Assignments, Chapter 3, The Healthcare Delivery System
Written Assignments / Learning Objective(s)1. Prepare a report on the significance of the following:
· Acute care hospitals
· Intensive care unit (ICU)
· Home healthcare
· Hospice care
· Community health service
· The Joint Commission’s functions / 2, 3, 5
2. Prepare a report on holistic care features in the delivery of healthcare. / 9
Group Assignments / Learning Objective(s)
1. Divide the classroom into groups of four and ask the students to prepare a document and have a short discussion on the following:
· Accreditation of nursing schools
· Standards of quality assurance in healthcare centers
· Modes of payment in healthcare centers / 6, 7
2. Invite a client representative or an ombudsperson to discuss client care issues and his/her role as a client representative. Prepare a brief report on the discussion. / 8
Clinical Assignments / Learning Objective(s)
1. During your clinical rotation, observe an industrial nurse and a school nurse. Prepare a report based on your observation and have a short discussion on the following:
· Roles of an industrial nurse
· Roles of a school nurse
· Comparison of the roles of the two nurses / 4
Web Assignments / Learning Objective(s)
1. Conduct online research on the latest healthcare trends in the 21st century. List the healthcare trends and discuss their impact on nursing. / 1
2. Conduct online research on the impact of consumer fraud on public wellness. List the problems that arise out of fraud in healthcare. / 10