The next 3 pages can be used in the class in different ways to support positive behavior. It is recommended you post the rule, and possibly the table &/or the tangible rewards & consequences, where all students can see it in the room.
OPTION A: Wait until a problem arises, then discuss pages 1-3 below with the student during detention – think of this as a counseling opportunity, not as punishment. If students cannot or will not write their answers, do the writing for them, but make sure they understand it and sign and date it themselves.
OPTION B: If 5 or more students in one class are disruptive, discuss the hand-out with the whole class. Two versions of page 1 are provided below: 1 with all columns filled in for discussion only; the other with the columns blank so students can write in their answers about the real rewards and consequences before or after group discussion, as well as doing the reflection questions
OPTION C: Send the parent/guardian sheet home for them to read and sign when classes begin. Keep this on record to use when counseling a student in detention.
“Respect Everyone and Everything at All Times.”
If you believe in this rule & show it in the way you act at school, you will get different rewards & consequences. These can be“tangible” things you get or don’t, and are allowed to do or not. They are similar in most classes and are listed on the back of this sheet.
But there are also “intangible” rewards & consequences that are more important. Read this table to find out what they are.
SHOW RESPECT1. Be True to Yourself
2. Be Truthful to Others
3. Make Positive
4. Let Others Talk
5. Be Open to Learning
Enjoy Self-Respect / OR / Have No Self-Esteem & Dislike Yourself
Get Respect from Others / OR / Have No One Trust You &
No Real Friends
Make the Class a Positive Place to Be / OR / Make the Class a Place You Don’t Want to Be
Other’s Will Feel Respected & Will be Able to Learn / OR / Everyone Will Be Confused & Feel Everything is Pointless
Discover Your Strengths & New Things You are Able to Do / OR / Be Bored, Have Low Self-Esteem & Nothing to Look Forward To
1. Think of a time when you saw the rewards of someone showing respect in one of these ways & write about it or draw it here:
2. Think of a time when you saw the consequences of someone not showing respect in one of these ways & write about it or draw it here:
“Respect Everyone and Everything at All Times.”
If you believe in this rule & show it in the way you act at school, you will get different rewards & consequences. These can be“tangible” things you get or don’t, and are allowed to do or not. They are similar in most classes and are listed on the back of this sheet.
But there are also “intangible” rewards & consequences that are more important. Read this table to find out what they are.
SHOW RESPECT1. Be True to Yourself
2. Be Truthful to Others
3. Make Positive
4. Let Other’s Talk
5. Be Open to Learning
1. Think of a time when you saw the rewards of someone showing respect in one of these ways & write about it or draw it here:
2. Think of a time when you saw the consequences of someone not showing respect in one of these ways & write about it or draw it here:
Read this List of TANGIBLE REWARDS for Showing Respect:
- Choice of where to sit
- Choice of who to work with (friends, alone, pairs, groups)
- Get to move work area to better place (indoors/outdoors)
- Fun assignments (art, drama, or sportsprojects; videos; games)
- Field Trips
- Time Bank (working hard = free time later)
- Bonus Points (for prizes, higher grades, to drop low scores, get computer privileges, to skip assignments, etc)
3. Write other classroom rewards you would enjoy here: ______
Read this List of TANGIBLE CONSEQUENCES for Not Showing Respect:
- Verbal warning or moved to new seat
- Time Out or Behavior Monitor Sheet
- Detention (to discuss or write the Causes, Responsibilities, Consequences & Behavior Plan to address problem)
- Parents contacted & Behavior Contract signed
- Administrator &/or Counselor Meeting with You & Parents
(to discuss changes to Behavior Plan & Contract)
4. Write other consequences you think might help here: ______
5. If you have any questions or comments about the Respect Rule, Rewards or Consequences in this class, please write them here:
There is only 1 class rule:
“Respect Everyone Everything at All Times.”
