Brothers of Charity Services Roscommon



The Brothers of Charity Services empower people with intellectual disability / autism to live the lives they choose. We are currently undergoing a transformation in the way in which we support and serve people with an intellectual disability in line with best practice internationally. Our focus going forward is to form a relationship/partnership with each individual and their family, enabling them to design their own service so that they can enjoy a real meaningful life in a real place with a healthy balance of supports. We wish to create opportunities for people with an intellectual disability to have valued social roles in their communities and to have the chance to form real friendships. In order to assist us to achieve this vision we wish to recruit innovative and proactive people who will relish the opportunity to assist in implementing this vision.

If you are interested in working with a progressive, family friendly organisation with a staff retention rate of 95% and think you can support people in this way, perhaps the following post may be of interest to you.


Assignment to CountyRoscommon based initially in RoscommonTown. Future developments within the services may require that you are prepared to transfer to another work location as the service needs demand.

2.Tenure of Employment

This is a specific purpose contract to cover a Career Break for a period of 2 Years initially. This position is full-time and pensionable commencing immediately.


A probationary period of six months from the date of appointment applies to the post. The employment may be terminated at any time during the probationary period should the employer find that the appointee is unsuitable to continue employment. The probationary period may be extended at the employer’s discretion.


Each candidate must be of attested good character and maintain that status during the period of employment.


The appointee must be free from any disease or defect which would render him or her unsuitable to hold the position and be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service. In order to satisfy this qualification any applicant may be required to undergo a medical examination at his or her own expense by a doctor nominated by the Brothers of Charity Services.

6.Qualifications, Experience, etc.

Each candidate should have:

a)Adequate experience to enable him or her to carry out satisfactorily the duties of the post.

b)Licentiateship of the College of Speech Therapists, or

c)The B.S.c. (Remedial Linguistics or Clinical Speech and Language Studies) from the University of Dublin, or

d)A qualification in Speech Therapy at least equivalent to c) or d) subject to validation to I.A.S.L.T.

7.Hours of Duty

A 35 hour week, Monday to Friday applies. The duty roster varies in order to meet service needs and accordingly, you will be expected to be flexible in regard to the hours of duty. Starting and finishing times will be as notified to you by your Manager.

8.Annual Leave

The leave will be 27 working days per annum.


Existing staff who commenced in the public sector at this grade prior to 1st January 2011: The salary will be paid on a pro-rata basis, that is as a ratio of the full-time scale. The reference salary scale applying to the grade ranges from a minimum of €37,743 to a maximum of €49,062 gross basic per annum pro rata. It is a 12-point scale and refers to a 35-hour week. After 3 years on maximum point a Long Service Increment (LSI) applies bringing your salary to €50,033 gross basic per annum pro rata. All salaries are paid fortnightly by arrears to the appointee’s bank account.

Staff who commenced on this grade in the public sector on or after 1stJanuary 2011: The salary will be paid on a pro-rata basis that is asa ratio of the full-time scale. The reference salary scale applying to the grade ranges from a minimum of €33,969to a maximum of €44,156 gross basic per annum pro rata. It is a12-point scale and refers to a 35-hour week. After 3 years on maximum point a Long Service Increment (LSI) applies bringing your salary to €45,030 gross basic per annum pro rata. All salaries are paid fortnightly by arrears to the appointee’s bank account.

10.TravelThe person appointed must provide his/her own car and must furnish an indemnity from Insurers in favour of the employer. Travelling expenses at the appropriate rate will be paid in respect of travel necessarily performed in the discharge of duty and in accordance with our Travel Policy.

11.Policies, PLANS & Information technology (I.T.) Systems

The appointee would be required to become familiar with and abide by the policies, procedures, and plans of the Services, together with the various relevant I.T. computer systems and their use. Certain policies may have particular importance to your area such as policies that the Services use for the protection of vulnerable children and adults. Account should be taken in particular of Trust in Care and Children First. Other key policies include our Making It Happen and the Complaints Policy for service users and other people who wish to make a complaint about the service they are getting.

We also follow a number of quality systems and best practices. The primary quality system which we use is Personal Outcomes which focuses on measuring individual quality of life.

