General Council MeetingMinutes for
December2, 2015
7:14 PM:Call to Order.
7:15 PM:Announcements.
- ASUCR-GSA Restructuring is on hold until further notice.
- Grad Union Update by Sebastian.
- Providing training for graduate students.
- Flyers will be handed out on January 26th (next Exec. Council Meeting).
7:19 PM:Edgar requests to avoid directing the objections and complaints to the GSA staff and rather to direct them to officers.
7:20 PM:Minutes from the NovemberGeneral Council Meeting.
- Approved unanimously.
7:20 PM:December General Council Agenda.
- Approved unanimously.
7:21 PM:Review UCSA SAGE Proposal.
- Kevin and Lisa from UCB tell the updates in the proposal and pass around flyers about the funding proposal. UCSA funding model will be converted to direct-pay which are on students.
- This method will avoid budget unpredictability.
- SAGE is an administrative change.
- Students themselves decide to be a member.
- Approximately $8k will be freed for the GSA.
- It brings democracy as well as transparency.
- Question: How much per student the fee cost would be?
- Currently it is about $1.5. It is estimated to become $4 to $6.
- Motion to pass resolution.
- 17 agreed. 21 abstention. No oppose. Hence the resolution passes.
7:36 PM:VCSA + R’Food Pantry Presentation.
- The project is in beta stage. Food provided for 150 students.
- Meanwhile demographic info of the students is collected.
7:46 PM:Physical Master Plan Study Presentation.
- Umar and Barbara are the officers presenting the strategic plan called Growth which aims to enhance UCR experience by 2020. Ideas include but not limited to changing the appearance of the school.
- New buildings and more student housing.
- How to make UCR appearance speak for a world class institution.
- Workshops to outreach.
- Increases the frequency of the buses as well as more biking routes.
- Questions.
- Where does the money for these plans come from?
- It is just a vision. Budget will be asked later.
8:00 PM:Sustainability Liaison Bylaw.
- The goal is to increase sustainability everywhere across campus including GSA events.
- It is currently seeking to fill an unpaid position.
- The amendment for sustainability passes with 32 approving, 1 abstention, and no oppose.
8:06 PM:Art History Department Mini-GSA Conference.
- It is going to be held at 5th of May 2016. It is free for public to attend.
- Proposal gets accepted by 38 approving and no oppose and no abstention.
8:08 PM:Email Campaign Update.
- Inform the president about the underfunding issue.
8:10 PM:Finance Officer Update.
- Tiffany updates on money spent and remaining. Based on the projections, GSA has enough money (especially for the CTG) for the rest of the year.
8:11 PM:Preston addresses Heat music festival cancellation due to weather conditions this year.
- The $500k funding will be split between reserve ($300k) and Spring Splash ($200k).
8:21 PM:Officer Reports.
8:30 PM:Adjourn.