Academic Senate Minutes
December 4, 2013
Voting Members Present: Belu, Bordinaro, Chai, Dales, Eagle, Erbe, Ernst, Etcheto, De Velasco, Fawver, Ferris, Furtado, Ganezer, Gould, Heinze-Balcazar, Herbert, Hirohama, Holguin, Jacobs, Jones, Kaplan, Kalayjian, Krochalk, Kulikov, Lopez-Morin, Magruder, Manalo, Monty, Moore, Niederman, Park, Parker, Peyton, Pitchon, Thomas, Victor, Wang, Weber, Wilkins, Zenhari.
Voting Members Absent: Esposito, Fitzsimmons, Hagan, Leonard, McGlynn, Normore, Oesterheld, Pinto, Pitts, and Tang.
Non-Voting Ex-Officio Members Present: Bersi, Bragg, Furusa, Joshi, Lovitt, Maki, Manriquez, Parham, Reichard, Wen, Zitelli.
Non-Voting Ex-Officio Members Not Present: Borrego, Chlebicki, Hay, Poltorak.
Guests: Laura Robles, Ben Zhou, Salvador Valdez, Peter Kim
2013-2014 Academic Senate Executive Committee: Jerry Moore – Chair, Caroline Bordinaro – Vice Chair, Matt Jones – Parliamentarian, Kate Esposito – EPC Chair, Clare Weber – FPC Chair, Kate Fawver and Pat Kalayjian – Statewide Senators.
Recorded and Edited by MLB and the Executive Committee
Meeting Called to Order 2:30 p.m.
Approval of Agenda MSP/with Amendment
Approval of Minutes MSP
Chair’s Report-Jerry Moore-Chair Moore said that it had been a busy semester. He wanted to thank our parliamentarian, Matt Jones, our EPC/FPC chairs Kate Esposito and Clare Weber, our statewide Senators, Kate Fawver and Pat Kalayjian, our vice chair, Caroline Bordinaro and Mary Brooks for all their excellent work this past semester.
Moore informed the Senators that we have a new senate plaque that will hold the names of senate chairs on it. This plaque should last us at least another 50 years.
Moore thanked interim Provost, Gary Reichard for everything. Moore also thanked the senate for the environment of civility they have created, especially at our last senate meeting. Moore said that this is how we should always operate.
Provost’s Report-Gary Reichard-Provost Reichard said that DH has a very good future for shared governance and is getting stronger. Reichard said that the Provost’s search is almost done and the search committee gave its recommendation to President Hagan before the thanksgiving break and he intends to act on it very soon. Reichard wanted to thank again the members of that committee who worked long hard hours. Reichard said that there were a lot of comments that came in. The Provost said that the College of Education dean’s search has been extended and the College of Health and Human Services and Nnursing search has been extended. It is very important to get that filled as soon as possible. Reichard said that he wanted to commend the staff and faculty team that put together the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity. It is just about up and running and the announcement went out yesterday. Reichard wanted to thank Sue Needham and her colleagues on her implementation team for their work. There was a lot of back and forth with the dean’s council. We really have a structure that will work very well for the university. The call for faculty scholars if you did not have a chance to read it the applications are due December 19th. The Provost said that everybody knows this is a tough time to do that but the commitment is to have the operation in place at the beginning of the spring semester. The selection committee will be: Leni Cook, college of education; Carol Tubbs, CAH, Sue Needham, NBS who will not be applying, and 2 staff members Michelle Martinez of the McNair Program and Cheryl McKnight, of Slice.
A call went out a couple of months ago for faculty from different discipline areas to form an 8 member study group on student success scholarship. That group has been put together now, Cheryl Lucken, Ed Zoerner, John Keyantash, Dr. Keisha Paxton, Dr. Ovara Teller, Enrique Ortega, Deandrea Nelson, and Dean Furusa. Their first meeting is next week and they are to do their investigation and come back with a report in March and the President or new Provost will share.
Reichard noted that VP Borrego or President Hagan are not in attendance today but he has enrollment information. Reichard said that we are running ahead in comparison to last year’s enrollment, we are 536 FTES ahead of last years numbers on California residence. No one is sure yet if it is a matter of pacing, it is hard to sort this out.. The deans have been closely monitoring this and the chairs as well with their deans. The decision we have taken in a cautious way where waitlists are concerned, have grown up around upper division courses, We are going to open them up in a cautious way, but at the upper division and in courses where there may be problems if we allow waitlisting. We have to be careful because the whole effort is not to go sailing way beyond target. Moore asked if we were on the path to significantly see target that would result in a penalty. Reichard said that when Borrego returns we will have a serious conversation about that—so far she has not concluded that we are going to land over, but there is a small possibility. Serving students is the key here not the penalty and that is certainly the ways the President feels.
Reichard spoke about the Older Adult Center. He said that Borrego had written a report about it. He said that there was a meeting on November 4, 2013 in the President’s office. Currently there are 37 students on the older adult fee waiver and they will continue to be on this until they graduate. Next fall 25 new older adults will join the fee waiver program and then in the spring 25 more will join. The conversation that took place was good and fair and he hopes the issue is settled. Clare Weber thanked everyone involved for their work on this. Senator Dales asked how the 25 will be selected and Reichard said that it will be on a first come first serve basis.
