Setting up Your Access to Remedy HelpDesk

Updated: 19 January 2005

PC Client

Save the “Remedy Support.ARTask” file that was also attached to the email message containing this updated document. This is an updated version that runson the correct server. The previous version ran on the development server.

Please update to the latest version (6)of the Remedy User Tool Client. You can get this from:

pc-support (Start → Run→ \\pc-support → pc-support → Clients → ARS → ARS6.0)

Or in your web browser, go to:


It is OK to install the version 6 client over the version 5 client. The server is (from Wednesday 19 January).

Web Client

Note: not all browsers are supported –particularly on the Macs. Release 6.3 of Remedy Help Desk is due out soon and this should provide a useable web interface from Macs.

Web access is available via:

Click on the “Support User Login” link. Or go directly to:

If using bookmarks, bookmark this link not the login link.

Citrix Client for Mac Users

For access to Remedy Help Desk from the Mac we recommend that you use the Citrix client at this stage.

The Citrix clients for Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 are available from the Mac-Support file server.

Contact the HelpDesk if you want to use the Citrix client.

Using Remedy Help Desk

Logging In

Either double-click on the “Remedy Support.ARTask” file (recommended) or the run the User Tool (aruser.exe). You will be presented with the following Login screen.

Username: Your University Username (e.g., bonja07p)

Password: <your password> or test2004 or test2005 (some of you were my test users!)

If you haven’t changed your password from test2004 (or it has been set to test 2005) – please contact the HelpDesk to do so.

Click on the “OK” button to log in.

If you have problems logging in:

•check that you have entered the correct password.

•click on the “Accounts” button to show the servers that this login will try to connect to. Check that “” is the ticked option. You can remove any other servers listed here if is the only server you need to access.

Click on OK to go back to the Login window and then OK to log in.

If you used the “Remedy Support.ARTask” shortcut to log in you will be presented with the opening window (see below).

However, if you started from the User Tool, you’ll probably be presented with a blank screen. From the File menu select Open and then Object List (or press Ctrl-o).

Right click on “Remedy Support” of type “Application” and choose “Create Shortcut” to save a “Remedy Task” on your desktop or other preferred location. We recommend that you then use that shortcut to start Remedy Help Desk in future.

If you don’t want to create the short cut, double-click on “Remedy Support” of type “Form”instead.

If you have started from the Remedy Support.ARTask shortcut you should see the following screen.

The Remedy Help Desk Main Window – IT Service Management Console

This window has two main areas:

Assigned Requests is a list of the calls/requests/cases that are assigned to you or those that have not been assigned to an individual in your group. The Assigned To column will show you which is which and you can click on the column heading to change the sort order. In this example, Kris has three calls that have been assigned to him whereas the others have yet to be assigned to an individual in the group.

Note: in this case the other calls are those imported from the previous system and the new username details have not been reassigned (see separate document on how to do this). The old username of Systems is still there and as this is not a valid username in the new system, these calls show up in the group list.

•Bulletin Board – information that is useful for anyone logged on to Remedy Help Desk to know – current problems, issues, etc. The HelpDesk will put current issue information here now too (as well as on the HelpDesk web site). However, all support staff are encouraged to put relevant service status information here.

Quick Links (on the left hand side) provides shortcuts that allow you to log a new call or search for an existing one. Don’t worry about the “Search Task” and “Track Assets” options at this stage.

To see the details of a call that is assigned to you/the group simply double-click on it.

For example:

Following is a short description of the fields and their usage. Fields that we think are self explanatory are not covered here. However, if you want more info – first check the User Guide or if that doesn’t help, contact Paul or Nicola.

Field names in bold indicate a required field.

Field names in italics indicate that the field contents are system generated.

Field names with a + on the end indicate that you can search on them.

Summary: This is a brief description of the request/call/case. A selection can be made from a pick list or information typed in. The information entered here will appear in the customer’s email notification/reports/etc.

It is also be used to pre-fill the description (for some predefined types of cases) and also the Category, Type and Item fields. We have picked the top 75% of Enquiry Summary values (from the previous system) to give you a pick-list. However, if there isn’t one to match - enter a short description here.


Description:This is equivalent to the Problem Details field in our previous system. Enter all the information relevant to the case. Read it back to check that you have included all the information and for typos.

Category, Type and Item: Similar to the menu structure levels of the Enquiry Summary field in our previous system. If these fields haven’t pre-filled from the Summary choice, select an appropriate categorisation from the Category, Type and Item options.

Case ID: This is equivalent to the Call ID in the previous system. The existing call numbers have been translated from CALL123456 to HD0123456, so searches for the call number in the previous system (e.g., 95437) will return the same caseinthissystem.

Group:This is equivalent to Section Assigned to in the previous system. Requests that were assigned to a group (e.g., Systems) will still be in that group. You can use this to reassign casesto your updated details. For example, if your group and username/login was, “Systems”and“tim”, then a search for Group and Individual set to these will find all your calls. These can then be reassigned to your updated user details as in the Individual+”options.

Individual:This is equivalent to “Person Assigned to” in the previous system. The Individual field will automatically fill in when you select a Group. However, that selection is equivalent to assigning the case to an individual, if you want the case to show up in the Assigned Requests list (so that those logging in see their cases and those just assigned to the Group), delete the information in this field and leave it blank.

