Call for Papers
Memory, Commemoration and Mediation
For PhD candidates and research master students
Participation free
31 March 2015
Organisers: Marguérite Corporaal, Chris Cusack and Lindsay Janssen
Next spring, Dr Guy Beiner and Dr Emily Mark-FitzGerald, two distinguished scholars working on memory and commemoration, will visit Radboud University. On 31 March, the Relocated Remembrance project group and Graduate School for the Humanities will host a double masterclass by Beiner and Mark-FitzGerald. We will explore issues related to commemoration, recollection, and the mediation of the past in the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries and the transfer of memory in different media. This masterclass will give participants the opportunity to consider important questions about culture, history and identity in an increasingly globalised world.
The day will consist of a morning and an afternoon session, with a free lunch for participants. The number of participants is limited. For each session, we will distribute secondary reading in advance, to be read in preparation. We will discuss texts by important theorists such as Andreas Huyssen, Ann Rigney, and the guest speakers themselves.
In addition, two participants per session will be given the opportunity to present a 15-minute paper on their work and receive feedback from an expert and their peers. For this, we invite the submission of 200-word abstracts before 15 February to the email address below. If you wish to attend without presenting a paper, please register by email before 15 March 2015.
Those attending the masterclass (and not preparing a paper) will receive 1 EC for their participation. Those attending the masterclass and presenting a paper, will receive 2 ECs for their participation.
For the submission of abstracts, registration, and further enquiries, please email Lindsay Janssen at .
Morning session 9.30-12.30
Guy Beiner
Premediation and Remediation
Dr Guy Beiner is senior lecturer in history at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, and a Gerda Henkel Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Oxford. His book Remembering the Year of the French (2007) won a host of important prizes. His current work focuses on social forgetting, particularly in the Irish province of Ulster. He approaches this topic primarily through vernacular sources, including oral history and folklore.
12.30-13.30 Lunch
Afternoon session 13.30-16.30
Emily Mark-FitzGerald
Methodologies of Memory: Monuments and Commemoration
Dr Emily Mark-FitzGerald is a lecturer in the School of Art History and Cultural Policy at University College Dublin. Her book Commemorating the Irish Famine: Memory and the Monument came out in 2013. Her research has been supported by a variety of awards and scholarships, including funding from the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, the Government of Canada and the Royal Irish Academy. Her current project looks at migration museums in the US, Canada, and Australia.
Although we expect participants to attend both sessions, it is also possible to attend only one. If you can only attend one session, please let us know beforehand.
After the masterclass, participants are invited to attend the opening lecture by Guy Beiner of the conference Irish Studies and the Dynamics of Memory (
Secondary reading (to be read in advance; digital copies will be distributed to participants):
Guy Beiner:
- Astrid Erll, ‘Remembering across Time, Space, and Cultures: Premediation, Remediation and the “Indian Mutiny”’ in Astrid Erll and Ann Rigney (eds.), Mediation, Remediation, and the Dynamics of Cultural Memory (Berlin and New York, 2009), pp 109–38.
- Ann Rigney, The Afterlives of Walter Scott: Memory on the Move (Oxford, 2012), chapter 2: ‘Procreativity: Remediation and Rob Roy’, pp 49–76.
-An additional optional text, for those interested in interrogating the origins of the terms in media studies: Richard A. Grusin, Premediation: Affect and Mediality after 9/11 (Basingstoke and New York, 2010), chapters 1 (‘Remediating 9/11’) and 2 (‘Premediation’), pp 8–61.
Emily Mark-FitzGerald:
-Huyssen, Andreas. 'Present Pasts: Media, Politics, Amnesia', inPresent Pasts: Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of Memory. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003, 11–29.
- Kansteiner, Wulf. 'Finding Meaning in Memory: A Methodological Critique of Collective Memory Studies.'History and Theory41, no. 2 (2002): 179–97.
- Mark-FitzGerald, Emily. ''Famine memory and the gathering ofstones: genealogies of belonging'.Atlantic Studies: Global Currents, 11:3 (2014): 419–435.
- Young, James, ed.The Art of Memory: Holocaust Memorials in History. New York/London: Prestel/Thames and Hudson, 1994. (essays by Young and Huyssen), 9–38.