FCPS-Confidential Educational Assessment Report

FrederickCounty, Maryland, Public Schools

Confidential Educational Assessment Report


Date of Birth:



Primary Language:

Date(s) of Evaluation:





Assessments Given: Woodcock-Johnson IV, Tests of Achievement. This battery measures the student’s academic performance in relation to his/her peers, based on age. The student’s performance is expressed in standard scores (mean=100)

Educationally Relevant Medical Findings:

Summary of Learning Profile based on educational test data, observations, and teacher judgment:


Conclusions from the Assessment:

Documentation of assessment validity. (Indicate as appropriate. If the response to either question is No, the evaluator must explain.)

Yes NoIn the opinion of the evaluator, this assessment is an accurate reflection of

the student’s performance at this time.

Yes NoThis assessment is felt to be culturally and linguistically valid for its

intended purpose and for this student.

Relevant test behavior:

Description of student’s overall performance in comparison to developmental milestones, achievement levels and/or behavior patterns of typical peers:

Results of the Woodcock-Johnson IV indicate ____’s educational strengths and needs. The tests resulted in scores ranging from the low average range to the superior range when compared with age-mates.


  1. The IEP team should review this information in comparison to other evaluation information to determine the absence or presence of an educational disability.

Examiner’s Signature:


Certified Special Education Teacher


Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement

Test / Description / Score / Range
Letter-Word Identification / Measures the student’s word identification skill. The initial items require the student to identify letters that appear in large type. The remaining items require the student to pronounce words correctly. The student is not required to know the meaning of any word.
Applied Problems / Requires the student to analyze and solve math problems. The student must listen to the problem, recognize the procedure to be followed and then perform relatively simple calculations.
Spelling / Measures the ability to write orally presented words correctly.
Passage Comprehension / Measures the student’s ability to use syntactic and semantic cues to identify a missing word in test. The student must match a pictographic representation of a word with an actual picture of the object, match a picture to a phrase or read a short passage and identify a missing key word.
Calculation / Measures the ability to perform mathematical computations. Items range from writing individual numbers through calculus operations. Calculations are presented in traditional problem format and the student is not required to make any decisions about what operation to use or what data to include.
Writing Samples / Measures skill in writing responses to a variety of demands. Responses are evaluated with respect to the quality of expression. The student must write sentences that are evaluated for their quality of expression. Errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation are not penalized.
Word Attack / Measures skill in applying phonic and structural analysis skills to the pronunciation of unfamiliar printed words. The student is asked to produce the sounds for single letters or read aloud letter combinations that are phonically consistent or regular patterns in English but are non-words or low frequency words.
Oral Reading / Measures story reading accuracy and prosody. Performance is scored for both accuracy and fluency of expression.
Sentence Reading Fluency / Measures reading rate. Student must read simple sentences silently and quickly, decide if the statement is true or false, and then circle Yes or No in the Response Booklet. This test has a 3-minute time limit.
Math Facts Fluency / Measures the speed of computation or the ability to solve simple addition, subtraction and multiplication facts quickly. The student attempts to complete as many items as possible within a 3-minute time limit.
Sentence Writing Fluency / Measures an individual’s skill in formulating and writing simple sentences quickly. Each sentence must relate to a given stimulus picture and must include a given set of three words. This test has a 5-minute time limit.
Reading Recall / Measures reading comprehension and meaningful memory. The individual reads a short story silently and then retells as much of the story as he or she can recall.
Number Matrices / Measures quantitative reasoning. A matrix is presented and the individual must identify the missing number.
Editing / Measures skill in identifying and correcting errors in written passage. The error in the passage may be incorrect punctuation or capitalization, inappropriate word usage or a misspelling.
Word Reading Fluency / Measures vocabulary knowledge and semantic fluency. The individual has 3 minutes to mark the two words that go together in each row.
Spelling of Sounds / Measures spelling ability, particularly phonological and orthographical coding skills.
Reading Vocabulary / Measures skill in reading words and supplying appropriate meanings. This test includes two subtests: Synonyms and Antonyms.

Woodcock–Johnson IV Cluster Scores

Area / Cluster / Achievement Tests / Score / Range
Reading / Broad Reading / Letter-Word Identification, Passage Comprehension and Sentence Reading Fluency
Basic Reading Skills / Letter-Word Identification, Word Attack
Reading Comprehension / Passage Comprehension and Reading Recall
Math Clusters / Broad Math / Applied Problems, Calculation and Math Facts Fluency
Math Calculation Skills / Calculation, Math Facts Fluency
Math Problem Solving / Applied Problems and Number Matrices
Written Language Clusters / Broad Written Language / Spelling, Writing Samples and Sentence Writing Fluency
Basic Writing Skills / Spelling, Editing
Written Expression / Writing Samples and Writing Fluency