While ITS staff can now see all staff in each Group, can you please stick to the protocol of assigning requests to the group (and clearing the Individual information) and not directly to an individual. Networking and Telecommunications requests should still come via the HelpDesk. This openness may change if not respected (or not desired by some groups).

Staff outside ITS can only see their Group and the ITS HelpDesk Group

Case Type: In the Case Type field, select the type of case:

• Incident = aspecific condition/issue relating to an individual that needs attention. By default, every new case is classified as an Incident. For example, document failed to print on unipriNT because the paper size wasn’t set to A4, loss of network connectivity because the Ethernet cable had come loose/patch cable needs looked at, unable to access Blackboard because not doing a paper that uses Blackboard, etc.

•Question = a situation that involves a question. For example, what’s the name of the print server, what is their University username, do we have a site licence for EndNote, how do I create a table in MS Word, etc. A question relating to a known incident/problem (e.g., is there a problem with access to the internet at the moment?), should be classified as an incident.

•Request = a situation that involves a request for something to be done. For example, install some software, set up a new computer, create a stonebow email address, register an ethernet address, activate a network outlet, set up voicemail, etc.

•Problem= something more widespread or enduring than an incident. For example, we may have logged several cases relating to students not being able to log into the student desktop – further investigation may determine that there is a problem with one of the servers. One of the cases will have its Case Type changed to Problem and the others then “related” to that. Once the problem is resolved and that case Resolved/Closed the “related” cases will also be automatically closed.

This is probably one of the more confusing areas of the new system – so don’t spend too much time trying to decide between the options.

Status: Similar to that used in the current system.

A second level request will have the Status of New or Assigned when it is first logged. When you are working on it, change the Status to WIP. When you consider that you have finished/completed a request you would normally first set the Status to “Resolved”. The Resolution Level field will then appear and you can select“First Level”(HelpDesk, Advisory and Client Services staff only – see below) or “Second Level” (everyone else). The customer (also referred to as the “requester” in Remedy Help Desk jargon) will be automatically notified (via email) that the request has been “Resolved” and to get back to the HelpDesk (or Library Systems) if they regard that there is work outstanding. Closed is the final Status value that a request has. A request can be closed manually (i.e., by you) or automatically (i.e., by Remedy Help Desk two days after a request is set to Resolved). The customer is also notified automatically when a request has been closed.See the information on notifications for the detail of this.

A request may be logged as “Resolved” and “First Level” immediately (e.g., by staff on duty on the HelpDesk) or by HelpDesk, Advisory and Client Services staff when it has been assigned to them. When the Resolution Level is First Level, there is no automatic notification sent to the customer. You need to tick the “Inform Requester?” box on the Activity Tab and then Save the case if you want to generate an email message.

Pending: This allows you to add further information as to why a case has a Status of Pending. You can also set up a reminder(for yourself)here if wanted. If you set the Status of a case to Pending, please select an option from this field.

Closure Code:This provides further detail to the Statusof “Closed”. The Closure Code is sent to the customer when the call is closed so remember to select the appropriate option here when you set the case’s Status to “Closed”.

PriorityThis is equivalent to Assigned Priorityin our previous system. It is the priority of the call as assessed by the person it’s currently assigned to. The default is set to Medium.

Requester Information tab

LoginThe customer’s University username (if still the XX12345 format, then HelpDeskers, please ask them for their username).

Changing a username: this function is only available to HelpDesk staff (for data integrity reasons). To change the username of a caller/requester from a default generic (e.g., XX123456 to benpa86p) first enter (if a new case) or modify in some way(if an existing case) the case details and then click “Save”.This will bring up a window that prompts for a new username for the requester. If you don’t want to update the username at this stage, just click on the “Close” button.

Name: This is the customer’s full name, and is searchable by typing in all or part of their name and pressing return/enter. This will then fill their details into the call or bring up a list of possible matches.

Urgency: This is equivalent to “Caller Impact” in the previous system. This is the urgency of the call from the customer’s perspective. If they say it’s urgent/high priority then set the relevant value here.

Activity tab

Requester Log: This is whereadditional/ongoing details about the case/call that you would convey to the customer are added. This information is emailed to the customer when the “Inform Requester” box gets ticked, the Status is changed to Resolved and the case saved. Regard anything you put in here as public information.

Inform Requester?: Used to turn on/off the customer email notification. Note: once you have ticked this box it stays ticked until you untick it.

Work Log This is where you put additional/ongoing information about the call that is for “internal” use only. All support staff (i.e., IT support staff using Remedy in ITS, WSM, DSM, Library Systems, and School of Business) have access to this field for calls that they have access to.

This field also functions like the Re/Solution Notes field in the previous system so put your final information about the case in here too.

Duplicates tab

Shows other cases that have the same Category, Type and Item values as this one.

Solutions tab

This is used primarily for Second Level calls to provide information on what the re/solution was. It can also be used to build up a “knowledge-base” that can be used by anyone logging a call to see if there is an existing re/solution for the enquiry.

Use the Work Log field rather than these ones to put your final information about the case into.

More information to come on the usage of this tab following further discussions on processes and procedures (particularly within ITS).

Related Items tab

This is used for relating other cases, assets, change requests or known problems to this case. More information to come on using this.

Problem Management tab

Check the manual for the moment on this one.

Attachments tab

This is used to allow the attachment of (up to 10) documents that will stay with the

case. Right click on an Attach Label item (start at 1), select Add and then browse for the document you want to attach to the call/case. This does not replace entering appropriate Summary and Description information (which are required fields).