Brown Middle School
Team 6 Purple “Rules and Consequences”
Dear Parent/Legal Guardian,
Please read below, classroom rules, rewards, field trip policy, demerits and consequences for Team 6 Purple. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Sheddan or email at 344-1439, Ext 259.
Thank you,
Sheddan, Works, Bopp and Rust
Team 6 Purple Teachers
*Be prepared and on time for all classes.
*Move about the building quietly and orderly.
* Show courtesy, kindness, and respect to everyone in the building. Students will follow “school wide” rules as described in the Agenda Mate.
Rewards/Demerit System
Demerit System
Each teacher will have a spreadsheet that lists all of his/her students’ names for recording demerit offenses. These will be placed daily on a master chart kept in the hallway. This allows students to see their accumulating demerits throughout the week. Offenses include the following (see chart):
Offense / SymbolNo Agenda Mate / A
Lack of Effort / E
Missing Materials / M
Gum, Candy, Eating / G
Behavior / B
No Homework / H
Tardy / T
Unauthorized use of Locker or Restroom / L or R
Other / O
Out of Dress Code / D
When students commit an offense as listed, the teacher will put the code letter next to the student’s name. On Thursday afternoon, the assigned teacher will document which students have accumulated 5 or more weekly demerits by placing a check mark next to those students’ names. Those students will be ineligible for the Fun Friday Activities. Instead, they will serve a detention during the time that others will be attending Fun Friday. This is different than an After School Detention. Note that a week is tallied from Friday thru Thursday.
Fun Friday Detention will be absolutely quiet and the students will do a behavioral essay that must be completed by the end of the period. Students get a clean slate starting each Friday to improve behavior and be a part of the next week’s fun activities.
Consequences (due to demerits)
1. 1 missed FF ( fun Friday) = warning
2. 2 missed FF= note sent home to be signed and returned
3. 3 missed FF= Parent contact by phone/email
4. 4 missed FF= Behavior Contract
5. 5 missed FF= Team conference with parent(s) and 2nd Behavior Contract
6. 6 missed FF=Office Referral / *Certain offenses will automatically result in a office referral (see agenda rules)
Every additional missed FF will result in an office referral, consequences do NOT start over until Spring Semester
Fun Friday
Fun Friday will take place each Friday before lunch. During this period, teachers will supervise the play activities either in the classroom, gym, library, or outside. Some examples are: races, kickball, bingo, movies, ect. This rewards students who exhibit responsibility and good choices.
Additional Team Rewards/information:
· Jeans may be worn each Friday if a student has NO absence and/or NO ink/demerits on the chart for that week.
· Parent contact via email or phone call
· See our School Web site for more info.
· Please check to track your child’s grades
Field Trip Policy
Students who have been in ISS more than once or have been suspended will be required to have an adult (21 years of age or older), chaperone in order for them to attend an event. This is to insure a safer, learning environment outside of the school campus.
Please read and sign the master signature sheet and return to Mrs. Sheddan.