SATS ModulAIR Series
7 –20 Ton "MCS" Vertical Floor Mounted Precision Control Air Conditioners
Product Guide Specification
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1.1 Summary
This specification describes requirements for a precision environmental control system. The ModulAIR “MCS” vertical floor-mounted air conditioning system shall provide precision temperature and/or humidity control for computer rooms or rooms containing telecommunications or other highly-sensitive heat load equipment where continuous 24 hour a day, 365 days a year air conditioning is required. Designed for front-only access, “MCS” systems require minimum floor space. The units are designed with a wide range of options to handle both precision and comfort cooling applications.
The supplied system shall be labeled in accordance to UL 1995 Standard, and MEA NYC approved (MEA-163-88-E) (CSA if applicable) listings.
The system model number shall be ______.
The environmental control system shall be an SATS ModulAIR factory-assembled unit. The unit shall be designed for corner installation, requiring front only access through a hinged and removable front access panel. The electric box shall hinge outward allowing for front only access to all components. No allowance for side service access shall be required, however removable side access panels shall be provided for additional access. On direct expansion models, the refrigeration system shall be split with a matching outdoor air-cooled condenser, or with the compressor located in a remote or close-coupled condensing unit.
The evaporator section shall be specifically designed for high sensible heat ratio. The heat exchanger shall be propeller fan (for outdoor installation) or centrifugal fan (for indoor installation).
Each system shall be capable of handling ______CFM (L/S) at ______inches (mm) of water external static pressure with (up discharge front return air flow, down discharge top return air flow, up discharge rear return air flow pattern. The unit shall have the cooling capacity of ______Btu/hr (kW) and the sensible cooling capacity of ______Btu/hr (kW), based on entering air condition of ______°F (°C) dry bulb and ______°F (°C) wet bulb. The humidifier shall have the capacity of ______lb/hr (kg/hr.). Reheat shall have a capacity of ______Btu/hr (kW). The main fan motor(s) shall be ______HP (kW).
The unit shall have a power supply of ______volts, ______phase, ______Hz.
A submittal shall be provided with the proposal and shall include:
Single-line Diagram
Dimensional, electrical, and capacity data; and
Piping and electrical connection drawings.
ModulAIR systems are designed and built using only quality components. Every unit passes through 10 quality assurance inspection stations. Each person involved with the welding, assembly, piping, wiring, testing, and final cleanup and crating initials their work. After final cleanup, the units are again inspected by our quality supervisor to ensure that the system received is in top condition. Each system is subject to a complete operational and functional test procedure at the factory.
2.1 Cabinet and Frame Construction
The cabinet and access panels shall be fabricated from 16 gauge galvanized steel and painted with a 2-ply epoxy finish to match and provide corrosion protection. The panels shall be lined with 1/2" (13 mm), 2 lb (.90 kg), high-density sound and thermal insulation and sealed with self-extinguishing gasketing conforming to NFPA 90A and 90B. The main unit color shall be ______.
2.2Electric System
2.2.1Modular Motor Controllers
The systems shall incorporate modular motor controllers utilizing motor start protectors and circuit breakers to eliminate the need for fuses. All wiring shall be in accordance with the National Electric Code (NEC) and shall include:
* Motor branch circuit short circuit protection;
* Motor load switching controllers (contactors) and
* Motor overload protection.
The control circuit shall be a 24 VAC Class II low voltage circuit, including primary and secondary circuit protection. Low voltage, high voltage, and common wires shall be color-coded and shall be individually numbered at each end for ease of service tracing. All wiring shall be in accordance with the National Electric Code (NEC).
2.2.2Remote Stop / Start Contacts
Included in the system’s electrical control circuit shall be a 2 –pin terminal connection for remote stop/start of the ModulAIR air conditioner by remote source.
2.2.3Main Power-Electric Non-Fused Disconnect Switch
The unit mounted main power disconnect switch factory provided, is as standard. The disconnect switch shall be dust-proof, non-fused type with a lockable handle.
