2152 Somerset Pl SE, Atlanta, GA. 30046

(770) 329-0378



Current Status Ph.D. Candidate, Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

  • Dissertation Project: The Impact of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamp) participation on food purchasing practices, dietary quality, and food insecurity among low-income older adults

2009 MA, Biology and Biomedical Sciences, WashingtonUniversity,SaintLouis,MO

2003 BS, Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA


2012-currentGraduate Student Research Assistant, Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia (Advisor: Jung Sun Lee, Ph.D., RD)

2012-current Program Coordinator, Georgia CAFE (Community Advocacy to Access Food Stamps for the Elderly & Disabled), Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia

  • Providing food stamp application assistance program serving older adults and the disabled; Advocacy involves helping clients in applying for, receiving, and using food stamp benefits; Assistance provided through a paper application, online, or Senior SNAP processes

2011 Graduate Student Research Project: Barriers to food stampparticipation among older adults

  • The goal of this research project was to identify potential factors in the process of applying for and utilizing the food stamp program that may hinder older adult participation in Georgia.

2011-2015 Instructor, Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, University of Georgia

  • Providing a 6-week workshop covering topics on chronic disease management, healthcare planning, healthy eating, and medicationusage

2010Biologist II, Monsanto, Saint Louis, MO

2009In vitro Biologist, Pfizer, Saint Louis, MO

2006-2007Assistant Scientist II,Zygogen, LLC, Atlanta, GA

2004-2006Senior Lab Assistant, Emory University, Atlanta, GA

2002-2005Research Technician, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

2004Health Literacy Workshop Participant, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA


2012-currentGraduate Gerontology Certificate Program, College of Public Health, University of Georgia

2010-currentDidactic Program in Dietetics, University of Georgia, Completing Coursework


2016-2017 Mary Erlanger Graduate Fellowship,University of Georgia

2016 Georgia Senior Hunger Summit Scholarship, Georgia Department of Human Services

2014 Annual UGA Rotaract Student Service Award Nominee, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia

2012-2013 Michael A. Johnson Scholarship,University of Georgia

2011 Georgia Gerontology Society (GGS) Conference, Registration Scholarship, Athens, GA


Tran TC, Sneed B, Haider J, Blavo D, White A, Aiyejorun T, Baranowski TC, Rubinstein AL, Doan TN, Dingledine R, Sandberg EM. (2007). "Automated, quantitative screening assay for antiangiogenic compounds using transgenic zebrafish." Cancer Res. 2007;67(23): 11386-92.

Aiyejorun T, Kowalik J, Janata J, Josowicz M. (2006). "Label-free detection of DNA hybridization by cyclic voltammetry." Journal of Chemical Education.2006;83(8): 1208-11.


Aiyejorun T, Thompson L, Kowalik J, Josowicz M, Janata J. (2005). Control of Chloride Ion Exchange by DNA Hybridization at Polypyrrole, Electrochemistry of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Towards Electrochemical Sensors for Genomics and Proteomics: Vol I, Amsterdam: Elsevier B.V., 2005 ed. by E. Palecek, F. Scheller, and J. Wang (pp.331-342).


Walker TA, Lee JS, Johnson MA, Lindbloom N. (2016). Georgia CAFE: Innovative approaches promoting nutritional health of low-income older Georgians through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly Food Stamp) Advocacy. Oral presentation at the Georgia Gerontology Society Annual Conference 2016, August 9, 2016, Jekyll Island, GA.

Walker TA, Lee JS, Johnson MA, Lindbloom N. (2016). Using the Standard Medical Expense Deduction (SMED) to get or increase Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly Food Stamp) benefits. Poster presentation at the Georgia Gerontology Society Annual Conference 2016, August 9, 2016, Jekyll Island, GA.

Walker TA, Lewis MM, Lee JS. (2015). A Review of Constructs and Methods Used to Assess Food Purchasing Practices among Older Adults. Oral Presentation at the Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior Annual Conference 2015, July 28, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA.

