Ashby RFC – Website Guidance Note – August 2010

Purpose of Session

Provide an insite into website capability, with specific reference to you as coaches and the age groups you run

Website Made Simple Idiots Guide

Opportunity to ask questions

Caveat that I don’t know everything about the site – am still very much learning as I go along / seeking help from the Pitchero Central Team / bouncing ideas off Tim & Kev in particular to help us get to the right solution

One piece of advice – if you’re not sure on something: please ask. Is easy to make mistakes but in 99.9% of cases we can unravel most things – please tho if you have got stuck with something, do not delete anything until you’ve sought some help & guidance / worst case scenario I can always take the site ‘off line’ so that no-one can access it if there’s a problem

Home Page

  • Provides the medium to access a considerable amount of information about the club, including:-

-Club News

-Fixture Lists for all teams

-Action Photo’s

-Club Officers / coaches & parent co-ordinator details for each age group

-Examples of results / match reports / statistics

-Archived information from the 2009/10 season

-Honours Board

-Website links – including the U-Tube footage of the U9’s & 10s at Twickenham on 16/5/09

  • I don’t intend to go through all of the links from the homepage within this session – please take the time individually though to view the site at your leisure
  • Of particular interest to you as M&J coaches maybe the U10’s for last season (2009/10) where I’ve tried to give a feel for the site capability in terms of keeping match results / reports and statistics throughout the season –it’s a pretty good permanent record once completed – it does tho take a fair amount of commitment from someone from each age group to complete this

Managing Your Age Group Via the Website

  • Log In – top right hand corner of Home Page
  • Click on ‘Team Admin Control Panel on Home Page
  • Leads you now to specific pages relating to your age group:-

Team Admin Homepage

  • Click on Team Information and you’ll get:-

Individual Age Group Home Page

  • This page gives you the ability to do and see various info with regard to your age group
  • I’ll go through each sub heading in turn / again to get an idea of presentation & what items can look like, you might want to look back to last years U10 playing records:-

Team News

  • Click ‘add a new item’ and you’ll see:-

  • If you want to publish a general note for the squad – fill in the ‘title, tagline and article sections’ and press save
  • If you then go back to the home page, you’ll see the message against the relevant age group / if there are any mistakes, you can go back in and edit them
  • Care – if you publish items here, they are in the public domain and all other clubs can look and see this info. Eg, if you want to do your ‘weekly updates’ to the parents / squad, it is probably preferable to use the ‘communication’ tab below for this purpose – in this scenario, only the age group parents & players see your note

Players & Coaches

  • Use this page to create your squad of players if you want to a) possibly complete playing stats throughout the season and / or b) use the availability & team selection function on line
  • Click on the ‘add a new player’ and type in the details / make sure you link the player to the right age group
  • The key to making this work though is to have ALL of your parents registered on the site – without this, you can only complete stuff manually yourself / will become clearer later

Team Photo

  • Most age groups have a squad photo from last season uploaded into the site here
  • Whilst you can upload more upto date squad photo’s yourselves, can I suggest that you forward these to me asap and I’ll complete this for you / potentially include on home page slide show also

Fixtures & Results / Match Reports / Player Statistics

  • All of the training sessions / fixtures / festivals for the season for all age groups have been uploaded into the site – please do not amend any of this yourselves
  • Page appears as follows:-

  • Clicking on the editing options allows you to enter the results / match reports (where you can also attach one photo) and statistics – if you do the latter, suggest you keep it v simple – eg, U10’s last season, entered appearances / man of matches / tackler of day and try scorers


  • Suggest you use this for weekly newsletters / updates:-

Player Availability & Team Selection

  • Suggest that you do not use this facility until you:-

a)Are familiar with all of the other facilities,

b)Most importantly, have all parents for the age group registered on the website – without this (as with ‘communication’ above), you do not gain the maximum benefit from this facility, and

c)Have created your squad of players per ‘Players & Coaches’ section above

  • Once you have the above, please can you contact me with details of the players and also the names of their parents registered on the site
  • Reason for this is that I (or any of the other webmasters) have to link the children to their parents e-mail addresses so that they will receive the prompts on availability / selection etc. We have to do this for Child Protection purposes where all players under 14 can only be communicated to via their parents e-mail addresses
  • If we don’t link this information, the only way you can update availability etc is manually yourself
  • Will now run through how this works / Tim interject to add any observations if you wish:-


  • Hopefully a simple guide & will help you to get up to speed with operating the site for your age groups
  • If you do make a mistake and want to delete something / not sure how to do this – pls contact me
  • Remember also – in publishing info on the site, you are an ambassador of the club & are promoting our values: the site is an excellent communication & marketing vehicle which can help to enhance the profile of the club – I’d encourage you all to use the site actively to further promote the club
  • Finally – if you notice any info that is out of date, please let me know and I’ll try and update the site
  • Enjoy the season / happy to take questions

Ian Woods

ARFC Mini’s Fixture Secretary & Website Co-Ordinator

Tel – 01530 416727 / e-mail –
