Team Building – Four Corners

When I think about what the future will be like…

  1. I am optimistic
  2. I am pessimistic
  3. I am overwhelmed by choices
  4. I don’t think about the future

My favorite form of social media

  1. facebook
  2. twitter
  3. instagram
  4. none of the above

I would best describe my thinking style as…

  1. Right brained (creative, intuitive, guided by feelings)
  2. Left brained (logical, analytical, guided by facts)
  3. Whole brained (evenly share both)
  4. Huh?

I consider myself…

A.  A dog person

B.  A cat person

C.  Something else (lizards, birds, horses)

D.  Not an animal person

In a group role, I would best describe myself as…

  1. A leader
  2. The devil’s advocate
  3. A compromiser
  4. A follower

Of the following, I would say that my strongest “intelligence” is…

  1. Interpersonal
  2. Linguistic
  3. Logical-mathematical
  4. Spatial

When brainstorming ideas, I would describe my contributions as…

  1. Realistic
  2. Wild and crazy
  3. Logical
  4. Extreme – usually involving death

If I could change the world like one of these celebrities, I would choose…

A.  Picasso

B.  Einstein

C.  Serena Williams

D.  Mother Theresa

When working on a group project, my biggest challenge would be…

  1. Procrastination
  2. Tangents
  3. Not sharing work effectively
  4. Arguing about the best way to do something

My working style can best be described as…

  1. I want to be left alone to produce
  2. I can’t produce without other people to bounce ideas off of
  3. I produce best when my role is clearly defined
  4. I am amazed when work gets done

If I had to be on a reality TV show, I’d pick…

A.  The Voice

B.  The Bachelor

C.  American Ninja Warrior

D.  Survivor

The special skills that I can bring to my team are…

A.  Computer Skills

B.  Artistic/ Design Skills

C.  Research Skills

D.  building, tinkering, making skills

My motivation for this project can best be described as...

  1. A chance to hang with my friends
  2. An opportunity to do something creative
  3. A way to challenge myself
  4. To get a good grade in school