The information below is to ensure detailed case planning prior to a LPM and to ensure the LA meets the requirements of the new PLO Pilot Practice Direction 1stJuly 2013. This form will be completed following a case discussion between the social worker and Team Manager.
Social workers are advised to complete each section briefly with key information. The questions have been linked to those in the Precedent First Statement (see ‘Pre-Court Proceedings Protocol’ HHJ Wildblood) and therefore, should be completed with the letter before proceedings and statement in mind so that the same information can be used, should the case progress to proceedings.
Name of Child/ren / Date of Birth
Address of child/ren
Family Members / Dates of Birth
Address of birth mother
Address of birth father
Does the father share PR? / Yes / No
Names of extended family/significant others
Summary of the LA’s concerns and why requesting a LPM now? Briefly outline the ‘precipitating events’ andkey issues (Ref initial statement para 2 & 3. Please see guidance notes in statement. This should be in bullet point format. Can be used in pre-proceedings letter).
Summary of children’s service involvement. (Ref initial statement para 5.1. Please see guidance notes in statement. This should be in bullet point form. Includes, for example, initial referral, written agreements, CP Plan, any previous proceedings/pre-proceedings)
Previous Assessments Conducted (Ref initial statement para 5.2. Please see guidance notes in statement. Can be used in pre-proceedings agreement)
Assessments / Date / Outcome
Viability Assessments
Sibling Assessments
Psychological assessments
Mental Capacity Assessment
Parenting Assessment
Birth Certificate Obtained?
What services have been offered currently or historically? (Ref initial statement para 5.3. Please see guidance notes in statement. Can be used in pre-proceedings letter)
Analysis of significant harm –Why is the Threshold Criteria for care proceedings met and what is the evidence for significant harm? (Ref initial statement para 6. Please see guidance notes in statement, and CA 1989)
What changes for the child does the LA need to see through the pre-proceedings and/or Care Proceedings. (Can be used in Letter before proceedings)
What are the care options for the child (family options, permanence through adoption, residential)? Could permanence be achieved through a Private Law Order?
Has a family meeting been convened? If not, give the reason why? Are there any issues over paternity and how are these being resolved?
Please list namesof all family/other significant relatives who have been explored to preliminarily assess their suitability as carers for the child/ren? Please detail the outcomes of the preliminary assessments?(Viabilityassessments will be required in pre and court proceedings.)
A Genogram is required.
In the light of the new Protocol rules about experts which requires courts to control the use of expert evidence and to limit the use of experts to that which is ‘necessary’:
  1. What further assessments does the LA think are necessary and give the reasons why including LA assessments?(Ref initial statement para 7.1. Please see guidance notes in statement)
  1. If no further assessments are proposed, explain why highlighting the child’s timescales and impact of delay (Ref initial statement para 7.1. Please see guidance notes in statement).

What is the proposed interim Care Plan, including permanency options and contact? (Ref initial statement para 7.2. Please see guidance notes in statement)
Clarifywhether the LA needs Parental Responsibility in this case?
The Child’s Timetable and impact of delay: Identify key milestones/dates for the child, including commenting on the impact of delay for each child dependent on their developmental stage.(Ref initial statement para 8. Please see guidance notes in statement. Particular reference to 26 week timescale)
Documents – please attach:
Y / N
Core Assessment
Sibling Assessments
Viability Assessments
Relevant assessments or reports
Team Manager’s Recommendation re. LPM, including recommendation and rationale for decision – please make a recommendation re court proceedings and if pre-proceedings not appropriate why not, what is the urgency?
Service Manager’s decision re. LPM, including rationale for decision.
WHERE LEGAL PLANNING MEETING AGREED, Minutes will be completed by the Legal Services within3 days of the meeting (see minutes template) and forwarded to the Service Manager for approval of the decision.

Template amended November 2013

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