12.Ethos of the Brothers of Charity

The Brothers of Charity Services are committed to working with people with an intellectual disability towards claim their rightful place as valued citizens. We believe in the intrinsic value of every person and we aim to further the dignity of all associated with our services. We want each individual to have wide opportunities for self-expression in home life, education, occupation, and leisure. We are a learning organisation open to evolving ideas in service development. We seek to empower people with a disability, their families and all those working with them. We create progressive and flexible organisational structures to support our fundamental objectives. We work in partnership with statutory bodies and are fully accountable for the services we provide.


In the course of employment the appointee may have access to, or hear, information concerning the medical or personal affairs of clients and/or employees, or Services business. Such records and information are strictly confidential.

14.Health and Safety

The Services are committed to ensuring the safety, health, and welfare of its employees, service users and stakeholders, and have consulted with employees to produce safety statements aimed at safeguarding the safety and health of employees and others whilst in the workplace. Both the Brothers of Charity Services Roscommon and its employees have various duties designed to make the Services and safe and healthy place for staff, clients and all other people with whom we engage.


  • Candidates considered suitable from application forms will be required to attend for interview at their own expense. A limited number of applicants may be shortlisted.
  • All applications for positions in our Services must be accompanied by the enclosed Garda Clearance Consent Form duly signed. Candidates who fail to sign this form will not be shortlisted for interview. Please ensure that the Garda Clearance form contains all addresses in each country in which you have resided.
  • Please note completed Garda clearance must be returned with completed application form. Do not send Garda clearance form directly to Garda Siochana. Clearance can only be sought by prospective employers.
  • For informal enquires please contact, Margaret McCormackon (090) 6628500.
  • This job description is a guide to the general range of duties and is not intended to be either definitive or restrictive. It will be subject to periodic review with the employee concerned.

16.Job Description

Report toThe Head of the Speech & Language Therapy Department or any other person designated by the Head of the Speech & Language Department.

Specific Conditions

  1. A positive attitude towards working with persons with an intellectual disability is a pre-requisite.
  1. Each person with an intellectual disability must be treated as an individual, at all times acknowledging their personal dignity, according them their full rights and privileges.
  1. Actively promote Personal Outcomes evaluation system, ensuring the best possible outcome for each individual service user and their family in each aspect of their life.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Provide a Speech & Language service to clients across the age ranges of the Brothers of Charity Services, Roscommon. Specific areas of involvement are to be decided by the Speech & Language Therapy Manager.
  2. Work as part of a multidisciplinary team which is made up of Health Care professionals, Education professionals and families. Be actively involved in the ongoing development of a service delivery which maximises the skills of individuals and is effective and family friendly.
  3. Work both directly and indirectly with clients and in a consultative capacity. The post also includes involvement in in-service training of other personnel and supervision of students on placement.
  4. Participate where appropriate in preventative and educational programmes. This will include home and school visits, case conferences, team meetings, lectures to interested groups etc.
  5. We work closely with parents, therefore it is essential to actively involve parents and significant others in interventions and training.
  6. Arrange for the keeping of any necessary or prescribed records and the making available of information and statistics concerning the particular area of responsibility. Records and access to same must be kept in accordance with Brothers of Charity Services files policy.
  7. Each therapist has responsibility to manage their time, prioritize their case load in accordance with overall department goals, and manage their mileage allowance. Supervision and guidance will be provided by Manager.
  8. Within the organisation there is a strong emphasis on team-work and it is therefore essential to foster good working relationships with all the people whom you will come in contact with.
  9. Perform such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Head of Speech & Language Therapy. Duties and responsibilities of any post in the Service are likely to change with the ongoing needs of the Service and so staff are expected to have a high level of flexibility, a willingness and ability to develop new approaches to their work. The content of this post is expected to change as the organisation grows and with the ongoing implementation of the Disibility Act.
  10. As part of a progressive environment and for their own self-development, staff are required to participate in on-going training. Specific areas of skill may be targeted by the department and agreed with interested teams.

Confidentiality must be respected at all times

Closing Date for receipt of completed Application Forms

5.00 p.m. onWednesday 25th July, 2012

Interviews are likely to be held on Tuesday 31st July, 2012

The Brothers of Charity Services is an equal opportunities employer

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