Private and Confidential




2Instructions and Guidelines to Bidders

2.1Procurement and Delivery Timetable

2.2Registration for Expression of Interest

2.3Language Requirements for the Proposal

2.4Format Rules for Commercial Proposals

2.5Submission of the Proposal

2.6Bid Validity

2.7Pricing and Currency

2.8Cost of Liability

2.9Delivery of Equipment

2.10Acceptance of Proposal

2.11Rejection of Proposal

3Evaluation Criteria


4.1Functional Requirements to the Equipment

4.2Service and Support


Appendix A: Proposal from vendor (to be completed by the vendor)

Instructions for Completing the Proposal

i) Answer to functional requirements and prices

ii) Answer to service and support

iii) References

iv) Bidder’s Signature and Confirmation of Delivery of the Proposal


This document is the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the procurement of Blood Bank Equipment on behalf of the blood banks in Bakuand Gandja which are parts of the Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Haematology and Transfusiology. The procurement is a part of the UNDP project “Rehabilitation of the Blood Bank and Transfusion Services in Azerbaijan”. Consultants from PricewaterhouseCoopers Norway are responsible for project managementin this project.

The blood banks in Bakuand Gandja have during the last couple of years gone through a change process where the number of blood donations has increased and more separated blood products are produced (less whole blood). The procurement of new blood bank equipment is an important step towards higher quality of the blood products. UNDP Azerbaijan seeks to identify blood bank equipment that will enable the blood banksto provide better and more effective blood bank services.The following equipment will be purchased:

  • Two blood bank centrifuges
  • Six sealers
  • Eight mixers

Key procurement dates are indicated below:

21.06.2005Deadline for submission of commercial proposals

04.07.2005Selection of vendor

September2005Delivery and installation of equipment in both Baku and Gandja

The solution will be evaluated against the functional and technical requirements stated in this document, as well as the vendor credentials and the commercial proposition.

2Instructions and Guidelines to Bidders

2.1Procurement and Delivery Timetable

The provisional timeline for selecting a solution provider is shown below and is driven by the objective for the equipments to be installed by 01.09.2005:

31.05.2005: Announce TOR on UNDP web site

14.06.2005: Last day for raising questions regarding the TOR

21.06.2005: Deadline for submission of commercial proposals (Bid Opening Date)

04.07.2005: Final selection of vendor and information to all bidders

September 2005: Delivery and installation of all equipment

2.2Registration for Expression of Interest

All tenders that intend to prepare a bid are invited to register their contact information (e-mail). All questions should be e-mailed to both Jamila Ibrahimova and Andreas B. Eskelund. All answers for additional questions will be put forward to all the bidders that have registered.

Contact details for registration:

Ms. Jamila Ibrahimova

Senior Programme Adviser, UNDP Azerbaijan

E-mail address:

Mr. Andreas B. Eskelund

Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Norway

E-mail address:

2.3Language Requirements for the Proposal

The commercial proposal subject to evaluation must be prepared in English.

Additional information (like brochures) in Azeri, Turkish and/or Russian will be welcomed, but will not be considered as a part of the formal proposal.

2.4Format Rules for Commercial Proposals

The proposalmust consist ofthecompleted Annex A (to be detached from this document) in Word format that give answers to the requirements raised in section 4of this TOR. The proposal must not exceed 3MB due to limitation of mail system.

Additional information (latest technical catalogues/brochures) may be provided as annexes in Excel, Power Point and/or Adobe Reader format.

2.5Submission of the Proposal

The vendor should delivertheir commercial proposals on e-mail

no later than 12.00 AM Azeri time the 21.06.2005. If the proposal is divided into more than one e-mail due to size limitations please indicate total number of e-mails.

The vendors will receive automatic reply confirming the delivery of the proposal. If such a reply is not received, please call Ms. Jamila Ibrahimova (phone: +994 12498 9888, extension 112) for an oral confirmation of the delivery.

2.6Bid Validity

A Bid must remain open for acceptance for at least 60 days days from the Bid Opening Date, unless otherwise indicated on the bid form.

