Rosanna Espinoza
7c Maygrove Road, London, NW6 2EE
- Experienced professional with a Doctorate in the field of e-Learning and Blended Learning.
- Engaged and supported doctoral students and academics.
- Developede-learning and blended learningmodules, activities and materials for a wide range of learners.
- Managed and updatedvirtual learning environments (moodle, Blackboard, and in-houseVLEs).
- Innovated with the introduction and use ofe-portfolios, blogs, online forums, podcasts and video clips.
- Investigated, initiatedand maintain networks and communities of practice with an online and offline presence.
- Influenced and communicated with stakeholders within Higher Education institutions.
June 2013 to date / University of WestminsterStaff Learning and Development Adviser
- Develop e-Learning modules and online resources for staff.Train staff at all level on how to adhere to the performance management framework and use the online tool.Facilitate workshops for all staff on managing developmental conversations, competencies and setting SMART objectives.
February 2009 to June 2014 / Resource Development International Ltd. - Midland Management Centre
Online tutor and Coordinator
- Delivered content, assessed and gave guidance for Personal Skills Development, Human Resources and Master’s dissertation modules. Designed, implemented and uploadede-Learning materials and activities on to a moodle.
January 2011 to August 2011 / Graduate Skills programme, University of Warwick
Postgraduate e-Portfolio Advisor
- Undertook weekly maintenance of departmental e-Portfolio directories. Gave first line support for research students. Promoted innovative use of ICT tools to support doctorate study.
- Performed influential role with respect to e-portfolios among peers. Liaised with departmental administration, academics and the rest of e-portfolio support team.
July 2006 toOctober 2010 / Warwick Institute of Education, University of Warwick
Research officer
- Investigated and developedonline and offline support for doctoral students in Research methods courses. Designedand developed website to support research, ran online forums, updated blogs.
- Innovated in e-learning support for doctorate programme via video clips and podcasts. Implemented e-Portfolio gallery for doctoral students.
- Organised seminar programme for doctoral students.Designed workshop on how to use technology to support research (Study Skills Programme). Trained doctoral students on the use of e-Portfolios and blogs.
- Coordinated graduate researcher association. Promoted doctoral support via communications campaign. Engaged academic staff and doctoral students to develop the blended learning support.
January 2010 to July 2010 / Beyond Distance Research Alliance, University of Leicester
Research associate
- Formednetwork of geographers entitled “GIRAFFE - Geographical Information Research And Future-Facing Education”. Engaged contributors and coordinated network.
- Designedand builta wiki to share academic, learning and teaching content. Produced research outputs.
March 2007to July 2008 / Learning and Development Centre, University of Warwick
Research assistant
- Investigated how undergraduate students blend their learning activities at University of Warwick and Northumbria University (Students’ Blending Learning User Patterns).Produced research outputs (literature review, conceptual framework, data analysis, categories of students’ blending activities) and developed a website. Presented research findings in written via conference papers and verbally in presentations.
July 2007 toJuly 2008 / Warwick Institute of Education, University of Warwick
Research officer
- Innovated online support for assessment in Doctorate programme for Institute of Education and History department). Designed online resources to support upgrade examination via website.
- Engaged academics and doctoral students to produce content and share learning materials.Produced comprehensive online support for the upgrade process. Recorded and edited video clips.
- Developed online support for research students enrolled on Master’s programme. Designed website for Master’s module entitled “Leading Education Enquiry”.
July 2007 toJune 2008 / London Institute of Education
Research assistant
- Developede-Learning resources for new researchersin how to use research methodologies (i.e. Design Research) via Kaleidoscope Virtual Doctoral School - Design Research.
June 2009 to June 2013 / Cambridge Education Group – CoventryTutor
- Delivered content, assessed and gave guidance for Academic English, Research Methods and Business studies. Developed learning materials and activities for the above subjects. Supervised students’ dissertations.
October 2004 to June 2009 / Coventry University, Faculty of Business, Environment and Society
Languages lecturer
- Delivered content, prepared assessment, gave guidance to students. Designed and offered online and face-to-face language teaching/learning activities and materials via Blackboard.
- Edited video clips and produced audio recordings and uploaded those on to Blackboard. Reviewed e-Learning language learning activities and materials available elsewhere and promoted those that were fit for purposes.
2010 / PhD, ‘Can Information and communication technology tools support a shift in doctoral students’ practices towards a networked and engaged model of conducting a doctorate’,Warwick Institute of Education, University of Warwick
2005 / MA in Human Resources Management,
Coventry University & Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
2004 / BA in International Business,
Coventry University
Espinoza, R. (2012). An exploration of the philosophical assumptions underpinning an action research study. Working Papers of the Warwick SUMINER Group, 5, 47-58.
Espinoza, R. and Hammond, M. (2008). Can ICT build a solid bridge to a more "engaged" and collaborative practice in doctoral study? Paradoxes, constraints and opportunities, in Hodgson, V., Jones, C., Kargidis, T., McConnell, D., Retalis, S., Stamatis, D. and Zenios, M. (eds) Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Networked Learning, 5th & 6th May, 2008, Halkidiki, Greece., 112 - 118.
Espinoza, R. (2008). Reflections on using action research to introduce ICT developments to support doctoral students. Working Papers of the Warwick SUMINER Group, 4, 47-58.
Espinoza, R. (2007). Exploring ICT tools to support a networked learning approach for doctoral students. Working Papers of the Warwick SUMINER Group, 3, 57-67.
References available at request