TechConnect Program Application


Instructor’s Name and current Program:


All one-hour programs mustselect a minimum of three Foundation courses from the Career Clusters below. Introduction courses will be taught in a one-semester format. Each program will consist of 3 Introduction courses + Career Aspects course, which will equal (two years) four semesters of instruction.

Career Aspects

TEC 2000 All Aspects of the Industry(All programs must take this course)

Arts, A/V Technology & Communications

Audio and Video Technologies and Film/Telecommunications

TEC 1110 Introduction to Telecommunications

TEC 1111 Introduction to Cabling

TEC 1112 Introduction to Networking

Printing Technology/Visual Arts

TEC 1113 Introduction to Graphic Communications

TEC 1506 Introduction to Multi Media, Digital Imaging and Web Design/Publishing

TEC 1115 Introduction to Commercial Art and Photography

Performing Arts/Journalism and Broadcasting

TEC 1117 Introduction to Film/Video Editing, Broadcast Technicians and Journalism

Architecture & Construction


TEC 1201 Introduction to Interior Design, Planning and Design

TEC 1802 Introduction to Surveying and Landscaping Design

TEC 1203 Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting (Architecture)

TEC 1908 Introduction to Technical Writing


TEC 1210 Introduction to Cabinetmaking

TEC 1211 Introduction to Building Construction Technology

TEC 1220 Introduction to Carpentry (Residential and Commercial)

TEC 1230 Introduction to Concrete and Cement Masonry

TEC 1240 Introduction to Brick Masonry

TEC 1250 Introduction to Heating & Air Conditioning

TEC 1260 Introduction to Electrical Trades

TEC 1270 Introduction to Plumbing

TEC 1301 Introduction to Sheet Metal

TEC 1214 Introduction to Highway Maintenance

TEC 1300 Introduction to Welding

TEC 1417 Introduction to Construction/Industrial Equipment

TEC 1418 Introduction to Two & Four Cycle Power Equipment


Production/Maintenance, Installation & Repair

TEC 1300 Introduction to Welding

TEC 1301 Introduction to Sheet Metal

TEC 1302 Introduction to Metal Fabrication

TEC 1303 Introduction to Precision Machining

TEC 1304 Introduction to Plastic Manufacturing

TEC 1204 Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting (Mechanical)

TEC 1305 Introduction to Fluid Power

Manufacturing Production Process Development/Quality Assurance/Logistic and Inventory Control

TEC 1306 Introduction to Engineering

TEC 1307 Introduction to Process Improvement

TEC 1308 Introduction to Lab Technicians

TEC 1309 Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing

Health, Safety and Environmental Assurance

TEC 1310 Foundations to Health,Loss Management andSafety

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

Transportation Operations/Logistics Planning and Management Services/Transportation Systems-Infrastructure Planning, Management and Regulation/Health, Safety and Environmental Management

TEC 1400 Introduction to Logistics and Management Concepts

TEC 1401 Introduction to Transportation Management

Warehousing and Distribution Center Operations/Sales and Service

TEC 1402 Introduction to Distribution Center Management, Labor Management, and Inventory Management

TEC 2205 Introduction to Distribution and Logistics

Facility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance

TEC 1410 Introduction to Automotive Repair

TEC 1411 Introduction to Aviation Maintenance

TEC 1412 Introduction to Auto Body Repair

TEC 1503 Introduction to Microprocessors Systems

TEC 1413 Introduction to Diesel Service

TEC 1414 Introduction to Marine Repair

TEC 1415 Introduction to Motorcycle Service

TEC 1416 Introduction to Farm Machinery and Equipment

TEC 1417 Introduction to Construction/Industrial Equipment

TEC 1418 Introduction to Two & Four Cycle Power Equipment

TEC 1300 Introduction to Welding

TEC 1305 Introduction to Fluid Power

TEC 1303 Introduction to Precision Machining

Information Technology

Network Systems/Programming and Software Development

TEC 1500 Introduction to Electronics

TEC 1501 Introduction to Network Systems

and Data Communications

Information Support and Services

TEC 1503 Introduction to Microcomputer Systems

TEC 1504 Introduction to E-Commerce

TEC 1505 Introduction to Information Technology Services

Interactive Media

TEC 1506 Introduction to Multi Media, Digital Imaging and Web Design/Publishing

TEC 1507 Introduction to GIS

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

Engineering and a Technology

TEC 1600 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

TEC 1601 Introduction to Application to Technology

TEC 1602 Pre-Engineering

Science and Math

TEC 1605 Introduction to Applied Math for Engineers

TEC 1606 Introduction to Technical Mathematics

Health Science

TEC 1700 Introduction to Health Careers

TEC 1701 Introduction to Health Sciences

TEC 1705 Introduction to Integrated Science and Health Careers I

TEC 1710 Introduction to Integrated Science and Health Careers II

TEC 1715 Introduction to Integrated Science and Health Careers III

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

TEC 1800 Introduction to Greenhouse, Nursery, and Garden Center

TEC 1801 Introduction to Turf and Lawn Management

TEC 1802 Introduction to Surveying and Landscaping Design

TEC 1803 Introduction to Food Science Technology & Nutrition

TEC 1804 Introduction to Maintenance of Landscape Plants and Plant Propagation

TEC 1085 Introduction to Horticultural Pest Management

TEC 1300 Introduction to Welding

TEC 1418 Introduction to Two & Four Cycle Power Equipment

Business, Management & Administration

TEC 1900 Introduction to Business Financial Management

TEC 1901 Introduction to Accounting and Bookkeeping

TEC 1902 Introduction to Business Management

TEC 1903 Introduction to Marketing, Sales, and Public Relations

TEC 1904 Introduction to Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

TEC 1905 Introduction to Administrative and Information Support

TEC 1906 Introduction to Medical Office Management

TEC 1907 Introduction to Legal Office Management

TEC 1908 Introduction to Technical Writing

TEC 1504 Introduction to E-Commerce

Human Services

TEC 1803 Introduction to Food Science Technology & Nutrition

Hospitality & Tourism

TEC 2100 Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism

TEC 1803 Introduction to Food Science Technology & Nutrition

Marketing, Sales & Services

TEC 2200 Introduction to Entrepreneurship

TEC 2201 Introduction to Management

TEC 2202 Introduction to Customer Service and Sales

TEC 2203 Introduction to Advertising and Promotion

TEC 2204 Introduction to Project Management and Research

TEC 2205 Introduction to Distribution and Logistics

TEC 2206 Introduction to Marketing, Sales and Public Relations

TEC 1504 Introduction to E-Commerce

Diversified TechConnect Program

Selection of any three courses from the Foundation courses plus the Career Aspects course.

TechConnect Plus Program

TechConnect Plus programs are designed for 11th & 12th grade students when access to advanced career and technology programs are not available or special needs are identified. Schools must apply with the appropriate occupational division for approval of a TechConnect Plus program.

All applications must be signed and dated by the Superintendent.

For additional information contact:
Larry Bullock
ODCTE TE/T&I Division

1500 W. Seventh Ave

Stillwater OK 74074

(405) 743-5147

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