2.7Pricing and Currency

UNDP is a tax exempt entity. All proposals must be submitted net of any direct taxes or customs duties.

The prices in the proposals shall be quoted in US Dollars (USD).

2.8Cost of Liability

The Tenderer is responsible for obtaining all information necessary for the preparation of its Tender. All costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by the Tenderer in connection with the preparation and submission of a proposal and, in the case of acceptance of the proposal by UNDP Azerbaijan shall be borne by the Tenderer.Neither UNDP Azerbaijan nor PricewaterhouseCoopers nor the blood banks in Bakuor Gandja will assume any responsibility or liability for the vendors’ costs to prepare the response.

2.9Delivery of Equipment

The equipmentis to be used either at the Blood Bank in Baku or at the Blood Bank in Gandja. Specifications for which equipment that should be used where is listed in section 4, Requirements. The equipment is to be delivered to the following addresses:

Blood Bank in Baku
Azerbaijan Institute of Haematology and Transfusiology
M. Gashgay St. 87
370007 Baku
Azerbaijan / Blood Bank in Gandja
Chekov St. 2
374700 Gandja

2.10Acceptance of Proposal

UNDP Azerbaijan shall not be bound to accept the lowest Proposal and reserves to itself the right at its absolute discretion to accept or not accept any Proposal submitted. UNDP Azerbaijan reserves the right to cancel any given item (due to budget restrictions).

UNDP Azerbaijan reserves the right to accept all or part of your offer. UNDP Azerbaijan will accept partial offers but not partial offers of a given lot, i.e. all the items in a lot must be offered, and the complete quantity must be offered for each item.

2.11Rejection of Proposal

Any Proposal submitted by any Tenderer in respect of which the Tenderer:

(a)fixes or adjusts the prices, charges and rates shown in its Proposal:

(i)by or in connection with any agreement or arrangement with any other person; or

(ii)by reference to any other Proposal; or

(b)communicates to any person other than UNDP Azerbaijan the amount or approximate amount of the prices, charges and rates shown in its Proposal except in accordance with instructions above; or

(c)enters into any agreement with any other person that such other person shall refrain from submitting a Proposal or shall limit or restrict the prices, charges and rates to be shown by any other Tenderer in its Proposal; or

(d)offers or agrees to pay or give or does pay or give any sum of money, inducement or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation any other Tenderer or any other person's Proposal; or

(e)has directly or indirectly canvassed any member or official of UNDP Azerbaijan and the Blood Bank in Baku or Gandja and PricewaterhouseCoopers Norway concerning the acceptance of any Proposal or who has directly or indirectly obtained or attempted to obtain information from any such member or official concerning any other Proposal submitted by any other Tenderer;

shall not be considered for acceptance and shall accordingly be rejected by UNDP Azerbaijan provided always that such non-acceptance or rejection shall be without prejudice to any other civil remedies available to UNDP Azerbaijan in respect thereof or to any criminal liability which such conduct by a Tenderer may attract.

Any breach of the terms stipulated in these instructions will entitle UNDP Azerbaijan to terminate at any time any Contract(s) entered into between the Tenderer and UNDP Azerbaijan.

3Evaluation Criteria

A panel consisting of representatives from UNDP Azerbaijan, PricewaterhouseCoopers Norwayand the Blood Bank in Bakuwill evaluate the tenderers’ proposals. During the evaluation process requests for clarification of proposalsmight be required from suppliers. The panel may also contact reference clients given by the vendor.

Evaluation of the response to the TOR will be broken into three areas. These areas are:

1. Functional / How the equipment meets the functional requirements described in this TOR
Any other additionalfunctionalities that the equipment have
2. Vendor / Vendor’s commitment and ability to provide support and service for the blood banks in Bakuand Gandja both in short and long term perspectives
Vendor’s ability to deliver and install the equipment within the given timeframe
3. Costing / Value for money, ensuring that the equipment meets the requirements as outlined in this TOR

The solution that is most economically, functionally and operationally advantageous will be selected. This supplier will then be asked to sign a contract with UNDP Azerbaijan. Note that UNDP Azerbaijan reserves the right to reject all offers.

