SAU #68

DATE: August 24, 2010



Judy Boyle-Chairperson Michael Cosgriff, Superintendent of Schools

Suzanne Fadden-Vice Chair Bob Nelson, Principal

Jay Bartlett Debbie O’Connor, Financial Manager

Holly Harrington Joanne Osgood, SAU Administrative Assistant

Ken Osgood Heather Krill, Teacher Representative

Jean Robbins



Judy Boyle called the meeting to order 6:35 pm.


Jean Robbins made a motion to accept the public minutes of August 10, 2010. Ken Osgood seconded. All present voted in favor. Sue Fadden abstained.

Holly Harrington made a motion to accept the non public portion of the July 20, 2010 minutes. Jean Robbins seconded. All present voted in favor. Sue Fadden abstained.

Holly Harrington made a motion to accept the return to the public minutes of July 20, 2010 Ken Osgood seconded. All present voted in favor. Sue Fadden abstained.


Ken Osgood made a motion to accept the non public portion of the August 10, 2010 minutes. Holly Harrington seconded. All present voted in favor. Sue Fadden abstained.

Holly Harrington made a motion to accept the return to the public minutes of August 10, 2010. Jean Robbins seconded. All present voted in favor. Sue Fadden abstained.


1.  Staff – Heather Krill reported on the week long workshops at the AP Vertical teaming school at St. Johnsbury Academy that she attended with Whitcher, Drapeau, Evans, and Steeves. Heather Krill thanked the Board for the opportunity to attend.



Manifest was circulated and signed.

Audit Sept. 16th & 17th. Board needs to fill out forms from Plodzik & Sanderson. In-service for staff on the 30th – 2nd. Benefits Fair on Monday the 30th. Also working on Title I grant.


Mike Cosgriff reports on the following:

·  Working dress codes, schedules, finishing up with summer projects etc.

·  Board discussed dress code, and how other districts in the state are tightening up the code as well. Will send a ConnectEd phone call to remind parents of the dress code and to clarify that if leggings are worn with a skirt, the skirt must be knee length.

·  High School Course Enrollments numbers and Schedules discussed. Cosgriff explained that small numbers should be resolved prior to the opening of school. Board had several questions for the administration. Board still questions where the administration and guidance had come up with the numbers. Questioned the 10th graders assignment to classes. Board and Administration discussed scheduling issues. Cosgriff will have a status report on September 14th and have more information by the September 28th Board meeting. Should be solid numbers by then. He also shared the letter that Ms. Hamill sent home to the parents in July regarding schedules.


Bob Nelson reports on the following:

·  Will report on enrollment in September

·  New staff orientation Friday, 2 new staff 2 mentors assigned. Baker will review Web2school with them

·  In-service Monday to Thursday

·  Wednesday 6th grade orientation at 1:00, 12:15 lunch provided

·  Wednesday evening 9th grade orientation, netbook session in HS multipurpose, cookout at 5:30

·  Varsity soccer team has been practicing, others teams will start next week. Boys and girls have first game this week

·  Athletics schedules can also be viewed on the school homepage, Nelson will follow up on the monthly mailing of the calendar of school events


1.  Nominations & Resignations: Nominations:

Nate Fuller for Cross Country Coach

Sean O’Brien for Golf Coach

Joe Chateauneuf, John Gillen & Ken Watson for MS Boys Soccer Coach

Sue Fadden made a motion to accept the above coaching nominations. Holly Harrington seconded. All members present voted in favor.

2.  Food Service Equipment

Deb presented bids for the food service equipment. Two bids compared; first quote was $19,401.00, second quote was $17,316.00. Bid discussed. Sue stated that the school has spent very little on the kitchen improvements. This would be a better way to give the children healthier and better foods. Board members agreed. Deb said they could install the equipment in after school if they couldn’t get it in before school starts.

Sue motion to accept the bid from the Northeast Food Service. Ken Osgood seconded. All present voted in favor.

3.  Discussed Board poll concerning drainage bids.

Sue Fadden made a motion to accept the bid from Rineer Farm for Elementary drainage the work. Ken Osgood seconded. All present voted in favor.


1.  Facilities Planning – Supt. Cosgriff feels we need to have discussions soon on several facilities that are outdated, i.e. boiler, phone system, bus garage. Feels we should get a committee together and discuss these things again. Perhaps do a feasibility study. Deb added that very little things work on the elementary playground. Judy Boyle feels we should bring this to the facilities committee again and move on from there.


The School Board Chairperson, Judy Boyle polled the Board to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3 at 7:50 pm. All members polled voted in the affirmative.

At 8:00 pm the Board returns to public session.


Judy Boyle asked if there was any further business to come before the Board, hearing none, Holly Harrington made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Sue Fadden. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:06pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joanne Osgood, SAU Administrative Assistant