2.3 Direct Expansion System
2.3.1 A-Frame Coils
The system shall be configured for a draw-thru air pattern to provide uniform air distribution over the coil face. The coils shall be an A-Frame (3 to 5 ton) design to provide maximum coil surface area and minimum depth to provide a high sensible cooling capacity. The coils shall be seamless drawn copper tubes, mechanically bonded to tempered aluminum fins with a raised lanced fin design for maximum heat transfer. Coil end plates shall be hot dipped galvanized steel. The evaporator coil shall be mounted in an insulated UL-94-V-O polymeric or stainless steel condensate drain, depending upon COS model size
The evaporator coil shall have a ______ft² (m²) face area and be ______rows deep. It shall be constructed of copper tubes and aluminum fins and have a maximum face velocity of ______ft/min (m/s) at ______CFM (L/S). Refrigerant flow shall be controlled by an externally equalized thermostatic expansion valve.
2.3.2 Refrigeration System
All refrigerant piping shall be refrigerant grade tubing. Each refrigeration circuit shall include, as a minimum a refrigerant drier/strainer sight glass with moisture detector, a thermal expansion valve with rapid bleed port feature and external equalizer, an evaporator coil, a compressor, a high pressure switch with manual reset, and a low pressure switch with automatic reset.
Split/Remote systems shall have a liquid line solenoid for refrigerant isolation to prevent liquid slugging. All high-pressure joints shall be brazed, and the entire system shall be pressure tested at the factory with dry nitrogen, evacuated to at least 50 microns and fully charged with refrigerant.
2.3.3 Scroll Compressor
The compressor shall be high efficiency, high reliability and low noise scroll compressor(s). The compressor shall be complete with charging and service shraeder ports, internal vibration isolation, internal thermal overloads, an internal pressure relief valve, an internal discharge gas vibration eliminator, and external vibration mounting isolation.
2.4Fan Section
2.4.1 Belt Driven Systems
The blower(s) shall be belt driven with a double-width, double-inlet housing and forward-curved blades and permanently lubricated ball bearings sized for an average 100,000 hours of service life. The blower(s) shall be dynamically and statically balanced to minimize vibration and operate in the Class 1 range. The blower(s) shall be corrosion protected with a painted housing and impeller wheel. The blower(s) shall have an adjustable base for belt tensioning and a locking system to prevent the motors from moving. The motor’s drive sheave shall have an adjustable pitch to change the speed of the blowers. The motor(s) shall be 1725 rpm and shall have overload protection and a minimum NEMA service factor of 1.15.
The fan motor shall be ______hp(kW) at 1750 rpm.
2.5Advanced Microprocessor Temperature and Humidity Control
The standard ModulAiR “MCS” floor A/C includes the A-Tech-20 Microprocessor Controller, Electrode Canister Humidifier and Dehumidification Mode with Electric Reheat/ Heat providing precision temperature and humidity control. Display Key Pad
The Display Key Pad shall feature an easy to read, 4 Row x 20 Character liquid-crystal alpha-numerical display. The attractive remote mounted (standard) keypad/display, allows the operator to visually monitor and customize unit functions and settings. The self-explanatory, keypad nomenclature shall aid in the ease of location of system programming features.
The performing of simple functions such as adjusting the Temperature or Humidity set point are made obvious:
Press TEMP SETPT or HUMID SETPT, ARROW UP or DOWN to adjust & press ENTER to accept. Field Configurable
The A-Tech-20 controller is field program configurable and capable of matching the unique needs of any data center, telecommunication or other critical area. Display Location
The A-Tech-20 keypad/display shall be unit mounted as the standard. Sensor Location
The A-Tech-20 temperature and humidity sensor shall be return air, unit mounted as a standard. A remote wall mounted sensor is also available to ship loose. A 75 ft. remote sensor interconnect cable shall be provided as a standard with the A-Tech-20 remote sensor option. System Setup & Adjustments
The A-Tech-20 shall be completely factory preprogrammed, and therefore, most applications will require no field setup. However, the “default” set points and their ranges are easily adjusted from A-Tech-20 kepad/display.
