The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission meeting on Thursday, January 3, 2013. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick, Vice Chairman Douglas R. Crociati, and Commissioners William D. Burke, Anthony J. Caruso, Kenneth L. Laytin, Walter E. Morrison, Jr., and Paul G. Worcester. Also present were Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler and Airport Manager Thomas Maher.

Approve Minutes of December 6, 2012 regular meeting: Commissioner Burke made a motion to approve the minutes subject to changing the review date for the FBO Fueling policy to June 2013. Commissioner Morrison seconded the motion. Vote was 6 in favor and Commissioner Worcester abstained.

Aircraft Paint Solutions, Proposed operation: Manager Maher briefed the Commission that his inquiry with the Town regarding the approval process has exposed two areas of concern. One component is Zoning which feels that the paint operation may have to go through the Zoning Board of Appeals and the other is the Fire Dept. which plays a major role in the safety component of the operation. The Fire Dept. noted that the proponent would likely have to hire a third party “code” person to guide them through the process and prove that the operation meets all applicable National Fire Protection (NFP) and other related codes. Aircraft Paint Solutions has been advised and has already contacted a “code” professional to help guide them. Manager Maher also inquired with DEP regarding State permits and DEP indicated that the proposed operation was likely to be exempt from DEP permits due to the small volume of paint and solvents that would be used. Mr. Ribeiro, Aircraft Paint Solutions, has been in to see Manager Maher during the month and was continuing with the process but has nonew information for the Commission at this time. Continuing item.

DuBois & King, Inc.

EA/EIR, Update – Mr. Jeff Adler, Consultant, briefed that the submission of the final EA/EIR is progressing for the end of January.

Noise/Safety Complaints, monthly review: None for December. Mr. Garland's complaint from November was relayed to Alpha One and a number of pilots regarding noise abatement.

Beaton Land, update: Manager Maher commented on the initial values of the appraisals submitted by DeCastro Appraisal. The Beaton parcel consisting of 41.5 acres and 368,000 cubic yards of minable sand (which contributed considerable to the value) is valued at $1,680,000. The potential swap parcel which consists of 22 acres and 120,700 cubic yards of minable sand is valued at $835,000. Manager Maher advised that at this juncture FAA funding and a Grant Offer must be available in addition to a solid commitment from the Army Corp and the DEP regarding the acceptance of the Beaton parcel for mitigation in order to proceed with this potential transaction.

Other Business: Chairman Fosdick mentioned an email from Peter Conner regarding Alpha One still having the Avfuel reference on their website. The Commission discussed this issue and determined that a directive on fuel reference was necessary. Manager Maher recommends incorporating the two items, determined to be of concern,into the approved FBO Fueling policy as such “FBO’s may not use the Avfuel logo or imply that they are the Avfuel dealer”. Commissioner Burke made a motion to approve the amendment. Commissioner Morrison seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Chairman Fosdick thanked the Awards Committee, Vice Chairman Crociati, Commissioners Burke and Laytin for their work on the Gate Naming Ceremony. Manager Maher also thanked DuBois & Kingfor their generous donation to payfor the signs.

As there was no further business at this time the meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.


Kenneth E. Fosdick
