Totnes Neighbourhood Plan – Coordinator Report, July/August2015
Totnes Neighbourhood Plan
Coordinators Report – July/August 2015
Item / Activity / Documents/outputsCommunications /
- 3 articles in Totnes Times including on front page (promoting event, housing needs survey, general article on development in Totnes featuring Carol’s update at town council meeting – front page)
- Active Facebook page set up
- Using Town council Twitter account
- Website updated with minutes of SG meeting and events page regularly being updated
- New design theme created for Neighbourhood plan publicity tools
- New leaflet created for the Neighbourhood Plan
- Display created for the Library – up for 7 weeks, to be updated with new information when necessary
- E-news letter designed and disseminated via mail-chimp. Newsletter to go out bimonthly
- Totnes Directory article to be published this month
Project officer job /
- Project Officer – Helen Golhesby in post
- 10 hours per week until March 2016
Public Event /
- Majority of June spent preparing for public event
- 150 – 200 people came to the event
- 8 volunteers signed up
Data from event /
- Approximately 385 comments collected
- Qualitative data capture/analysis spreadsheet created and populated for use by task groups
- Data on who attended is being analysed by Environmental Sciences student. This can be used to see who we are reaching
Item / Activity / Documents/outputs
Housing needs surveys /
- 900 surveys completed (approx.)
- Coordinated publicity around HNS including press releases, email networks
- Coordinating drop boxes and collecting surveys
- Creating data entry plan and recruiting volunteers
Priorities for August/September
Item / ActivityDetailed planning for next phase including fundraising / Updating project plan and looking at fundraising for producing the plan
Data / Finish data analysis from public event
Housing needs survey analysis / Inputting housing needs survey’s and working with ATMOS to publicise results
Task groups /
- Supporting task groups with next steps
- Supporting new task groups in starting up and setting their briefs (environment/culture & heritage)
Further engagement / Identifying and carrying out next steps in engagement. Where evidence is first hand still needed? What groups have not been reached? What are the best methods to reach them?
Schools / Meet with KEVVICs in new term to plan workshops for schools in October
Student placement / Meeting with Tim Crabtree (Schumacher College) re student placement for 4 MA students. Need to select some project options in advance of this meeting
Communications plan / Update
Stakeholder analysis / Use information from event and other evidence to look at who we’ve reached and put together stakeholder analysis document