The system shall be supplied with the following factory preprogrammed and field adjustable default settings: Temp/Humid Control:
Temp Set Point72°FDB
Humidity Set Point50%RH
Heat/Cool Dead-Band2°FDB
Humid/Dehumid Dead-Band 5%RH
Inter-stage Differential1°FDB Alarms:
High Temp Alarm80°FDB
Low Temp Alarm60°FDB
High Humid Alarm70%RH
Low Humid Alarm30%RH Compressor Short Cycle:
Cold-Start Time Delay3 min
Minimum ON Time2 min
Minimum OFF Time4 min Unit Status Display
The A-Tech-20 keypad displays current unit functions and room status:
• Current Dry Bulb Temp Set Point
• Current Relative Humidity Set Point Current Unit Status
• System ON/OFF• Free Cooling
• Cooling• AWS Cooling
• Heating• Compr. Lock-Out
• Humidifying• Capacity Assist
• Dehumidifying• Standby Mode
• Reheating• Manual Mode
• Actual Room DB Temperature
• Actual Room Relative Humidity Run Times
The historical run-time in hours of the following major components shall be available directly from the A-Tech-20 keypad/display: (if applicable)
• Evaporator Blower Motor
• Compressor
• Humidifier
• Chilled Water Valve
• Free-Cooling Valve
• Alternate Water Source Valve Alarm Conditions
Alarm conditions activate an audible and visual indicator. An alarm shall be acknowledged through an Alarm Mute button located on the keypad display.
The A-Tech-20 alerts to the following alarm conditions (if applicable):
• High Temperature• Dirty Filter
• Low Temperature• Smoke Detection
• High Humidity• Firestat
• Low Humidity• Leak Detection
• High Head Press• GC Pump Failure
• Low Suction Press• Sensor Failure
• Loss of Air Flow• Comm. Failure
The operator may select which alarms are active or inactive. Summary Alarm Contact
A summary alarm dry-contact (n/o) connection shall be available for remote annunciation of an alarm condition. An additional user-defined Custom alarm dry-contact shall also be available on most system configurations. Alarm History
The A-Tech-20 controller provides users with a recorded history of the last 25 alarms, including the time and date of the alarm. Control Inputs/Outputs
The A-Tech-20 is capable of both digital (on/off) and analog (proportional integral, PI) input and output device control. Prior to shipment, each CyberONE unit's A-Tech-20 is factory program configured to match the unit's system operational requirements. Digital (On/Off) Outputs
• 2(two) Cool
• 2(two) Reheat/Heat (3rd opt.)
• 1(one) Humidification Analog (0-10 VDC) Outputs
• 1(one) Cool
• 1(one) Reheating/Heat or
1(one) Humidification Temperature Anticipation
The A-Tech-20 shall incorporate a self-calibrating and self-adjusting control logic that adjusts the response of the SATS air conditioner to changes in temperature and humidity. The system shall provide premium setpoint accuracy while controlling the room conditions rate of change, minimizing the equipment energy consumption and maximizing the system’s operating life and reliability. Power Loss Restart
In the event of a loss of power to the system, the A-Tech-20 can be configured for Automatic or Manual Restart. The A-Tech-20's non-volatile memory enables the system to restart when power is restored, without the loss of the "last" stored set points and other system configuration settings. Sequential Load Activation
To minimize the total in rush current loads during system startup/restart, the A-Tech-20 controller shall be configured for time-delay sequence startup. The user can designate specific unit restart time-delays, as well as, each unit's respective compressor, electric heater and/or humidifier. Unit restart delay can be adjusted from 0 to 10 minutes. Unit compressor, electric heater and/or humidifier restart delay can be adjusted from 0 to 60 seconds. Recovery Delay
After a power loss, the A-Tech-20's Recovery Delay feature allows the A/C to operate without initiating any high or low temperature or humidity alarms for a delayed period. This feature allows the A/C time (15 to 60 minutes adj.) to "pull-down" the conditioned space's load without nuisance alarms during initial startup or power loss restart. Compressor Operations Short Cycle Protection
Each compressor shall be protected from frequent compressor cycling through the A-Tech-20's minimum compressor ON and minimum compressor OFF short cycle timers.
