Cllr. Tommy Reilly presided.

Members Present

Cllrs. A. Brennan, A. Gibney, J. Duffy, S. Cassells, C. Reilly, J. Holloway, J. Reilly & P. Fitzsimons

Officials in Attendance

Mr. Eugene Cummins, Town Manager

Mr. Shane Donnelly, Town Clerk

Mr. Pat Kinsella, Town Engineer

Ms. Aine Bird, Senior Staff Officer

Mr. Michael English, Senior Engineer

John Parker, Consultant ABK


On the proposal of Cllr A Gibney, seconded by Cllr C Reilly, the minutes of the October Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council which took place at 7.30pm on the 10th October 2006 in the Town Council Chamber, Town Hall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath were adopted by the Members.


Meath Arts Group:

The Members received and noted correspondence on behalf of the Meath Arts Club in relation to their request for a financial contribution towards the cost of putting their Arts display together in the Solstice Arts Centre which was presented to them by the Town Clerk.

On the proposal of Cllr C Reilly seconded by Cllr J Reilly, it was agreed by the Members to contribute €1,000 towards the cost of the event.

Navan Active Retirement Ass:

The Members received and noted correspondence from the Navan Active Retirement Association requesting a contribution from the Council towards various events that they intend to run. On the proposal of Cllr S Cassells, seconded by Cllr J. Holloway, it was agreed by the Members to proceed with the contribution of €1,000 to the Association.

Clogherboy Community Council:

The Members received and noted correspondence from the Clogherboy Community Council requesting a contribution from the Council towards the Disney on Ice Day Away for the Children of Clogherboy.

On the proposal of Cllr J Holloway, seconded by Cllr A Brennan, it was agreed by the Members to contribute €1,000 towards the holding of the event.


On the proposal of Cllr T Reilly, seconded by Cllr J Reilly, it was agreed by the Members to hold the Preliminary Budget Meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 19th December 2006 and to hold the Statutory Budget Meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 9th January, 2007 before the January Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council.


A Model of the Fairgeen Project was unveiled to the Members of the Council.

The Town Manager raised the following issues:

¨  This is the beginning of the Consultancy process.

¨  This is a discussions Model and it is important to commence the consultative process.

¨  The next step would be to engage with the immediate Stakeholders and to display the Model in various locations through-out Navan.

The Town Manager then introduced John Parker from ABK Architects who outlined the various aspects of the Model to the Members.

The Members raised the following issues:

¨  The Council must cater for Traders during the construction period.

¨  How many car parking spaces in the car park at street level?

¨  Need more details on the different level car parks.

¨  Need a breakdown of the benefits for pedestrians, traffic and traders.

¨  The Members enquired about the proposed building beside the school.

¨  Need the stakeholders, St. Finians Terrace residents and schools to view the model first in the presence of John Parker.

¨  The model then needs to be displayed in the shopping centre and in designated areas north and south of the town.

¨  Everyone can now discuss the same model.

¨  This is the start of the consultancy process.

¨  This core area will provide a link to the expanding town centre.

¨  The Members requested to know the floor area of public open space that was being provided as part of the scheme compared to the amount that currently existed.

¨  The members thanked the Town Manager on the positive movement of this project.

On proposal of Cllr. P. Fitzsimons, seconded by Cllr. J. Holloway it was agreed by the Members to place the model on public display.


The Members received and noted the Community Grant Scheme for 2006 which was presented to them by the Town Clerk.

The members raised the following questions:-

§  The Community/Amenity Grant Scheme run by Meath County Council seems to have different rules.

§  The Meath County Council scheme also known as the Community Grant Scheme allows funding to be spent on capital projects used by the community with an element of environmental works.

§  This scheme is being used for Council environmental works only.

§  Have supported the Kennedy Road Civic Space since 1998, there is civic community gain here.

§  Market Square and Metges Lane should proceed.

§  Money should be used from the area for the approach roads.

§  What was the €100,000 for the public park spent on?

§  Is it necessary for the promenade on Watergate Street?

§  Has the 2005 funding been spent?

§  Should combine some projects and make a significant impact.

§  Money should be re-allocated from the park to the Civic Space.

§  No point in enhancing the entrances to estates when the houses need to be repaired.

§  Need to prioritise the projects, Civic Space is a priority and needs to start.

§  Civic Space will cost in the region of €6million, €130,000 allocation is not enough.

§  Businesses on Watergate Street should install the promenade for wheelchair access.

The officials replied as follows to the issues raised by the Members:

The Town Clerk, advised the Members that an advertisement had been placed in the Meath Chronicle in relation to the Community Grant Scheme and as stated in the Minutes of the October Monthly Meeting only two applications were received.

The first application was received from Jester Playground Party Centre and was deemed ineligible.

The second application was from Abbeylands Residents Association for assistance towards planting of shrubs, trees etc. The Town Clerk advised that with all such applications the Association were requested to submit a costing for the scheme part of which included a statement of financial contribution from themselves. No contribution from the Association was included in the application.

The Town Clerk advised the Members that as a result he could not make a recommendation to them to award a grant in this case as it would set an undesirable precedent in that any association could , if the members approved the grant, apply under the scheme for works and not contribute anything themselves.

The Town Manager advised the members that the scheme had been deferred at the last meeting and requested that the Members adopt the Scheme as presented.

The Town Manager stated that the Kennedy Road Civic Space was due to start in 2007 and would take 10 months to complete.

The Manager stated that he hoped to have a Business Plan prepares as soon as possible which would examine the issue of funding requirements for the Civic Space.

On the proposal of Cllr. S. Cassells and seconded by Cllr. J. Holloway, it was resolved by the Members to adopt the Amenity levies/Community Grant Scheme for 2006 as presented by the Town Clerk.


