: spring break week in accordance with the HICSD schedule. We will also close any day the HCISD closes for bad weather situations.


Tuition is due on the 1st of every month. A $10.00 late fee will incur after the 5th. Tuition must be paid each month to ensure space. Child care services may be suspended due to unpaid balances. Payments may be made in check or money order form payable to FUMC-JPS (No Cash). Post-dated checks will not be accepted. There will be a $20.00 charge for the first returned check (after the 2nd returned check, we will only accept money order payments towards the account balance). If your child is absent due to illness, vacation, or holidays you will still be responsible to pay the tuition fee.

$100 Annual Registration Fee Due at the time of Registration



Part Time Care (8am-12:45pm) / Full Time Care (7am-4:45pm)
5 Days / $295.00 / $500.00
4 Days / $245.00 / $400.00
3 Days / $195.00 / $300.00
2 Days / $145.00 / $200.00

*(10% Sibling Discount Available)


(Afternoon Schedule Must Remain The Same Each week)

Afternoon Add On / 1pm – 3:30pm
5 Afternoons a Week / $120.00/Mo. Add on
4 Afternoons a Week / $95.00/Mo Add on
3 Afternoons a Week / $75.00/Mo Add on
2 Afternoons a Week / $50.00/Mo Add on
Early Morning Drop in / $10.00/Day
Partial Day Drop In (8am-1pm) or (1pm-5pm) / $20.00/Day
Full Day Drop In (7am-5) / $40.00/Day


Parents are expected to commit to a regular schedule of days/hours when they enroll a child. This will be noted on the. JPS requests a minimum of one month advance notice when a change of schedule is necessary

Payments during Absenteeism and Vacations: We try to provide the highest quality program on a budget comprised on the lowest possible monthly rate. In order to do this, no credit can be given for absenteeism. Families may take a 1 month credit vacation anytime throughout the year. For vacations taken during June, July, or August notice must be given by March 9th2016. Forvacations taken any other months, a one month notice must be given.

JPS reserves the right to change any and all tuition rates when circumstances make such a changenecessary.


JPS offers services without regard to race, national origin, or religion. Parents must sign the admission information forms before the child is admitted to our care. Please keep in mind the health status information is critical to ensuring that the individual needs of children are met, while protecting the health and safety of all children in our care. All immunizations required for the child’s age must be completed by the date of admission.

The following forms must be completed and submitted along with the registration & tuition fees prior to enrollment:

I. Required Forms

  • Admission Form (notification of any change is required)
  • Up to date Immunization Record

a. Tuberculosis Test (every 2 years)

b. Hearing and Vision Screening (4-5 year olds)

  • Physicians’ Statement
  • Acknowledgement of Parent Handbook and Guide to Daycare Form
  • Emergency Medical Release Form
  • Discipline and Guidance Policy
  • Tuition Contract


If it becomes necessary to withdraw your child the Director must be notified in writing at least one month in advance. (A tuition refund will not be granted if sufficient notice is not given.)


Children are to arrive at school NO LATER than8:30am. All absences must be reported to the JPS office by 8:30am. JPS does not offer make up days. DropIn care is available (space permitting) to all enrolled children. Arrangements must be made through the preschool office.


Children will be grouped according to age on September 1st of

every year and will be placed in the following classes:

18 months to 2 years old

2 years old to 3 years old (PK-2 – PK-3)

4 years old to 5 yearsold (PK-4)

JPS will take into consideration the developmental or emotional age rather than the chronological age, of a child with special care needs.Additionally, From time to time, combined classes will be necessary according to child/caregiver ratio.


We encourage every parent to make a plan to drop-off and pick-up your children at the same time each day if possible. In addition, we encourage you to make your goodbye routine the same each day. This lets your child know what to expect. It is our goal to make your child as successful as possible as soon as possible. We are here for you!

Arrival time is NO EARLIER than 7a.m. for part time care and NO EARLIER than 8a.m. for full time care (the teachers utilize the few minutes before children arrive to prepare the classrooms for the day). Pick-up will be between 12:45pm and 1:00pm for part time care and between 4:45pm and 5:00pm for full time care. Parents must accompany their child into the building and sign him or her in/out in the presence of a staff member.A late charge of $10 will be incurred for any late pick-ups.

JPS will not release a child to anyone other than the parent unless prior arrangements have been made. Pre-approved adults must be over the age of 18 and are required to provide a Texas ID before the child will be released; this includes siblings. Under no circumstance is a staffmember permitted to take a child home.

For the safety of our children, please avoid lengthy conversations with staff during the busy drop-off and pick-up times. If you need to discuss issues of concern you are encouraged to call JPS to set up a parent/teacher conference.

The alley may be used for drop-off and pick-up in inclement weather. Please do not leave your car unattended (unlocked) with the motor on. JPS is not responsible for stolen vehicles or valuables. Please DO NOT leave children in an unattended vehicle while dropping off or picking up other children.


Parent bulletin boards are located outside of every classroom. The information posted is an important part of communication with our parents. The information posted provides parents the opportunity to monitor the care they have selected for their child and to make informed decisions as consumers of child care. Boards consist of our weekly am/pm snack menus, daily schedules, lessons plans, etc. A notice will be placed in the child’s cubby of any school policy changes, special events, calendar updates, etc.