The formal contract will be issued between the selected supplier and UNDP Azerbaijan. At a later stage the contract will be transferred to the blood banks in Baku and Gandja.The contract between the selected supplier and UNDP Azerbaijan shall describe all agreed aspects of the arrangement based on a) the TOR, b) the vendors’ proposal to the TOR, including clarifications, and c) any supplementary terms as may be agreed between both parties.


Answers to these requirements shall be filled in in Annex A beneath.

4.1Functional Requirements to the Equipment

The products offered should be from the manufacturers’ standard range of production in current supply and conform to the specifications listed in this section. These specifications are minimum requirements for the products. Products must meet or exceed all requirements herein. Bidders are cautioned to read the specifications carefully, as there may be special requirements not commonly offered by all manufacturers.

All equipment must be produced according to WHO’s Good Manufacturing Practice or the equivalent ISO certification. The manufacturer must be an internationally recognized firm or certified according to the relevant standard by an independent, internationally recognized institute.

The products shall conform in strength, quality and workmanship to the accepted standards of the relevant industry. Modifications of or additions to basic standard products of less size or capability to meet these requirements will not be acceptable.

Final quantities may be increased or decreased according to the funds allocated to the end-user. Therefore bidders should indicate any price/quantity restrictions associated with their offer.

Item: 1

Blood Bank Centrifuge
Our specifications:
a)It must be possible to centrifuge 12 donation sets of 800 ml at the same time, equivalent to a total weight of up to 11 kg.
b)As an alternative option one of the two centrifuges can be equipped for 6 instead of 12 donation sets.
c)The highest relative centrifugal acceleration shall correspond to a g-value of at least 6,000.
d)The lowest relative centrifugal acceleration shall correspond to a g-value not higher than 50
e)At the lowest acceleration it should take at least 8 minutes from standstill position until the centrifuge has achieved a relative centrifugal acceleration that corresponds to a g-level of 6,000.
f)The shortest time from stand-still position until a relative centrifugal acceleration of corresponding to 6000 G has been obtained should not exceed 160 sec.
g)On the second lowest step for retardation 19 minutes or more must pass to reach standstill from a relative centrifugal acceleration that corresponds to a g-level of 6,000.
h)The shortest time for retardation from a relative centrifugal acceleration of corresponding to 6000 G until stand-still should not exceed 200 sec.
i)The centrifuge must be programmable for speed, time, temperature, acceleration and retardation.
j)It must be possible to store at least 20 different programmes.
k)The set programs must be protected from changes by use of locksor passwords.
l)It must be possible to set the speed in two ways; either according to the number of rotations per minute (changes in intervals no bigger than 10) or to relative centrifugal acceleration (changes in intervals no bigger than 2)
m)Time of centrifugation should be set in minutes and seconds, and a delayed start-function should be available.
n)It must be possible to set the temperature accurately within the range from0oC to +40oC.The set temperature must be stable and independent of the centrifugation speed.
o)The acceleration and retardation must be adjustable either according to a scale with 10 steps (or more) or according minutes and seconds.
p)The noise level during centrifugation must not be higher than 64dB (A).
q)It must be possible to connect the centrifuge to 220 V, alternating current (AC). Other additional options for voltage or power supply may be described.
Quantity required:
2 (1 in Baku and 1 in Gandja)
Delivery requirements:
The centrifuges shall be exported to Azerbaijan and be installed by the vendor in both the blood bank in Baku and in Gandja. The total price shall include all transportation and installation costs. The delivery of the centrifuges is not considered fulfilled before the centrifuges are running properly in the blood banks.

Item: 2

Tube sealers
Our specifications:
a)The sealer should make hermetic closure and split plastic tubing of blood collection and transfer sets.
b)Different options for handheld or bench-top versions may be offered.
Quantity required: 6
Delivery requirements:
The sealers can be delivered at the international airport in Azerbaijan (Baku). UNDP Azerbaijan will ensure custom clearance and transport to the two blood banks.