FPC 13-12-Resolution on the Initial Placement of Temporary Academic Personnel on the Salary Schedule at CSUDH
Weber said that this resolution was initiated by the chairs council in the college of arts and humanities. It started out of concern for lecturers pay and Kate Fawver took the lead on the latest revision of it. It was then submitted to the faculty policy committee since it is a faculty policy issue. They made a few minor suggestions for change. The bulk of the work needs to be credited to Kate and the CAH chairs council. The Faculty Policy Committee supports it. Moore asked Weber to walk us through and tell us what this resolution would do. Weber said that it would place lecturers who have appropriate degrees or masters degrees or doctors degrees in particular … if you look at the table of the 2nd page of the resolution it summarizes how it would place lecturers based on their educational experience and work experience as well. It would increase the pay for a number of lecturers who are underpaid compared to their counter parts at other CalState campuses. This was modeled after a policy at CalState Northridge. Fawver said Sac State, in fact 20 out of the 23 campuses, have a policy similar to the one outlined in this resolution. Fawver said that we at DH are not in violation of any contractual agreement with our lecturers. The status quo is quite simple. Every semester a temporary faculty it is assumed entering into negotiations with the deans of the colleges for their salary for their teaching load. What this policy does is state very clearly what the minimum shall be given ones education, experience and related work. It is intended to be a transparent policy to let lecturers know that this is what we at CSUDH will pay lecturers, and we will not pay you less. This is the first reading and we have to have a very fair policy in place. So that lecturers understand and are acknowledged for their contributions. Fawver noted that 75% of hired faculty work on contingent contracts. This is a significant population. Thomas said that in appendix B there is a column for minimum and maximum salary and wanted to know if that was per unit, per course, per semester, Weber said that it was per course. This is the evaluation criteria to place people in categories 1 through 5 as opposed to adhoc. One semester I could be a 1 the next semester I could be a 3….Weber said that the colleges have a starting rate. Weber said that if you have a Ph.D. you are hired in at range 3 but many lecturers with Ph.D. are hired in at range 2. Moore said that one lecturer could be teaching in 2 different colleges and be paid at 2 different rates. Senator Magruder said that what you are looking at is a potential monthly salary. As of fall 2013 327 lecturers on this campus were at the bottom of range 2. Senator Monty said that we have a serious problem on this campus people not getting paid what they deserve. Senator Thomas asked what the fiscal impact of the campus will be and if this will bankrupt the campus. We should know this. Thomas said that he did support the resolution. Weber said that the intent would be that every time a contract is initiated the salary would be reviewed according to the guidelines. Weber asked that if anyone had any other language for the resolution to send it to her for the second reading.
FAC 13-13 Resolution on Emeritus Status for Non-Tenure Track Faculty-Senator Gould read through the resolution. There was discussion. A non-tenure track faculty member could receive emeritus status at CSUDH and go and teach at another campus. The resolution will be brought back for finalization as a second reading item in spring 2014.
Sense of the Senate: Academic Affairs Response to EPC/FPC 12-12 Passed by the Academic Senate on 09/26/12. This Response Was Reviewed and Endorsed by the EPC on December 2nd 2013. There was discussion about whether to give students 60 days to resolve their issue or 30 days. There was a vote: 60 days-the vote was 10 for, 14 against and 4 abstentions; 30 days the vote was 21 for, 6 against, and 3 abstentions. A sense of the senate vote was taken in favor of the Academic Affairs response with a change from 21 days to 30 days. MSP.
Chris Manriquez-Presentation on Campus Messaging:
PowerPoint Below:
Vice Chair Bordinaro suggested that Manriquez send out examples of what bad spam looks like. Senator Heinze-Balcazar asked if departments could keep old computers to give to part-time faculty. The answer was yes.
Parliamentarian Report-Matt Jones-
The Senate confirmed the following nominations:
1. Student grade appeals committee: Kelli Beard, COE, was confirmed, completing the committee.
2. Senate Representatives to University Planning Committee (2): Thomas Norman, CBAPP, and Ivonne Heinze-Balcazar, CAH, were confirmed.
CFA Representative Report-Jose Prado-Prado said that the CFA met with Hagan and Provost Reichard and discussed issues around equity 3 dispersments. Prado said that they also have been meeting with department faculty and department meetings to recruit faculty reps to the CFA and the CFA luncheon will be held tomorrow. As far as statewide issues are concerned registration for the CFA spring kickoff begins today and you can find out more through the CFA website or you can contact any of the CFA officers. The CFA and CSU contract bargaining begins next week.
Fawver said that she had heard there was recent concern about lecturers and voting rights at a department level. Fawver thought that we were going to talk about it but it is not on the agenda. Fawver asked if there was a policy in the collective bargaining agreement that lecturers have the right to vote. Prado said that the status on our campus is that we know now at Fresno state lecturers have gained right to vote for department chairs. We are not sure how that translates across the csu campuses or how that affects us but we are in the process of figuring that out. Fawver said that the bylaws for the department of history did not allow lecturers to vote and she did not realize that it was a violation of the contract or that it seems like a violation of the contract. Prado said that there may be departments that have different policies at DH and we are not sure how this issue will translate at DH. Bordinaro said that lecturers have been included to vote for department chairs at Fresno State and Weber said that it was because of an arbitration issue. The faculty rights committee is working with AVP Castro to come up with a proposal that will come to FPC and then the senate for a vote for how we assign lecturers votes to nominate the department chair. AVP Castro said that this is a specific issue for lecturers and it is limited to the voting for department chairs.
Open Forum
Senator Dales said that the library has some funds for printed reference books. We want faculty to submit any requests they might have.
Meeting Adjourned