Anthony E, Jackson S, Walker TA, Wilder SO. (2014). " The Senior Hunger Coalition: Maximizing Community Partnerships that allow us to do more with less.” Panel discussion atthe Georgia Gerontology Society Annual Conference 2014, July 29, 2014, Chateau Élan, Braselton,Georgia.

Walker TY, Brown K, Porte K, Lee JS, Johnson MA. (2012). "Barriers to Food Stamp Participation among Older Adults." Poster presentation at the Georgia Dietetics Association Annual Conference and Exhibition 2012, March 23, 2012, Athens, GA.

Walker TY, Brown K, Porte K, Lee JS, Johnson MA. (2012). "Barriers to Food Stamp Participation among Congregate Meal Participants." Poster presentation at the 23rd Annual Southeastern Regional Student Mentoring Conference in Gerontology and Geriatrics 2012, March 30, 2012, Atlanta, GA.

Aiyejorun T, Natasha C. Browner NC, Gibbons GH(2006). “Id3 protein expression in vascular smooth muscle cell development.” Morehouse School of Medicine Curtis L. Parker Research Symposium. Atlanta, GA.

Aiyejorun T, Natasha C. Browner NC, Gibbons GH (2005). “The role of Id proteins in vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation.” Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. Atlanta, GA.

Aiyejorun T, Kowalik J, Janata J, Josowicz M (2004). “Detection of DNA hybridization with a label-free electrochemical probe.” Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. Dallas, TX.


Walker TA. (March 2017). “Implicationsof SNAP Policy Implementation in Georgia among Older Adults." Guest Lecture, FDNS 4540-Public Health Dietetics, Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia.

Walker TA. (November2016). "Nutrition and Aging: Food Purchasing Practices of Older Adults." Guest Lecture, FDNS 4050-Optimal Nutrition for the Life Span, Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia.

Walker TA. (March 2016). “ImplicationsofSNAP Policy Implementation in Georgia among Older Adults." Guest Lecture, FDNS 4540-Public Health Dietetics, Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia.

Walker TA. (December 2015). "Nutrition and Aging: Food Purchasing Practices of Older Adults." Guest Lecture, FDNS 4050-Optimal Nutrition for the Life Span, Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia.

Walker TA. (March 2015). “Implications of SNAP Policy and Implementation in Georgia
among Older Adults." Guest Lecture, FDNS 4540-Public Health Dietetics Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia.

Walker TA. (March 2014). "Implications of SNAP Policy and Implementation in Georgia among Older Adults." Guest Lecture, FDNS 4540-Public Health Dietetics, Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia.

Walker TA. (January 2014). "Implications of SNAP Policy and Implementation in Georgia among Older Adults." Departmental Seminar, Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia.

Walker TA. (March 2012). "The RD’s Guide to Diabetes Pharmacology.” Class Lecture, FDNS 4530/6530- Medical Nutrition Therapy II, Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia.

Walker TA. (March 2011). "Food Biotechnology.” Class Lecture, FDNS 4600/6600- Food and the Consumer, Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia.


2011-current Food Stamp Advocate, Georgia CAFE

  • Trained by Georgia CAFE, food stamp application assistance program serving older adults and the disabled; Helping clients apply for, receive, and usefood stamp benefits

2011-2013 Co-Chair, Health and Wellness Ministry, Allgood Road United Methodist Church

  • Founded the Health and Wellness Ministry in 2011 that works to provide health and wellness events at the church; Created a 90 Day Health and Wellness Challenge in 2012 that involved creation of a health tracking log book with weekly class on health and wellness involving food and fitness

2009-2010Instructor, Share Our Strength's Operation Frontline

  • Eating Right 6-week program for low-income adults including weekly hands-on cooking demonstrations and nutrition lessons covering choosing healthy foods; cooking lean and low- fat; planning andpreparation to stretch food dollars; shopping smart


2011-current The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

2012-current National Organization of Blacks in Dietetics and Nutrition (NOBIDAN)

2015-2016 Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB)

2013-2016 Sigma Phi Omega, Kappa Chapter, National Academic Honor and Professional Society in Gerontology, University of Georgia

2011-2013 Northeast Georgia Dietetic Association (NEGDA)