Item: 3

Blood Collection Mixers
Our specifications:
a)The blood collection mixer should fit single or multibag plastic blood collection sets and ensure proper mixing with anticoagulant solution.
b)The mixer must have a digital display showing accumulated blood volume.
c)The mixer should have an audible/visible alarm indicating that the preset blood collection volume has been reached.
d)The mixer should have a closure mechanism that stops blood collection at the preset value.
e)Different alternatives may be offered
Quantity required: 8
Delivery requirements:
The mixers can be delivered at the international airport in Azerbaijan (Baku). UNDP Azerbaijan will ensure custom clearance and transport to the two blood banks.

4.2Serviceand Support

The vendor shall describe what kind of service and support that can be provided to both the blood bank in Baku and Gandja.

Local presence in Azerbaijan
Description of service and support that is included in the costs for the equipment (ref. 4.3 above)
Description of service and support that can be provided for an extra cost
Price mechanism for service and support that is not included in the costs for the equipment


Kindly provide us with references (other blood banks) that we may contact for further background information on your company and products.

Appendix A: Proposal from vendor (to be completed by the vendor)

Instructions for Completing the Proposal

  1. Vendors shall fill in the right columns of the tables in section i) and ii) and the whole table in section iii) beneath. Answers such as “see specifications attached”, are unacceptable. Your bid may be considered non-compliant unless all questions are answered thoroughly.
  1. If the vendors can provide different equipment (e.g. different models with different prices) that fulfils the requirements, all the equipment that can be provided can be described. The vendor shall then add more columns to the right in the table so that each item with its belonging prices can be described.
  1. Bidders shall include with their bid any other pertinent information that UNDP Azerbaijan should know in order to evaluate the bid properly.
  2. You are advised that the panel evaluating your submissions will not be able to make any assumptions on your behalf. It is therefore important that you ensure that you complete fully all sections appropriate to you and that you include all required supporting documentation. The undertaking at the end of the questionnaire (section iv) must be completed.
  3. The template is delivered in Word format. If more space is needed to fill out the questionnaire, you may expand the size of individual tables of the questionnaire.

i) Answer to functional requirements and prices

Item: 1

Our specifications:
Blood Bank Centrifuge / Specify Your offer:
Price per unit: / USD
Quantity required:
2 (1 in Baku and 1 in Gandja) / Fill in number of products offered
Delivery requirements:
The centrifuges shall be exported to Azerbaijan and be installed by the vendor in both the blood bank in Baku and in Gandja. The total price shall include all transportation and installation costs. The delivery of the centrifuges is not considered fulfilled before the centrifuges are running properly in the blood banks. / Specify price for transportation to the blood bank in Baku and Gandja and costs for installation:
Total price: / USD

Item: 2

Our specifications:
Sealers / Your offer:
Price per unit: / USD
Quantity required: 6 / Fill in number of products offered
Delivery requirements:
The centrifuges can be delivered at the international airport in Azerbaijan (Baku). UNDP Azerbaijan will ensure custom clearance and transport to the two blood banks. / Specify transportation costs to Azerbaijan international airport (Baku)
Total price / USD

Item: 3

Our specifications:
Mixers / Specify your offer:
Price per unit: / USD
Quantity required: 8 / Fill in number of products offered
Delivery requirements:
The Mixers can be delivered at the international airport in Azerbaijan (Baku). UNDP Azerbaijan will ensure custom clearance and transport to the two blood banks. / Specify transportation costs to Azerbaijan international airport (Baku)
Total price: / USD

ii) Answer to service and support

Requirement / To be filled out by the vendorers
Local presence in Azerbaijan / Yes/No
If Yes: Give contact details of the office in Azerbaijan (address, contact person, phone, web, e-mail, etc.)
If No: In which country is the nearest office (address, contact person, phone, web, e-mail, etc.)
Description of service and support that is included in the costs for the equipment (ref. 4.3 above) / Fill in:
Description of service and support that can be provided for an extra cost / Fill in:
Price mechanism for service and support that is not included in the costs for the equipment / USD / hour:
Travel costs:

iii) References