Parents may request a meeting by appointment only with the JPS Director and/or your child’s teacher to discuss matters concerning your child’s development and participation at JPS. Mutual sharing of information and insight about the child’s needs and development helps provide consistency and support in promoting the child’s growth and development.


According to Texas State Minimum Standards any person who will be frequently visiting and/or working in the childcare center must have a name-based criminal history background check and a DFPS central registry check that is clear. Journey Preschool welcomes any parents/family members who would like to volunteer with the understanding that this name based background check must be performed prior to their attendance. Please contact the JPS office for further information on how you may volunteer.


One of our goals is to make the children feel comfortable and safe. Understanding the social-emotional development of a child is as critical to a child’s success in life as the child’s cognitive abilities.


JPS is committed to maintaining a loving, safe environment in which every individual treats others with dignity and respect. If an individual child’s behavior is deemed harmful or distracting in the class the following disciplinary steps will be taken:

  • Inappropriate behavior will be brought to the child’s attention. A brief, supervised separation from the group may be used if needed.
  • Repeated behavior problems with the child will be brought to the parent’s attention so that a solution may be reached. (A progress report will be kept in the event that a conference is required.)
  • If the behavior does not change, a conference with the parent and JPS Director will be scheduled. A behavior modification plan will be agreed upon by a target date.
  • Depending on the severity of distraction or potential harm the student may or may not be suspended. The student may be reinstated for a trial period.
  • If no improvement is noted, the child shall be withdrawn from the program.

Our JPS staff is not trained to teach children with significant conditions. If a problem in any one of the areas listed below develops, JPS reserves the right to confer with the parent about withdrawing the student from our program. JPS relies upon our parents to uphold the intent and the spirit of our discipline policy.

  • Mentally or physically disabled
  • Emotional disturbances
  • Incorrigible Behavior
  • Learning disabilities


Biting is a natural part of the developmental process for young children, but must be properly addressed. We are concerned for the safety of all of our students, thus the centers policy is as follows:

1. The parent of the child bitten will be contacted by phone or email if the skin is broken.

2. The parent of the biter will be notified via Incident Report; and the parent signature will be required.

3. Information regarding the name of the biter will not be disclosed.

4. Every precaution to prevent biting will be taken to channelthe energy of the child into an appropriate activity.


Children should dress comfortably, in washable clothing that they can manage easily and appropriately according to the weather. Open toe shoes must have a strap; flip flops, jelly shoes, and boots are not allowed because they do not provide enough traction or support on steps, ladders and other playground equipment. Tennis shoes are more appropriate. Children are encouraged to participate in activities that involve sand, water, paints, glue, and other art products, please be aware that some activities may become messy and that clothing could become stained. All removable clothing should be labeled with the child’s name. JPS will not be responsible for any lost personal belongings.


The parent is required to bring a set of clean change of clothes(including underwear and socks) that is labeled in case of accidents or spills.


Children entering the PK 3 Classroom Must Be Fully Potty Trained. Potty Trained children can:

  • Communicate to teachers that they need to use the restroom.
  • Independently use the bathroom facility without assistance.
  • Wear cloth underwear. No Pull-ups or diapers are allowed. (with the exception of Naptime).

If your child has repeated potty accidents in either the PK3 or PK4 classroom we may ask that you withdraw the student until full potty training has been achieved.

For all other classrooms; when you feel your child is ready for potty training, we ask that you begin teaching at home during a weekend or vacation.PLEASE NOTE: We will only assist your child in potty training if you havesuccessfully begun training at home for one week prior.

We will follow through and encourage your child while in care. Potty training will be done in a relaxed manner with the cooperation of the family. We require that the child be at least 2 years of age and must also show signs of readiness. Positive reinforcements and consistency must be continued at home.

During potty training your child needs to be dressed in “User friendly” clothing as much as possible. The best items are shorts and pants with elastic waist. Please DO NOTdress your child in the following:

No tight clothing
No pants with snaps & zippers
No overalls or bib type clothing
No belts
No one piece outfits

The clothes listed above can make it difficult for your child to reach the potty in time. Your child also needs to be able to pull his/her pants up and down and these items will hinder your child’s ability to do so.

Required Supplies for Potty Training

The following items are to be left at the childcare and replaced as needed. Soiled clothes will be returned in a plastic bag at the end of the day.

Two (2) changes of clothing including socks (an extra pair of shoes if available)


JPS must provide a supervised sleep or rest period after the noon meal for all children 18 months of age or older who are in care 5 or more consecutive hours for a duration of no more than 3 hours. Parents are to provide one small mat and blanket to be used for rest time during afternoon care. Your child’s mat and blanket must be labeled with their name. Blankets will be sent home every Friday so that they can be washed and should be returned to school on Monday.


PreKinder 3 and PreKinder 4 classes attend chapel on Wednesday mornings held in the First United Methodist Church Sanctuary and is led by a pastoral team member.


Children will be given an opportunity to play outdoors (weather conditions permitting). When outdoor play is not an option the Raimond Christian Center Gymnasium will be utilized.


There will be planned water activities involving wading pools, sand & water tables, and sprinklers during the summer months. Pools will be drained, sanitized and stored out of reach of children. Parents must fill out the portion of the enrollment form (#3 WATER ACTIVITIES) for permission to participate.

SCHOOL PICTURES/SNAPSHOTSFrom time to time, pictures are taken randomly for classroom projects, website use, or power point presentations during school gatherings. Pictures will not be used without the consent of the child’s parent(s).