Geneseo Hills Homeowners Association Board met on September 13th, 2004 at the Wellhouse # 3 office, with the following in attendance: Gary Gallens, Dave Jirele, Kevin Rowe, and Brian Converse. Non-board members in attendance: Doug Darby.
The treasurer reported bills were paid to:
- Farmers Mutual Electric Co., Lights - $458.39 (September).
- The water engineer - $464.18 (September).
- The checking account has a balance of $7,715.24.
- The money market has a balance of $35,776.31.
- $2029.26 was paid for water system repairs.
- $90.00 for chemicals and analysis.
Dave noted that eight homes are for sale and a total of seven lots in Geneseo Hills #3 that have not been purchased.
Travis Mackey’s new home in Geneseo Hills #3 is not exempted from the $750.00 assessment.
Brian Beach is one quarter in arrears and twelve homeowners have not paid this quarter’s water bill.
Gary moved to accept the treasure’s report and the motion unanimously carried.
Secretaries Report:
Gary moved to accept the August 2nd secretaries report as written, and the motion unanimously carried.
Old Business:
- Kevin gave Dave roof receipts for the proper disposal of well house #3 shingles.
- Kevin stated that mowing is still working out quite well with a few bumps along the way.
- Gary had some prices on the well sand separator and to place apparatus at well #1 only would cost $4799.00 for materials and $1920.00 for labor giving a total cost of $6719.00. The cost for the sand separator in conjunction with both Well #1 and #4 is $4799.00 for materials and $5487.00 for labor. The separator would reduce the water from a 3” line to a 2.5” line and then back to a 4” line however Gary did not think this would be a problem since well #4 was incorrectly built and does this exact same thing now. Tanks wont be impaired by the necking down of pipes. Schmidt plumbing out of Dixon will do this work. Dave made a motion and Brian Seconded that association shall purchase and install the sand separator for use in conjunction with well #1 and well #4. The motion unanimously carried. Gary will call regarding sand separator Tuesday September 14, 2004.
- Gary will get poster board for the mounting of the Geneseo Hills water system drawing that was created by Brian. Dave will reimburse Gary for the poster board.
- We do need to retest for copper in our water and if the test fails a phosphate treatment will be required.
- Brian told Kevin he would place the Geneseo Hills water map he produced in microstation on a disk in PDF format and deliver to his house.
- The annual meeting will be October 19th , 2004 at 7:00 P.M. at the Geneseo Community Center.
New Business:
- Gary briefly discussed the Wolf Road Water Association and said he anticipates seven board members to begin the association. Gary said Rustic Acres voted to join the association. Gary would like to get some better numbers together for our annual meeting regarding joining the Wolf Road Water Association or handling the arsenic problem ourselves. Brian mentioned that he would like to see that enough research has been done regarding new technology for taking arsenic out of the water and reasons why this new technology either can or cannot be used. The next Wolf Road Water Association meeting is September 15th at the Hanna Township Hall at 7:00.
- Dave would like to have all annual meeting documents that need to be sent out with the billing in his hands prior to Friday the 1st of October. Brian said he should have all his annual meeting documents to Dave by the 20th of September.
- Gary will call Virgil Thurman regarding proxies and Annual meeting Attendance.
- The board approved Brian’s proxy as written and Brian will make 150 color copies of the proxies.
- The board re-worded Brian’s “Notice of Geneseo Hills Homeowners Association Annual Meeting” and Brian will make 150 copies of this document and give to Dave.
- Brian Converse, Gary Gallens, Doug Darby, and Andy Dennhart will be running for board positions at the October 19th annual meeting. Dave Jirelle & Kevin Rowe have indicated they are willing to continue to serve on the board. They are also open to welcoming some new members, to perhaps take their present board positions, who are solid, honorable & responsible to serve on the board with integrity.
- The board reviewed, added and corrected Brian’s “Geneseo Hills Homeowners Association” letter and Brian will make corrections and get a copy for Gary to sign before additional copies are made.
- Gary made a motion to adjourn and Dave Seconded and the motion unanimously carried.
Next Board Meeting to be determined by the newly elected board after the annual meeting.
Submitted by; Brian Converse, Secretary