TBC—Bible Study Series «The Pilgrim Progress» Pastor J. A. Alexandre

Pilgrim’s Progress Chapter 1 Study Questions for Discussions and Applications

  1. What does it mean to be a pilgrim? Why do you think the metaphor of pilgrimage is a fitting description of the Christian life?
  2. What is Christian’s situation at the beginning of this story? What needs to change? What is the hope that is extended to Christian and to others in his situation?
  3. What is the city of destruction?
  4. In what sense are we inhabitants of the city of Destruction?
  5. What will happen to the city and its inhabitants?
  6. What’s the name of the Book he was reading?
  7. What does the burden of his back represent Read Psalm 38:4; Isaiah 64:6: Hebrews 2:2
  8. What was the reaction of the man’s wife and his kids when he shared his distress with them?
  9. What caused the man to realize that He had a burden when nobody else was carrying a burden? Support your response with Scripture reference.
  10. According to Isaiah 30:33, what is a Tophet?
  11. When the man ask Evangelist “whither must I fly?” What was the evangelist response?
  12. Who were the two friends who wanted to dissuade Christian? What do their names mean in reality?What was more important to Obstinate than leaving the City of Destruction?
  13. Which one is most difficult to deal with and why?
  14. What does the slough and the Despond represent?
  15. What advice did Mr. Worldly wisdom give Christian and how is this advice presented today?
  16. What happened to Christian for following Mr. Worldly advice?
  17. What was the rebuke Evangelist gave to Christian and what did it mean?
  18. In this story, does Christian find eternal life immediately or gradually? What truths does this communicate about salvation and the Christian life?


  • How does this Chapter illustrate the importance of conviction of sin in the process of repentance and faith.
  • What are the images or metaphors used to describe many of the spiritual obstacles that people encounter as they come to understand their need for salvation.
  • How does the chapter demonstrate the danger of seeking security in one’s own good works.
  • In what way does the chapter affirm that salvation and peace with God are only possible through the Person and work of Jesus Christ
  • What encouraging lessons have you learned from reading the First Chapter? Please share!