AkutraCea TCH150O The Hyper-transport Portal
The Hyper-transport PortalAkutra R A Cea
Completed : 06/16/2013
Due : 06/16/2013
University of Advancing Technology
.The invention of the hyper-transport portal designed to transport physical and non-physical (objects and materials) vast distances would instantly alter the landscape of our existence in a dramatic way. Initially this may be used in a stationary location to quickly and easily send wealthy people and others such as astronaut’s vast distances. After the station, a portable version would most likely be developed to allow people to freely roam around the universe. With the development of the internet, far away things already seem close as if they are nearby. Personally, it seems the first to develop a means to actually transfer a physical item in such a way would stand to profit big. As the internet develops it will become a lot more intense with vast amounts of content being a hyper-click away. It only seems logical that with profit incentive and the development path currently in accelerated development mode that someone will eventually find a way to transfer a physical item.
Transferring a physical item will take the technology to a whole new level. Researchers currently spend a lot of time working on ways to transfer large quantities of data and light as fast and far as possible. A truly brilliant developer will decide and discover a way to actually transmit physical molecules and for the sake of this paper, it is an invention I would love to invent and/or have. The portable version would be very exciting giving rise to the real possibilities of one truly exploring the vast galaxies. All those stars, worlds and beyond that we could explore is so vast.
This invention has the possibility to quickly and vastly alter the landscape of our society. Today we already live with some results of high-speed internet. In 2008, people who reported to be full time work-at-home amounted to 2.5 million while in 2010 9.4 million reported to be working at home (Wikipedia.org). At the same time, 50 million people report to ‘work at home’‘some’ times. Besides working at home, people everywhere can be reached nearly instantly via eMail, Instant Message, smartphones, Facebook, Skype, Twitter to name only a few. The world truly is becoming reach-ably smaller every day. When we finally send people to Mars, I am sure they will utilize satellites to connect to the internet allowing them to contact family and friends as well as the space company who sent them. People everywhere save time and money every day. People are more in contact than ever before even if it at times is less physical. Bridging the gap between the contact and physical contact will be an amazing feat.
Some people may not consider this development the greatest thing we could have done. Communities can mix culturally with people from far reaching places, and young people can find easier ways to go their own way. New undesirables can more easily find their way to your little corner of the universe. People can develop hyper-work scenarios in order to compete with the far reaching globalization of the economy. Such people may be in constant contact with work and be under pressure with a shrinking budget brought on due to global competition. Land prices could possibly take a dive with land being plentiful and available where people can live on Mars and commute to Earth with ease. Yet that will require the development of environmental infrastructure to live on Mars. The internet may allow cheap labor in other countries to perform tasks previously held by locals in order to improve the profit margin necessary.
Instant access all around the globe also gives rise to new security threats where hackers can literally beam in. Hopefully, that is balanced by the idea that the law enforcement can do the same. Generally, the landscape will shift as people find all sort of ways to utilize resources previously unreachable and some people may need to adjust and possibly re-educate in order to maintain employment. Whole planets of resources would be available causing extremely odd results in the markets. While art and collectables such as that old baseball cards will retain its value yet raw materials (as they are discovered and transportable) being more plentiful may suddenly drop in price. Having the machinery to refine the raw materials will most likely suddenly be more profitable with more resources demanding services. Each generation will see the adjustment of the former being easier, yet new adjustments will arise until we reach a plateau of this technology. That plateau may be the result of the development of a real hyper-transport portal and even then there will be new developments that can be achieved with it. There are always those who have difficulty changing, and to a certain extent I understand that things become comfortable where change at times may seem unnecessary and unhelpful even if in the long run it will be vastly beneficial.
Culture and ideas will be accessible from anywhere, at any time. Currently, people already begin to experience the smaller world effect with a quick Google search. In a short while, they will be able to walk into a virtual world such as Sims, Second Life and video games. In such online ‘worlds’ players can interact with other plays who may be far away or nearby in real time. Imagine the invention of a physical hyper-portal where one could also simply go visit India for dinner then back in time to watch a local movie with a local friend. The possibility of cross culturalization is immense and it will happen. Fortunately, people tend to like things they identify with and so despite enjoying visitations they will still purchase according to their own tastes (not that it really matters).
Astronauts and explorers will reach new heights with easier than ever instant access to the destination point. Sending people to other planets for routine research will be quick and easy. Having developed lots of crafts to get around, people will suddenly not need them unless they want to take the scenic route. However, I suspect that it would take a while before the transport technology would be available to the general public. It seems that whole new sorts of nomadic life styles would develop. Shows like ‘Firefly’ and ‘Timebandits’ suddenly within reach. One of the greatest things will be that people will no longer be trapped here, if they want to leave earth there will be vast galaxies awaiting them. Some may even try to run from their debts to other planets which could give rise to new forms of debt collectors. All of these developments could have very odd consequences on the development of society.
Thus far we have spent billions of dollars in Aero-Space development primarily on fossil-fuel engines. It is very plausible that these vehicles might become fossils themselves. While in some ways it would help the world’s supply of natural resource, would it be better than further developing the spacecraft? I must say yes. The ship would most likely continue to develop only the propulsion would change dramatically. Really, large quantities of other planets are not atmosphere habitable without special considerations. I suspect that the space craft would actually see a new boom in development as people desire to travel around and fossil fuel uses would decline.
Verifying the information one is reading on the internet would be a breeze. People could quickly visit any location and see for themselves. If they could not afford to utilize the hyper-transport themselves, they could grab the virtual helmet and walk through the VR version online. I mean the possibilities are amazing, and today we can maintain the records of anything for as long as there is someone available to perform the backup.
The results and impacts of the development of the hyper-transport portal run wild in my mind with possibilities. The amazing changes of the invention would nearly transform all facets of society. However, it is an easy development to find ‘previews of’ with the invention of the internet and the current progress of technology.The development of the internet where we already experience new risks will develop the possibility of hackers showing up in your backyard. I feel that new security agencies also being able to show up in your back yard will develop which will help handle this, and therefore I fear not. A single catastrophic event will no longer threaten humans as a species. The largest threat in my opinion is the contact/exposure with some disease or alien that will prove difficult to cure. Nobody will need to return to the Earth when they die unless they really want to (which would eventually occur with more conventional means as well). The wealth may shift a bit from raw materials to art, collectables, artifacts as well as manufacturing muscle. If we read our history books we see references to similar scenarios that have occurred such as the discovery of the Americas. The development of this technology seems like something our society is currently locked in as a direction; short of a dramatic reverse or collapse in course it seems to be an eventual development.
Volti, R. (2010). Society and Technological Change. New York: Worth Publishers.
Wikipedia.org. (n.d.). Telecommuting. Retrieved 06 16, 2013, from Wikipedia.org:
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