Student Detention Record
1. Why did you get this detention? ______
2. What will you do to avoid getting this detention again in the future?
3. What can the teacher & others in the class do to help you avoid getting another detention like this? ______
4. If you get another detention, what do you think would be fair consequences? What would most-likely stop you from getting
another detention? ______
Student Name & Signature: ______
Guardian Signature: ______Teacher Initial: _____
Guardian Tel: ______Date: ______
Aloha! Your son/daughter, ______, has been told about this rule in ______class, & has also read the info below. It may help him/her if you are familiar with it, too.
“Respect Everyone and Everything at All Times.”
To SHOW RESPECT1. Be True to Yourself
2. Be Truthful to Others
3. Make Positive
4. Let Other’s Talk
5. Be Open to Learning
Enjoy Self-Respect / OR / Have No Self-Esteem & Dislike Yourself
Get Respect from Others / OR / Have No One Trust You &
No Real Friends
Make the Class a Positive Place to Be / OR / Make the Class a Place You Don’t Want to Be
Other’s Will Feel Respected & Will be Able to Learn / OR / Everyone Will Be Confused & Feel Everything is Pointless
Discover Your Strengths & New Things You are Able to Do / OR / Be Bored, Have Low Self-Esteem & Nothing to Look Forward To
Students have also been told about these tangible rewards & consequences for showing or not showing respect:
Rewards / Consequences- Choice of where to sit
- Choice of who to work with (friends, alone, pairs, groups)
- Get to move work area to better place (indoors/outdoors)
- Fun assignments (art, drama, or sports projects; videos; games)
- Field Trips
- Time Bank (working hard = free time later)
- Bonus Points (for prizes, higher grades, to drop low scores, get computer privileges, to skip assignments, etc)
- Verbal warning or moved to new seat
- Time Out or Behavior Monitor Sheet
- Detention (to discuss or write the Causes, Responsibilities, Consequences & Behavior Plan to address problem)
- Parents contacted & Behavior Contract signed
- Administrator &/or Counselor Meeting with You & Parents
Plan & Contract)
Please sign here so that I know Also, if you have any questions
you have read this sheet: or commentsplease writethem
on the back, or call me at:
(parent/guardian signature) Mahalo!
Science in Hawai‘i:Nā Hana Ma Ka Ahupua‘a – A Culturally Responsive Curriculum Project
Our class rule is:
“Respect Everyone and Everything at All Times.”
To SHOW RESPECT1. Be True to Yourself
2. Be Truthful to Others
3. Make Positive
4. Let Other’s Talk
5. Be Open to Learning
Enjoy Self-Respect / OR / Have No Self-Esteem & Dislike Yourself
Get Respect from Others / OR / Have No One Trust You &
No Real Friends
Make the Class a Positive Place to Be / OR / Make the Class a Place You Don’t Want to Be
Other’s Will Feel Respected & Will be Able to Learn / OR / Everyone Will Be Confused & Feel Everything is Pointless
Discover Your Strengths & New Things You are Able to Do / OR / Be Bored, Have Low Self-Esteem & Nothing to Look Forward To
Rewards / Consequences
- Choice of where to sit
- Choice of who to work with (friends, alone, pairs, groups)
- Get to move work area to better place (indoors/outdoors)
- Fun assignments (art, drama, or sports projects; videos; games)
- Field Trips
- Time Bank (working hard = free time later)
- Bonus Points (for prizes, higher grades, to drop low scores, get computer privileges, to skip assignments, etc)
- Verbal warning or moved to new seat
- Time Out or Behavior Monitor Sheet
- Detention (to discuss or write the Causes, Responsibilities, Consequences & Behavior Plan to address problem)
- Parents contacted & Behavior Contract signed
- Administrator &/or Counselor Meeting with You & Parents
Plan & Contract)
Science in Hawai‘i:Nā Hana Ma Ka Ahupua‘a – A Culturally Responsive Curriculum Project