7 Cold Start Time Delay
Each compressor of a DX Split system shall be protected from liquid slugging through the A-Tech-20's Cold Start compressor time delay. The Cold Start timer delays, and therefore, overrides the system's refrigerant low suction pressure switch during system startup. This allows the system time to build sufficient discharge pressure during cold weather startup. Pump-Down Cycle
The A-Tech-20 shall be pre-programmed for a one-time refrigerant system pump-down cycle upon compressor shutdown on all split DX systems. This assists in the prevention of liquid slugging at startup/restart. Security
Multiple security levels prevent unauthorized adjustment of critical system parameters. The user may select a four-digit password for setpoint and configuration changes. Keypad Lockout
The A-Tech-20 includes a selectable Keypad Lock-Out feature that prevents unauthorized users from making changes to system setpoints and settings available directly from the multi-function keypad/display. Keypad Lock-Out eliminates the need for stat-guards. Diagnostic & Service Mode
The A-Tech-20 shall incorporate a unique self-diagnostics algorithm that continually tests systems functions and hardware operation. In the event of such a failure, the user will be alerted to the condition via a visual and audible alarm. Control Board
The Control Board shall initiate a self-test of the control system. Input Diagnostics
All system inputs and output devices shall be continuously monitored for proper operation. Output Diagnostics
(Service Mode)
Major component functionality can be tested by manually turning components ON and OFF from the A-Tech-20 control panel. Select outputs devices that can be manually tested include (if applicable):
• Compressor 1 or 2• CW Valve
• Blower Motor• HW Valve
• Humidifier• FC Valve
• Heat 1, 2 or 3 stgs• AWS Valve
• Summary Alarm• Liq-Line Solenoid
• Custom Alarm 1• GC Pump Enable Time Clock & Night Set-back
The A-Tech-20 shall include both Time Clock and Night Set-Back occupied/non-occupied energy saving modes. These features enable the user to customize each unit's daily 5-day/weekly and 2-day/weekend operational scheduled. Time Clock Feature
The Time-Clock feature enables the user to create an automatic time schedule for the unit to be allowed ON. Typically, the Time-Clock 5-2 day schedule limits unit operation to occupied periods only. Night Set-Back Feature
The Night Set-Back features enables the user to create a schedule for automatic relaxing of the units temperature and humidity control set points. For example, during the space occupied periods of 7am to 6pm, the unit operates at a temperature setpoint of 72°F. Then, during the space unoccupied periods of 6pm to 7am the next morning, the temperature setpoint automatically "relaxes" to 77°F. The Set-Back schedule resets again after 7am that morning where the temperature setpoint changes back to 72°F for Day Time Operation. Override Feature
During the unoccupied time cycles, the user can temporarily "override" the Time-Clock and/or Set-Back features. The user can override these functions for a timed duration of 1 to 6 hours. Cyber Networking Options CyberLAN – Multi-Unit “N+1” Sequencing (Optional)
Critical control applications shall incorporate the A-Tech-20's Cyber-LAN multi-unit sequencing program logic. Under an A/C failure condition the A-Tech-20 will automatically initiate the unit operation of a designated standby/backup unit, as well as, locally and remotely alert the alarm condition. Multi-Unit Sequencing (Optional)
Multiple ModulAiR air conditioners incorporating A-Tech-20 controls shall be configured in groups of up to quantity 6(six) units to allow for "N+1" redundancy/backup critical application operation.
The "N" in N+1, represents the number of concurrent units in an On-Line Operational Mode with quantity 1(one) unit in a standby mode. The value of "N" shall range from 1 unit to a maximum of 5 units with a minimum and maximum of 1 unit in standby mode.
To allow for equal unit runtime and/or to ensure unit operation, the A-Tech-20 shall be configured for automatic timed and/or manual lead-lag of standby unit operation.
The CyberLAN Multi-Unit Sequencing control logic shall automatically initiate the current standby unit upon a user selectable system failure alarm condition.
The A-Tech-20 is programmed to automatically change from current primary unit operation to secondary standby unit operation via three methods:
1)Manual ChangeOver