
Task 10.2.2: Semester Planning Book

EDE/EEX 4945 – Student Teaching in Elementary Education/ Exceptional Student Education

Educator Accomplished Practice Indicators: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
Scoring Rubric
View the complete text of Standard and Indicators for this Task

Task Description

This task will allow you to document how you are able to plan on a continuous basis throughout an entire semester and are capable of changing as needed. You will develop a teacher plan book to record your instructional activities. . Lesson plans should be ready at least two days in advance. Lesson plans should include differentiation of instructional activities, assessment and/or progress monitoring tools. The plan book will be checked periodically when supervisors are in your classroom (so it should be available and with you at all times) and turned in at the end of the semester.

What to submit?

The plan book will indicate how you are gradually taking over responsibility in the classroom and when you are teaching full-time. Beginning with the first class that you teach, you will maintain a lesson plan book that is consistent with the format with the lesson plan book that is required for your cooperating teacher. Your day to day entries should contain the same depth of information that is required of your cooperating teacher. You must reference the Next Generations Sunshine State Standards that are taught in each lesson.


1. During the first two weeks of the internship, learn the components that are required for documentation of a teacher’s lesson plans.

2. Beginning with the week that you pick up your first class, start a lesson plan book that meets or exceeds the school requirement for documentation of lesson planning and teaching of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards.

3. Maintain the plan book throughout the semester with current entries at least one day beyond your teaching responsibility. Have it available for review by the cooperating or supervising teacher at all times during the internship.

4. Turn this lesson plan book(or copy of this lesson plan book) in to your supervising teacher after the last teaching week or in the sixteenth week of your internship.

Top of Form

Task 10.2.2: Semester Planning Record

Name: ______/ Submission #: ____
Decision for F.E.A.P. on this Task (check one):
Demonstrated: / 5 or more ratings are effective; none are unacceptable.
Partially Demonstrated: / No more than 3 ratings are developing; at least 2 are
effective; none are unacceptable.
Not Demonstrated: / 1 or more ratings are unacceptable.

Rating Scale Key: E = effective;D = developing; U = unacceptable

Element / # / Criteria for "effective" rating / Rating
Lesson Plan Book / 1.1 / The intern teacher has included the appropriate Next Generation Sunshine/Common Core Standards for the lessons taught. / __ E __ D __ U
1.2 / The intern teacher has correctly documented lesson plans for all weeks of teaching and the sequence ensures coherence and required prior knowledge. / __ E __ D __ U
1.3 / The teacher plan book documents topic development and enough time to ensure that students can achieve mastery of concepts taught. / __ E __ D __ U
1.4 / The teacher plan book documents appropriate assessment activities and intervals to collect appropriate data for monitoring student learning. / __ E __ D __ U
1.5 / The teacher plan book contains entries that document the intern teacher’s ability to adjust planning and improved the effectiveness of lessons in engaging students and impacting student learning outcomes. / __ E __ D __ U
1.6 / The teacher plan book contains lesson topics and activities that require students to demonstrate a variety of applicable skills and competencies. / __ E __ D __ U

Grade for Task:


Revised 4/23/13