Crow River Area Breastfeeding Coalition
Tuesday March 20th1:00pm
Dunn Bros Coffee of Hutchinson
Present: Jenny C. (Meeker), Whitney W. (Sibley), Jayme K. (McLeod), Jenny L. (McLeod), Beth T. (McLeod), Joanne W. (Meeker Memorial), Jill (Babywearing), Terri H. (McLeod)Mission:Collaborate with local health departments, WIC, Hospitals, healthcare, and community members to protect, support, and promote breastfeeding.
Vision:Provide a clear and consistent message through the community about breastfeeding resources and support.
Topic / Discussion/Plan / Action/Do/Follow up
Welcome and Introductions
Coalition Accomplishments / Healthy Communities grant for $500 to purchase portable lactation tents for use at community events. / Tents have been ordered, will be arriving between April 4th and 24th. At that point, a chair/signage can be ordered.
Healthy Communities Grant / Project evaluation surveys—Jayme / Survey was presented. The coalition made various edits to the survey and suggested making it a half-page instead of full, and also adding coalition logo. Jayme will make changes and present at next meeting.
Community BF Survey / Update / There are currently 38 completed surveys on SurveyMonkey. There are also more surveys to input manually.
Setting new goals /
- Bring Rock-N-Rest to all counties
- Change resource guide to brochure form, outreach to hospitals/pharmacies
- August event--2019
- Fundraising efforts
- Community breastfeeding survey
- NEW—Translate resource guide to Spanish
Partner Sharing / Review hospital PPNB discharge packets from St. Cloud Hospital, Meeker Memorial, Hutchinson Health, and GRHS.
Mom’s Like You update—attendance, review, flyers, donations / It was mentioned to find a resource for hand expression to put into the packets.
Andrea unable to attend meeting but reported to Jenny that there have been 8 different moms total, some attending more than once.
It was proposed to add the word “lactating” or pumping” to include promotion of the Support Group to moms not providing breastmilk at the breast.
Terri has been attending meetings regarding increasing the presence of PH at Hutch Health.
MN Breastfeeding Coalition
Upcoming Trainings / Grow and Glow for all WIC staff—April 26th and 27th in Blaine, MN. Registration will open for community partners on April 11th if space is available.
Grow and Glow—May 3rd and 4th in Brainerd, MN.
Certified Lactation Specialist (CLS)—July 9th-13th in the Metro area. (40 hours towards IBCLC)
Building Bridges to Breastfeeding Success—August 2nd and 3rd
Foundations for Best Practices in Lactation Care—April 16th-20th in Willmar ($125)
April 19th—MN Breastfeeding Coalition Annual Teleconference, details to come / Whitney—Attending Grow & Glow in Brainerd.
Jenny—Attending Best Practices in Willmar.
It was discussed to possibly use funds to send coalition members to various trainings.
Outreach / Updated resource guide posted on website
Do we have a Spanish version of the Resource Guide?
Resource Bookmark
“Dear employer, I plan to breastfeed…” Letter to be created and posted on website
Helpful Ideas for Family and Friends cards for moms
“We Care About Our Kids”—April 28th Hutchinson / Translating the resource guide to Spanish is a new goal! Translators at McLeod or Sibley can assist with this.
Jenny mentioned it possibly being part of the WIC budget to laminate updated resource bookmarks.
“Dear employer…..” letters approved by coalition and to be posted on Healthy Communities website.
We Care About Kids—Jayme will get more information to present at next meeting before the event.
Jill introduced the group to “The Big Latch On” event.
Jenny shared ideas for “Thank you for breastfeeding” business cards. Please scan/email or fax any ideas to Jenny Crowe from Meeker County.
Fundraising / Schwan’s Update
New ideas welcome! / $149 raised to date. Initial payment from Schwan’s was received in the amount of $132.07.
Future Meeting Dates / Metro Breastfeeding Coalition meeting—Friday March 23rd 9-12:30 at Metro Counties Government Center, 2099 University Avenue West, St Paul
Minnesota BF Coalition teleconference April 19th 10-11:30am
Next meeting: Tuesday April 17th, 2018 1pm at Dunn Bros of Hutchinson
Respectfully Submitted: / Whitney Wiethoff, RN, CLC