The interview with Child 2.
Int 1 / Ma ata mecayerChild / Eee….eee.
Int 1 / Be eyze ceva?
Child / Lo yodeya.
Int 1 / Lo yodeya? Tov..tov az tadbik et ha-teletabisim ….em ma ze xamudim!……... Ata roce be-acmexa o she ani azor?
ME / Izo.
Mist 1:The wrong form of the verb "laazor" in the 1st sing. Future
Int 1 / Izor? Keilu ani aazor?
Child / Ken.
Int 1 / Tadbik otam.
Child / Efo?
Int 1 / Efo she ata roce. Ata roce daf xadash? Ani eten lexa daf xadash.
Ine kax daf naki,…. Mi ze?
Child / Eee….
Int 1 / Yarok.
Child / Ken.
Com% / Child is putting the green pen on the picture of the green teletabis,
Thus showing that this is the green color.
Child / Dom.
Child / Aval tesaper li ma ata roe ba sefer tov? Tov… tistakel ve teasper li
Ma kore ba sefer.
Child / Ze.
Int 1 / Mi ze?
Child / Yosenet.
Com %
ME / In the pictures he sees a boy.
Mist 1: Inaptitude between the gender of the noun and the suffix of the verb - "et".
Int 1 / Ma? Yoshenet.
ME / Ve _oshenet po.
Mist 1: the nonexistent form of the verb.
Int 1 / Ma?
Child / Osenet po. Oshenet po.
Int 1 / Mi zot? Mi ze?
Child / Caim.
Int 1 / Mi ze yeled?
Child / Mikapaim.
Int 1 / Mishkafaim. Ze yeled.
Child / Ken.
Int 1 / Ken,….. Ma ose yeled?
Child / Ose _ ole kaxa.
Int 1 / Ma maxzik yeled?
ME / Yeled mazik bi ze…… shinaim.
Mist 1:The prep "bi" instead of the Acc particle "et".
Int 1 / Ma?
Child / Et ze.
Int 1 / Ve ma ze?
Child / Xatul.
Int 1 / Ve ma evdel benej(h)em? Eyfo rosh shel ha-xatul po?
Child / Ein!
Int 1 / Ein lama?
Child / Hu sama.
Int 1 / Hu shama,… ma hu ose sham?
Child / Ee…. Peskelev.
Int 1 / Hu mexapes kelev,.. Ve lama hu mexapes kelev? Hu oev oto?
Child / Ken.
Int 1 / Tov ma ze?……….ine!
Child / Kelev.
Int 1 / Aval ze kelev . Kelev naxon ze kelev.
Child / Ma ze? Ma hu ose?
Int 1 / Ma hu ose? Ani roca ladaat ani lo yodaat,… Hu mecayer.
Child / Ken.
Int 1 / Ve ma hu roe ba xalon.
Child / Ba-xalon i bait.
ME / Mist 1:Substitution of the Hebrew " ve " by the Russian conjunction " i ".
Int 1 / Ba-xalon i ibait.
Child / Ze kelev.
Int 1 / Eyfo kelev?
Child / Shama bifnim.
Int 1 / Bifnim kelev.
Child / Ken.
Int 1 / Ve ma ze? Bait shel kelev?
Child / Ze.. Ine ze kelev bait.
ME / Mist 1: The wrong construction of two nouns that substitutes the genitive construction.
Int 1 / Ve ze?
ME / Ze…bait kelev. Olex kaxa.
Mist 1:The wrong construction of two nouns that substitutes the genitive construction
Int 1 / Ze bait kelev olex kaxa . Ma od ata roe ma ze?
Child / Be.. Ec.
Int 1 / Naxon ec, kol ha-kavod,….. Ata o(h)ev ecim yesh lexa ba-bait ec?
Child / Lo.
Int 1 / Lama?
Child / Li yesh ba-bait peax.
Int 1 / Yesh lexa ba-bait perax, yeze yafe… ata o(h)ev praxim?
Child / Ken.
Int 1 / Kama praxim yesh lexa?
Child / Ee…kaxol .
Int 1 / Ve mi metapel ba-perax?
Child / Eee…ima.
Int 1 / Ma hi osa?
ME / Hi osa.. Main mm peax.
Mist 1:Omission of the meaningful verb phrase.
Int 1 / Hi osa maim praex …tov.… Ma ze? Ma hu ose? Hu sameax.
Child / Hu ose..e.. Im akol akol.
ME / Omission of the object after the direct verb .
Int 1 / Ve mi zot?
Child / Lo yodeya.
Int 1 / Ulai zot maxshefa?
Child / Aval ze uga yom -uledet.
ME / Mist 1:The wrong use of "smihut" –"ugat yom huledet".
Int 1 / Naxon.
Child / Li yesh yom –uledet.
Int 1 / Matai yesh lexa yom –uledet.
Child / Ein li …aya.
Int 1 / Ma?
Child / Aya li.
Int 1 / Aaa… aya lexa, evanti, ve ex aya?
Child / Aya kef.
Int 1 / Ma ata omer?, ivi(h)u lexa uga?
Child / Ken, ima.
Int 1 / Ima?
Child / Ken.
Int 1 / Kan o ba-bait?
Child / Ba-bait.
Int 1 Ma ata omer?….ve (h)ayu lexa orxim?
Child / Ken orxim ve ba-bait.
ME / Mist 1:The omission of the whole verb phrase construction.
Int 1 / Ve mi ba?
Child / Saba vee lo yodeya…. Ima veeee.. Lo yodeya.
Int 1 / Ve aba?
Child / Ve aba.
Int 1 / Yesh lexa ax o axot?
Child / Aval yesh__kelev.
Int 1 / Kelev?.... Gadol?
Child / Ken.
Int 1 / Yafe meod,….az.. Rak anashim (h)a-ele ayu ba-yom –uledet shelxa?
Child / Aval eyn li… aya li.
Int 1 / Naxon naxon.
com / Child sees a car in the picture
Child / Oto!!!
Int 1 / Oto! Ata o(h)ev oto?
Child / Ma ze ? Ma ose?
ME / Mist 1:Omission of the subject.
Int 1 / Ma hu ose? Hu xoshev, hu xoshev ma lecayer.
Naxon she ata ciyarta dvarim?
Child / Ken.
Child / Ken… hu cayer.
ME / Mist 1:The wrong use of the verb " mecayer".