Cllr. John Duffy

“That the Manager informs the members of the current position re the proposed remedial works to be carried out to the sewerage system in Kilcarn Court Estate.”

The members received and noted the Town Manager’s response in relation to the question from Cllr J Duffy.

Cllr. J Holloway
“That the Manager informs members of the proposed plans to carry out necessary works on Academy St i.e. improvements to sewerage, drainage and footpaths together with any plans for traffic management in the area.”

The members received and noted the Town Manager’s response (attached) in relation to the question from Cllr J Holloway.

Cllr. A. Brennan

“When did Navan Town Council decide not to provide a pedestrian crossing for Ludlow St”.

The members received and noted the Town Manager’s response (attached) in relation to a question from Cllr A Brennan.

Cllr P Fitzsimons

“What is the update on the CPO of land in relation to Kennedy Rd Car Park”.

The members received and noted the Town Manager’s response (attached) in relation to the question from Cllr P Fitzsimons.

The Members agreed that it was extremely important that this project proceed as soon as possible.


Fianna Fail – Cllr T Reilly, S Cassells, P Fitzsimons & C Reilly

“In the pursuance of best practise and in an effort to minimise disruption to the traders and residents of the Town during the Christmas trading period, we are calling on Navan Town Council/Meath Co Council to carry out planned Broadband works for November in the centre of the Town during the night and that all relevant roads be kept open during the hours of 7am to 7pm”.

This motion was proposed by Cllr. S. Cassells and seconded by Cllr. P. Fitzsimons.

The members raised the following issues:

Ø  Did the Co. Manager reply to questions put to him at the yesterdays Full Council Meeting which he said that he would have.

Ø  Members should have been informed of the various road closures/works being carried out around the Town.

Ø  The Council need to get the message out that Navan is open for business as this is the busiest time of the year for local traders.

Ø  The Members welcomed the postponement of works on Trimgate St.

Ø  The Members welcomed the fact that Timmons Hill would be completed over one weekend and that Ludlow St would be completed within 3 to 4 days.

Ø  The Members stated that the Council should acknowledge the patience and co-operation of members of public in carrying out the works.

Ø  Night works have been carried out on the Dublin Road and have been successful.

Ø  Europe carries out night works.

Ø  Not enough supervision on Flower Hill with broadband at the weekend.

Ø  Need to look after our ratepayers.

Ø  Eircom were not contacted regarding ducting with the broadband installation.

The Town Manager replied as follows to the issues raised by the Members:

q  Town Centre would cease over the Christmas period.

q  The Council were carrying out the works in a planned manner.

q  The Council were making a huge investment in Navan.

q  The extent of a Temporary Road Closure must take into consideration unplanned circumstances that may arise.

Cllr J Duffy

“That Navan Town Council investigates the construction of a walkway from Woodview Estate to the Trim Rd ( adjacent to Leinster Petroleum ) which will further enable the closure of the walk-through from Woodview to Woodlands thus preventing the ever increasing incidents of anti-social behaviour”.

This was proposed by Cllr. J. Duffy and Cllr. P. Fitzsimons seconded.

The Members raised the following issues:

v  This is an ongoing problem

v  There are issues of anti-social behaviour that have to be taken into consideration.

v  Require an alternative route onto the Trim Road.

v  This should be investigated to establish if there is public right of way between Woodlands and Woodview.

v  Need permission from Navan Town Council and Meath County Council to extinguish the public right of way.

v  Both estates experience a lot of traffic.

Cllr J Duffy

“That Navan Town Council address serious deficiencies in wheelchair accessibility at certain locations in Navan notably Academy St, Bridge St, Ludlow St, Circular Rd, Railway St, N3 at bottom of Flowerhill and at the Navan side of the New Bridge on N3 adjacent to Springfield Glen Road”.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr J Duffy and seconded by Cllr J Holloway

The Members raised the following issues:

v  There are a number area’s through-out the Town and approaches to the Town that require to be examined.

v  This issue was raised in February requesting an audit to be carried out.

v  Need pedestrian crossing at Ludlow Street with wheelchair access also at Pairc Tailteann and Abbey Road at the Shopping Centre.

v  The Council should commence the process of signing up to the Barcelona Agreement.

Cllr. J. Holloway

“ That in consideration of the Regional Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area and re-enforced in the National Spatial Strategy wherein Navan is designated as a Primary Development Centre, and with the ever increasing need to progress key infrastructure in Navan Town to realize this objective for growth and development, Navan Town Council calls for increased funding from Central Government so that the required infrastructure is delivered without any undue delay and that , in so far as is possible, contracts include provision for both night time and at weekend work”.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr. J. Holloway and seconded by Cllr. S. Cassells.

The members raised the following issues:

v  Increased funding required to provide for infrastructure.

v  Navan Town Council under resourced and understaffed.

v  Basic services missing from the town i.e. social capital, playground, park.

v  Navan identified in the spatial strategy, 7 key points identified which Navan has nearly met.

v  The Council must ensure Value for Money is achieved.

v  The Claremount Remedial Works is an example of where over-expenditure occurred.

Cllr J Holloway

“That Navan Town Council carry out an investigation of land to rear of St Ultans Terrace, and adjacent to N3 with a view to remedial works to deal with erosion in certain area’s and also to effect clearance of brushwood to rear houses No 13-16”.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr. J. Holloway and seconded by Cllr J Duffy.

The Members received and noted the response from the Executive (attached).

Cllr. A Brennan

“That Navan Town Council ensure that the new units on Old Cornmarket are finished. That the Council take a look at the damage to the cobblelock and ask P&T to finish the footpath in the interest of safety, also I would ask our Council to provide proper street lighting again in the interest of public safety”.