IEP Meeting Worksheet 1

1.Begin by greeting everyone and stating purpose of the meeting

"Welcome to my meeting. Today we are going to plan my program for the next year."

“Who will be willing to take notes so I can have a copy of what is said at this meeting?”

2.Introduce yourself and others

"My name is and I am a student at."

"I'd like to introduce."


"Please introduce yourselves."

3.Describe your disability

I have the following disabilities

Here is the following documentation from my (physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.)

It is important that you know the following about my disability

My disability affects me at school in the following ways (For example, what things in school are harder because of your disability?)

My disability affects me at home and community living in the following ways

4.Review how you have been doing in school

"This year, I’ve had some great things happen in school.


"I’ve had some challenges this year, such as



“I earned these grades in my classes.”

(share your transcript or report card)

5.Identify your post-high school goals(talk about employment, training or education after high school, being independent, etc.)

"When I finish high school, I would like to do the following for:


Future training or education

Community participation and mobility

Independent living

Recreation and leisure

"Any questions or comments?"

6.Request input from others in the meeting

We need to discuss my levels of educational performance in relationship to achieving my future goals.

"Does anyone want to add anything about how I’m doing?"

Remember: ask questions if you don't understand something that is said.

7.Identify your goals for this year and a course of study to get me to my future goals and motivate me to complete school

I need to take the following classes to achieve my future goals


"This year in school I want towork on to achieve my future goals


"Any comments or questions?" The team will discuss this now.

Then my goals on this IEP are:

8.Identify the supports and services you need to be successful

"For me to be successful in school this year I need the following supports and accommodations


“For me to be successful in the future I need to give permission to have the following state agencies and other services at our next IEP Meeting (required by law under IDEA 2004)


"Any comments or questions?" The team will discuss this now.

So the services on this IEP are

9.Summarize your IEP (what the team agrees is now on your IEP)

"In summary, my future plans are to


"To do this I willneed to


"And I need these supports or services to make this work:


10.Conclude meeting

"Thank you all for coming to my meeting."

"This year I am going to work hard to accomplish my goals."

"Iappreciate your help."