(to be completed in English)
General InformationPartner Country / Kyrgyzstan
General Information about region/town / Karakol(Kyrgyz: Каракол), formerlyPrzhevalsk, is the fourth largest city in Kyrgyzstan, near the eastern shore ofIssyk Kul LakeinKyrgyzstan, about 150 kilometres (93mi) from the Kyrgyzstan-China border and 380 kilometres (240mi) from the capitalBishkek. It is the administrative capital ofIssyk Kul Oblast.
Name of university
Website: / Issykkul State University
Brief description of university, faculty, department, number of students / K. Tynystanov Issyk-Kul State University (later on IKSU) is the largest higher educational organization of Issyk-Kul region.
Structure. K.Tynystanov Issyk-Kul State University has 7 faculties such as: Physical-Technical, Russian philology and foreign languages, Pedagogy, Kyrgyz philology and journalism, Mathematics and computer sciences, Environmental Sciences and Ecology, Art and culture, Economy and Tourism.
31 chairs are in function now. There are more than 36 specialties and 19 directions of bachelor degree. The teacher`s staff of the University consists of a great amount of highly educated and qualified teachers. The total amount of students is 5386.
Besides 7 educational buildings and a student`s hotel, the University has a botanical garden, where the students can do their practical researches; turner`s and joiner’s shops for doing practice; and training material base such as “Law information centre’ and “Tourist information center” for students to study and work simultaneously.
The scientific library is equipped with modern technology, connected to the internet and gives the opportunity to work on electronic-library, electronic catalog and contains the rich scientific literature.
Relevant information on previous or on-going international cooperation / International relations: For the last 15 years the staff of the university has been taking an active part in international educational and grant programs financed by Soros Kyrgyzstan Fund, TEMPUS, Global Economic Fund, SIDA, Peace Corpse, IREX, PEAKS, USAID, OUN, French and German Embassies, JICA, Eurasia Pacific Uninet, NGO Miliecontact International, and European Commission.
Besides, the university hosts the foreign volunteers, professors and students from other countries such as: Turkey, Russia, China, Pakistan, Korea, Check Republic, Poland and Central Asia on different programs.
K.Tynystanov Issyk-Kul State University intends to make serious efforts for widening and developing its ties with the colleagues from other High educational and Scientific Research Institutions at home and abroad.
At present time university has 6 active TEMPUS an 2 active Erasmus Mundus projects
Contacts of responsible person: name, title (Mr,Mrs, Dr, Prof), position, telephone, fax, e-mails / Dr. Bokontaeva Dzhanyl Keneshevna
Head of the Department of Philosophy at Issyk-Kul State University
Tel: +996 3922 52690
Fax: +996 3922 50771
Моб: +996 771317536
Project description
Type of the project:
Joint project (JP)or
Structural Measure (SM) / SM, JEP
Area of project:
Curriculum Reform (CR),
Governance Reform (GR) or
Higher Education and Society (HES) / CR
Subject area/academic
Discipline (see Annex 6) / Social work , sociology , psychology
Relevance to national or
regional priorities
Актуальность в отношении национальных или
региональные приоритеты / Social and psychological help and rehabilitation of women, young women, students who faced the violence in the result of kidnapping.
Trainings for students of the 1st and 2nd year. Education, training
IRO development
Working out the methodological handbooks and appliances on “Gender sociology” with the special unit on violence and the methods and ways of preventing the violence using the experience of European countries
Brief need analysis
Краткий анализ необходимости / There are 5386 students at Issyk-Kul State University. Gender staff of the students : - 60% is the young women of the of возрасте 17-22 and 40%boys of the same age. From the first months of their study at the university the girls face the problems of kidnapping in the purpose of marriage experiencing the psychological, physical and sexual violence by the young men and their relatives.
Most of the girls can not accept this unexpected situation and committed suicide. In 2011 2 students of IKSU had to choose the suicide after they have been kidnapped. The given facts require the definite need of the opening of the rehabilitation center, where the young ladies who suffered from violence of any kind and kidnapping a bride could have the immediate help. Also, in the frame of that rehabilitation center there will be held educational training, seminars, consultations, round table discussions among all students of IKSU on preventing the violence in Kyrgyz society. Besides that there will be worked out the educational and methodological materials, booklets on above stated problems. There should be implemented the compulsory courses as “Gender sociology” , ”Gender and rights” which focus on not only the increasing the educational level but forming the understanding of the philosophy of civil rights on the basis of democracy, equal rights among sexes, private ownership and compatibility among the young generation. The sociological researches will be done not only among the population of Issyk-Kul region but among all the 7 regions of Kyrgyzstan. On the basis of the research there will be printed out the scientific articles, books, and the speeches on radio and local TV, the actions against the violence.
Objectives and activities
Цели и деятельность / The objective of the project is :to help rehabilitation of the women who suffered from any kind of violence ,especially from kidnapping (mostly young students) socially and psychologically.
Activities: consultations, support, rehabilitation, organizing trainings and seminars among students and population of Issyk-Kul region. Working out the teaching materials and booklets, doing sociological researches, organizing radio and TV programs aiming the preventing violence, especially kidnapping the bride in Kyrgyz society,
Target groups and
Stakeholders (enterprises,
Student organizations, for SM
-Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan)
Целевые группы и
Заинтересованные стороны (предприятия,
Студенческие организации, для SM
-Министерство образования и науки Кыргызстана) / Target groups and the stakeholders are –the teachers of the university, students ,all the employees of IKSU, the population of Issyk-Kul region, local administrations, Mass media, organizations protecting rights of the population
If possible information about other HEIs in Kyrgyzstan to be involved in project / The given project aims to involve the HEIs from other regions as Talas State University, Naryn State University, Jalal-Abad State University etc., because the problem of the bride kidnapping is a serious problem for Kyrgyz society and it`s widely spread all over Kyrgyzstan.
Dr. Bokontaeva Dzhanyl Keneshevna
Head of the Department of Philosophy of the Issyk-Kul State University
Tel: +996 3922 52690
Fax: +996 3922 50771
Моб: +996 771317536