15:30 – 15:00 on Thursday 16 February 2017
Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa
Minutes of the Inaugural General Assembly of ITS Africa
16 February 2017
1. Introduction
The Inaugural General Assembly of ITS Africa took place back-to-back with the i-Transport & UATP Go Green – Go Smart Conference and Exhibition on The Future of Public Transport, held on 13 – 16 February 2017 at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg.
2. Welcome
As host of the i-Transport & UATP Conference Paul Vorster (CEO ITS South Africa) welcomes the attendees to the meeting. He explained the background to ITS Africa, introduced the Three Founding Members (ITS Ethiopia, ITS Nigeria and ITS South Africa).
He set out the purpose of the meeting and introduced Abiyu Berlie from ITS Ethiopia to brief the meeting on the “ITS Africa Working Draft By-laws”.
3. Working Draft By-laws:
Abiyu Berlie gave an overview of the Draft By-laws. The document in full will be circulated to attendees for review and comments by not later than Friday 31 March 2017.
Abiyu Berlie led the discussion, regarding the By-laws and the way forward.
Paul Vorster explained:
- The core function of ITS Africa is to assist with the establishment of national ITS Associations in fellow Africa countries to champion the deployment of ITS programs and projects in the respective countries;
- To serve as a Knowledge-and Technology Transfer vehicle for ITS from advanced countries to Africa
- To serve as platform for sharing best practices, experiences and expertise in ITS deployment among ITS Africa member societies across the continent;
- Enhance R&D in the ITS field and bring public and private stakeholders including academic institutions together to advance ITS Programs in Africa
- To support and strengthen the member organisations of ITS Africa.
4. Resolution:
After a brief discussion, the meeting resolved:
- To proceed with the legalisation process to formally establish ITS Africa;
- Mandate the three Founding Members to serve as an the Interim Board of Directors until the next General Assembly, a date for which to be determined;
- ITS South Africa will fulfill in the interim the role of the Secretariat to facilitate the process;
- Prior to the next ITS Africa General Assembly develop a Business Plan, which will serve as a guide to implement the ITS Africa Mission, Goals and Activities as envisaged in the By-laws; and
- Encourages the Interim Board to pursue the establishment of other national ITS Societies, Working Groups and Associations.
5. Attendance
Organisation / Name / SurnameAecom / Keith / Mitchell
Ethiopian Roads Authority / Warkan / Kassie
Fluor Corporation / Gabriel / Ozique
ITS Ethiopia / Abiyu / Berlie
ITS Nigeria / Debo / Shopade
ITS South Africa / Paul / Vorster
ITS South Africa/Techso / Wim / Ferreira
ITS UK / Jennie / Martin
Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) / Wilson / Batista
SA National Roads Agency (SANRAL) / Kersen / Naidoo
Stellenbosch University / Megan / Bruwer
Stellenbosch University/Techso / Johann / Andersen
SYNTELL / Brian / Adams
SYNTELL / Marius / Barnard
SYNTELL / Andrew / Houliston
SYNTELL / Rob / Sik
Syntell / Henk / Botha
Traffic Management Technologies (TMT) / Tony / Huggett
WhereIsMyTransport (WIMT) / Madeline / Zhu
6. Closure
As host of the meeting Paul Vorster expressed the appreciation of the three Founding Members for the support and encouragement received from multiple stakeholders and interested parties.
The meeting adjourned at 17:00.